Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 668 Can you repeat that again? (3)

Chapter 668 Can you repeat that again? (3)

The king just sat there as if he hadn't heard Angela ask this.

Angela and I just kept staring at the king as we waited for an answer that never came.

So Angela finally couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Royal father, can you please repeat…"

Before she could finish, the king said, "There's no need for you to keep asking this. You didn't hear it incorrectly. I said what I said."

With this confirmation, we couldn't help being even more shocked by this.

After all, this meant that the king wasn't joking when he said that he would step down from the throne and give it to Angela's husband…which meant me!

Why would he do something like this?

If there was someone that should take the throne, it should be the fourth prince, right?

After all, the fourth prince's power was already much greater than all of the other princes. That was especially so after he obtained the wyverns that I had given him.

This was one of the reasons why I had given him those wyverns in the first place.

I had wanted the fourth prince to consolidate his power so he could take the throne, so what happened in the game wouldn't happen this time.

I had to admit that the fourth prince had won me over with everything that he had done and I was sincerely supporting him to take the throne.

Could this be the reason why the fourth prince had caused that coup in the game?

Was it because the king had already planned on giving the throne to someone else all along?

I slowly looked at the fourth prince and found that he was watching all of this with a calm look on his face.

I would say that I had gotten quite good at reading the fourth prince after everything that we had been through. I could see that the look on his face wasn't a fake calm expression, but a real calm expression.

It was as if he had already expected the king to say this.

But if he did, did that mean that he was really alright with giving up the throne?

If he did, did that mean that he was in on this all along?

Wait…the fourth prince had signed the decree that had called me and Angela to the capital, so he should have been in on this all along.


Just what did the fourth prince gain from all of this?

I couldn't help rubbing my temple as my head started to ache from thinking about all of this.

I just couldn't make sense of any of this…

It seemed like Angela also couldn't make any sense of this as she said, "Why? Why would you do something like this?"

She turned to look at the fourth prince and said, "Isn't fourth brother the best candidate for the throne? Royal father, shouldn't you make fourth brother the crown prince instead?"

The king and the fourth prince looked at each other before shaking their heads at the same time.

Both of them gave sighs at the same time, but the king said, "Let me explain everything."

The king took a deep breath before saying, "To put it simply, this has been our plan this entire time. This is not something that we came up with on a whim, this was something that has been developing for over five years now."

Both Angela and I couldn't help revealing shocked looks when we heard this before confused looks appeared on our faces.

The king gave a nod and said with a smile, "I'm sure that you're very confused about all of this, so let me explain. To put it simply, it was because I had discovered that the princes had all started forming their own factions and had completely forgotten that they were brothers. It was because they were all fighting their family for the throne that I developed this plan in the end."

Once again, the king gave a sigh as he said, "It is all my fault for letting things get this far…If only I had been more strict with my children and prevented them from being seduced by others, then perhaps I could have saved the relationship of our family."

Angela couldn't help revealing a sad look when she heard this.

I already knew that the relationship in the royal family wasn't simple, but it seemed that there was even more than met the eye.

It seemed that the relationship was so bad that even the king had to step in and do something."

The king took a deep breath again before saying, "I had no choice but to step in since our kingdom would have been ruined if I didn't. If I had left things as they were, our kingdom would have fallen into a state of civil war after I stepped down from the throne, so I had to do something. I couldn't let generations of hard work of our ancestors be ruined by these trouble children."

He turned to look at the fourth prince and said, "So I asked for old fourth's help. He is the only one that isn't seduced by the allure of the throne and only cares about helping the people of our country. He is the only one that knows what is best for our country."

The fourth prince gave a nod before saying, "Our plan was to create a powerful rival for all of them and gather them together before taking them down in one fell swoop. I was to become the villain that all of them gathered against before taking them all down together. That is why I've been raising my power all this time."

The king gave another sigh as he said, "I've wanted old fourth to take the throne after that, but he said that he couldn't since his hands would be too stained with blood to do so."

The fourth prince just shook his head with a bitter smile as he said, "I've done many things that can't be spoken about to help our royal father. I don't deserve the throne."

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