Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 363 - Secrets

Chapter 363 - Secrets

Su Wan looked around a bit disoriented before taking Lin Yan's hand and getting up from the cold floor. She looked at Lin Yan whose gaze gave gone crystallised and sighed, this was going to hurt alright. But she was tired of playing this hide and seek game with him, Lin Yan could believe that he was doing a well good job of hiding what was wrong with him but she knew better.

She knew that she have to confront him at first she wanted to ease him up a bit before bringing up the topic, she sure as hell hoped that he was relaxed and willing to come out because today will be the end of everything. She wasn't going to jump around, worried to pursue the matter or anxious to hop on a landmine.

He was going to tell her what he was hiding whether he likes it or not.

Su Wan rubbed her face and then dusted the back of her skirt? " I will bring something for us to eat and then we will talk, and when I say talk - you know what I mean you will not run out of this room, because I know where you are going to hide anyway, alright?"

She didn't want to threaten him but Lin Yan need to confront things without running away from them. It's not like she was ever going to hurt him if she knew about the truth right?

Lin Yan opened his mouth most likely to say that he didn't want to talk about it or something like that but Su Wan didn't give him a chance to say it, she narrowed her eyes and crouched down so that she was just around his level as he sat on his bed before softly whispering " trust on me a little bit alright? I'm not going to hurt you.? No matter what, alright?"

Lin Yan quietened at that, he didn't refuse but he didn't agree either. Su Wan knew that it would be a hard job to crack him but she was willing to be patient with him, he was - she didn't know how to explain it but he was just too fragile.? She was afraid to break him with the slightest bit of push, she wanted answers but not with the consequences of losing him.

She sighed again and straightened up once again, she knew that marriage was more than sunshine and daisies, it was a bed of roses full of thorns and everything but for the sake of her husbands she was willing to walk down the path but the bottom line was that they have to walk it down together with her.? She cupped his face, and he flinched - a part of her heart felt hurt at his rejection nonetheless she removed her hand from his face before softly speaking to him, trying to keep her voice as mild as she could as if she was talking to an injured wolf pup she needed to treat " we are in this together alright?"

Lin Yan nodded, he didn't want to but he did - she was right. They were in this together, as her husband he have to keep faith in his wife with his secrets. Even though he was scared, he can't escape from the truth for long but because that's something he needs to face it sooner or later. " alright "

Since Su Wan wanted to make Lin Yan relax as much as she could. She decided to prepare her grandmother's special dish - Hulatang. Hulatang's a Chinese breakfast soup dish prepared with meatballs and vegetables in spices like white pepper, Szechuan peppercorns and, chilli oil.

It wasn't unique or extremely difficult to make but it always lifted her mood.

Because this was a ' cheer up ' dish for Lin Yan, Su Wan was extremely careful in every step. From mincing the beef to combining all the ingredients to make the meatballs to frying them in the wok, she never looked away.

Though she was a chef who was always careful when she was cooking, today she was even more careful. Even while finishing the Hulatang with the chilli oil on top, she was very meticulous. Not even adding a single drop extra to make it spicier than Lin Yan could take it.

Lin Chen who have already smelled the tantalizing aroma came rushing inside the kitchen, he looked around the kitchen stove and immediately scooped a little of Hulatang to taste before he smacked his lips and started to blow rainbow farts for Su Wan " Wan Wan, this is really delicious. I'm afraid that I might swallow my fingers as well if I eat it !"

Su Wan heard his excessive praise and felt her lips twitch, before she scooped the soup and poured it into two bowls " alright, alright. Don't think I don't know you like overpraising me like this. But no matter how much you praise me today, I can't eat with you nor can I baby you - today I'm going to be eating with Yan in his room. Alright ?"

"in second brothers room? Why !" Lin Chen didn't like the idea of sharing Su Wan so early in the morning. The day has just started what was with this battle formation so early in the morning? Was he late? That couldn't be right. Lin Chen peered outside, the day was still starting. Even Shen Junxi, this early riser wasn't up yet.

And yet, his second brother was already up and about!

Su Wan paused, as she placed the two bowls in a tray and picked it up " he caught a cold and can't come out. So I will be taking care of him, after all, when I was sick, he took care of me"

" I took care of you too!" retorted Lin Chen at once, not wanting to back down at all.

Su Wan gave him a pitying glance before walking out of the kitchen " well, you aren't sick are you?"

" that -" to this Lin Yan had nothing to answer, his physique was too tough. He couldn't fall sick no matter what he did, but was it his fault that he was born with a tough physique? He wasn't in the wrong here!

However, when he thought about Su Wan taking care of him - Lin Chen was determined to fall sick!


" I don't want to ask, but what in the world are you doing?" asked Lin Yu looking at Lin Chen who was dumping cold water on his head vat after vat. Why? Why can't he just have a peaceful, normal day in this house? Was it too much to ask? Every time! Every time something weird keeps happening!

" I'm taking a bath can't you see?" snapped Lin Chen as he dumped another vat of cold water on his head.? His lips quivering and his entire body trembling because of the cold.

' with cold water?' mused Lin Yu but decided not to comment, this stupidity -he might stay as far away from it.. In case he catches it as well.

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