Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 338 - [Bonus ] End Of Luo Chenxi Arc

Chapter 338 - [Bonus ] End Of Luo Chenxi Arc

Luo Chenxi was startled when her father barged inside her room so suddenly, however before she could say anything, her father dragged her from the bed ignoring her shrieks and grunts of pain and tugged on her sleeves displaying her collar bone. Luo Chenxi shrieked in surprise she wanted to hide those ugly marks but compared to her father's strength her strength was nothing she couldn't even put up the slightest bit of resistance.

" look at this, look at these marks your daughter has on her skin! Tell me do you think these marks were made a night before or two or three weeks ago?" sneered Village head Luo as he pointed at those love bites that were no longer red and vivid but brown and healing " look at them clearly and tell me !"

Madam Liu could see those marks, of course. How could she not, however, she wasn't willing to admit that her daughter, the one whom she pampered the most, who came from her own womb would degrade herself like this, that she wouldn't cherish herself. So, she continued to ignore these pieces of pieces of evidence but when her husband shoved the blatant evidence right in front of her face, she couldn't ignore it anymore and the last of her insistence broke. And so did her courage, she covered her face and cried " How can you Chenxi, how can you do this? Couldn't you cherish yourself a bit more? Didn't you want to marry Lin Rui then why didn't you save yourself for him? How can you do something like this? You didn't even think about your parents even a little bit ?"

Luo Chenxi had no answer to her mother's questions but she felt annoyed.? What was with her mother and father? How could they blame her? If only they worked a little hard and pushed Lin Rui into accepting her would she have done something like this? Her father only had to threaten Lin Rui a bit and everything would have been fine, right? If her father threatened Lin Rui by kicking his family out then, definitely Lin Rui would have no choice but to accept him but her father didn't instead he asked her to forget Lin Rui.

And her mother, don't even get her started. Her mother was the one who promised her that she will get her to marry Lin Rui but a small setback and she started looking for another match for Luo Chenxi, why? Didn't she promise her? Her father only punished her by sending her to her maternal family, he didn't divorce her! So why did her mother have to retreat like this?

Actually, Luo Chenxi didn't understand her mother. Madam Liu was looking for another match because she thought that it was the best thing for her daughter. Their plan failed and Lin Rui came to know that it was them who asked those hooligans to attack Su Wan, it was impossible to make Lin Rui marry Luo Chenxi and even if her daughter married Lin Rui, she would never be happy but these concerns Luo Chenxi didn't take them to her heart.

Luo Chenxi condescendingly down at her mother, whatever that became of her was because of her parents!

How could Village head not notice that Luo Chenxi still blamed them and didn't reflect on her behaviour at all? He knew that Luo Chenxi blamed him for not forcing Lin Rui in accepting her but has she completely forgotten that when Father Lin was lost in the sea and the entire Lin family fell in the hands of Grandma Lin, Luo Chenxi broke her engagement with Lin Rui in the fastest way possible. He believed that Lin Rui was a capable man and one day, he might turn his fate around but neither his wife nor daughter listened to him.

Now when she couldn't have him, she actually tried to kill his wife! His daughter! The Head of Dong Tong village's daughter tried to commit murder!

Village head Luo felt as if all his patience was being slapped from his body, even his years of experience couldn't calm him anymore. He inhaled a deep breath and looked at Madam Liu " From now on I will be responsible for looking for a match for her and you will not interfere in it" he said as he looked down at Madam Liu and then turned to Luo Chenxi " and you, you will do stay inside this house, you are grounded from leaving until I find a match! And when I do, whether it's a widower, a cripple or a dying man, you will marry that man with your mouth shut! You will willingly let me tie you to any man of my choice! Even if you have to stay at his home like a cow or pig, you will do that!"

Luo Chenxi heard her father but didn't say anything though her hands were tightly clenched hidden in her sleeves. Like a cow and pig? What was she a woman or a sow?

Village head Luo shot one last glance at Luo Chenxi and then left her room while dragging Madam Liu with him. He was afraid that if he stayed in the room with this daughter of his, he might strangle her!


That night, the dinner was sent to Luo Chenxi, of course, she didn't eat it, she was too worried about her future, a widower? A Cripple were these the only options left for her? on the other hand, her body was pulsating with need, but under her father's strict surveillance, she was sure that neither Mao Wu nor Li Chun would be able to sneak in. Though Luo Chenxi suffered a great blow, she didn't change at all!

While Luo Chenxi was tossing and turning on her bed, she felt someone sneak inside her room. Startled she sat up straight only to find Mao Wu, standing beside her bed " you? How did you come inside? My father, he didn't see you ?"

Mao Wu rolled his eyes and climbed on Luo Chenxi's bed as he tugged on her flimsy, see-through nightdress. Last night and the night before it, he was too busy to take care of his little brother, now finally he was free enough to get his release, so how could he miss this chance?

Luo Chenxi who was dying with the need to have something hot and long penetrate her didn't show any resistance. And silently laid down, while spreading her legs for Mao Wu, after sleeping with Mao Wu for more than two months she could no longer live without his thing!

Without Luo Chenxi's resistance, soon the two started to roll in the bedsheets.

Mao Wu watched the girl beneath him pant and smirked, kneading her breast as he thrust into her, he started to do what he came for " I heard your father is looking for a match, but after what happened with you I'm afraid that no one would agree to take you in"

" what- why does it matter to you?" asked Luo Chenxi panting as she moved her hips to meet with his thrusts.

" Nothing, do you think you can do the marriage thing ?" asked Mao Wu, pinching Luo Chenxi's hardened bean that made her arch her body and clench her insides" I'm afraid, a normal married life, doesn't suit you anymore. What you need is men,? who roughen you up"

" Th-that's not true !"

" then what are you going to do? Wait for a cripple to come and make you his bride? Even if he made you his wife, most likely he won't respect you. So why not you run away with me? At least I can show you a world of pleasure"

"How dare you! I'm-"

" a woman who was caught with an old man without an ounce of clothing, that's what you are " sneered Mao Wu " you are no longer a girl with virtue, with this incident your father has abandoned you too. Your life is going to be doomed sooner or later and if you are going to be doomed, then at least choose the death of your own "

Luo Chenxi, who reached the heightened peak of her climax could no longer think straight. She nodded her head crazily and then passed out after climaxing.

Mao Wu looked down at her and then picked her up like a sack not even bothering to dress her up.? The life that she has chosen, would no longer need her to wear clothes!


"You brought her?" asked Shen Junxi as he watched Mao Wu shove Luo Chenxi inside the carriage, the latter has been tied in a sack after she fell unconscious.

" yeah, I will bring her to the town next to this and then open a brothel with her as my main escort, " said Mao Wu, he long had this plan but because of Luo Chenxi's father being a village head he didn't dare to but now -hehe, that girl broke her father's heart so badly that he wouldn't even look for her!

Shen Junxi nodded then threw a pouch filled with silver to Mao Wu before tilting his head at the carriage " this girl, you better make sure she doesn't come back here ever again, it else"

" don't worry, don't worry! I will never let her escape" said Mao Wu flatteringly as he rubbed the silver in his hands, now his life was set! With Luo Chenxi's skill and this money he no longer has to worry about anything!


End of Luo Chenxi's arc!

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