Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 352 - Stunned By The Hateful Glare

Chapter 352 - Stunned By The Hateful Glare

If Su Wan wasn't afraid of ruining Lin Rui's farewell she would have sobbed like ugly sobbed until her eyes were swollen, but she couldn't. Shedding tears while saying goodbye wasn't a sign of good luck, so she hugged Lin Rui as tight as she could. Trying to put her feelings in this one hug until she would see him again when she was a kid she could never get the love of her mother and thus, she became a bit obsessed with the idea of a man loving her.

Which was why she jumped on Wang Tao's wagon at the slightest show of gentleness from him, she didn't even know him that well only two months and yet she handed him her entire life just because she thought he was kind to her.? By the time she woke up from her obsession, she was an old woman in her thirties with a cheating husband on her back and lots of broken pieces of her heart that she had to pick up from the start.

Her obsession with love vanished and so did her hope of having a fairy tale of her own. She was sure, she was going to spend the rest of her life hating all men, no matter what kind but fortunately, she had these men. They should her what a ' real man ' means, Lin Rui had said the exact words that she wanted to hear, that she was enough, that she was perfect and that he would return to her side no matter how far he goes, how can she not love this man - who understood her so well? How could she not go obsessed and possessive of these brothers when they were everything she dreamed of?

" you have to remember what you said, if you bring another woman back - I will drown her in the well," said Su Wan though she was clearly trying to threaten him, her voice was so nasally that it sounded more cute than threatening.

Lin Rui laughed and then rocked Su Wan, patting her back " the same could be said for you, you aren't allowed to forget me. And you need to answer all my letters or else I will teach you a good lesson when I come back, alright?"

Su Wan pulled back from his chest and stared right into his eyes, nearly losing herself in those eyes like the colour of the night. She grinned like a schoolgirl in love " that's a promise"

" it is a promise," said Lin Rui before furtively looking at the open door of the dormitory and giving her the quickest peck she had in her life, maybe he understood her dissatisfied expression because he leaned closer and whispered " Don't worry I will make it up to you when I come back, can't go freaky in the academy. Now can we?"

His words surprised the heck out of her, she never expected Lin Rui, the calm and collected one to tease her like this but then again after sleeping together, they got a lot closer than before. Su Wan laughed and leaned her forehead against his chest, listening to his thumping heartbeat, which told her that he was just as affected by her as she was by him.

And how she wished that the afternoon would just pause right then and there, so she could stay a little longer, maybe forever in the warmest and safest hug she had in a while.


When Su Wan came out of the Xuan academy her eyes were obviously red, ever since she transmigrated, she had been staying with the brothers. They have been around her from the beginning like she was the focal point of their life or something like that- no she wasn't being narcissistic nor did she expects or have hopes that the brothers would stay with her all the time.

It was just her heart that was feeling a myriad of things as if she was leaving a part of herself behind maybe she was - in this world she was all alone and the Lin brothers gave her a sense of safety and in turn, maybe unconsciously she made them her entire world. Now her world had a void with Lin Rui leaving the house -? she was reluctant to part with Lin Rui but this was for the best.

She sniffed and rubbed her nose. She knew she should have waited for her uncle and Lin Jing to return before leaving the Academy but she wanted some time alone, though Lin Rui cajoled her well. She wanted a few minutes to herself, to somehow temporarily fix the void she had in her heart and stomp on the reluctance that wouldn't leave her. Su Wan didn't want her uncle and Lin Jing to see her cry like a little brat whose doll was left behind, not that Lin Rui was a doll he was more important than that but you can catch her drift right?

"Oww" Su Wan who hasn't been paying attention knocked into something or more like someone. Startled she retreated back all prepared to apologise but when she looked up, she went face to face with the most unfriendly eyes that she has ever seen. The person she ran headlong with was a woman, though she looked young and with her immaculate makeup, she looked even younger but Su Wan was experienced enough to know that it was all fake.? The woman might as well be wearing a mask because she wasn't anywhere as young as she made herself, her hands were old and withered and looked rough despite all the creams and powder that she applied on them.

The skin on her throat was waxy and shrunken - everything about the woman was old and ancient except her face. And that only made her weird, like crazy weird - like she was trying to escape death and ageing by doing all of this, Su Wan was so surprised at her appearance that she forgot to apologise, heck she even forgot to cry.

Not because she was judging the old woman, no but because of the intense glare, that old woman was directing her way like she wanted to swallow her up.? Or more possibly maybe she was thinking of the most articulate way to silence her for once and for all.

Su Wan couldn't understand the hate that old woman was directing her, she didn't wake up this morning with an agenda to run into an old lady while she was moping as a child did she? Of course not! It was an accident so why was she glaring at her like she just robbed her of her husband?

" watch where you go, brat!" said the old woman, though Shen Junxi called her husbands the same thing. His tone was much friendlier and teasing, this woman's tone was anything but friendly. In fact, it was like she was trying to curse her - what the?

Then she brushed past Su Wan behind her were a bunch of good looking servants carrying her luggage.

Su Wan who finally got over her shock at being antagonised by a complete stranger, opened her mouth to say something stupid like " you watch where you are going, old hag" but by then the old lady has long walked away from her.

What the hell was that about huh?

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