Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 641 More in common than one thought

Chapter 641 More in common than one thought

Though I left it to them, it was hard for the two sides to communicate with each other.

The only one that could translate for them was the wyvern shaman, so it was hard for them to understand each other in the first place.

At the same time, there was the deep distrust between humans and wyverns to begin with, which made conversation hard in the first place.

If it wasn't for my order and my wyvern's order as the Wyvern King, then they really wouldn't have said a single thing to each other.

It was Cecilia who took the lead in the end as she started walking past the different wyverns. She looked at them as if she was sizing them up, but eventually she stopped when she met a wyvern that seemed to have a scar on its neck.

Seeing this scar, she couldn't help being drawn to it, so she had the wyvern shaman ask the wyvern where it had come from.

The wyvern shaman said, "This is a wound that it received when it protected one of the children of its pack."

When Cecilia heard this, she couldn't help looking at the wyvern with a strange look.

With the way that she looked at the wyvern, it was almost as if there was some kind of connection that was forming between the two of them.

After a moment of silence, Cecilia finally asked the wyvern shaman, "What does it think about protecting those that need to be protected? Will it only protect those that it is close to or will it protect all that need its protection?"

The wyvern shaman looked at Cecilia with a strange look when it heard this, but seeing the firm look that was on Cecilia's face, it asked this to the wyvern with the scar. The wyvern with the scar looked at Cecilia with what seemed to be a strange look in silence for a bit.

But in the end, it gave a roar that the wyvern shaman translated.

"Those that are weak and need its protection, it will protect. It doesn't matter who needs to be protected, as long as I can protect them, I will do it."

Though it said this, there was a part that the wyvern shaman didn't translate.

"Of course, that doesn't mean that I'll protect humans when they've done nothing but hunt us."

That was the part that the wyvern shaman left out.

Because of that, Cecilia looked at the wyvern with a scar with a look that was different from before.

It was almost as if she was looking at it with admiration.

It was almost as if she could sense some kind of connection with this wyvern with a scar.

So she moved closer to the wyvern shaman and waved her hand at it to come down.

The wyvern shaman was confused why Cecilia was doing this, but it still came down to see what she wanted.

Cecilia stood up a bit to whisper something in the wyvern shaman's ear.

The wyvern shaman looked down at Cecilia with a surprised look that soon turned into a confused look.

The way that it was looking at Cecilia was almost as if it was trying to confirm if she really wanted to say this.

But Cecilia just looked at the wyvern shaman with a firm look on her face.

In the end, the wyvern shaman had no choice but to turn back to the wyvern with the scar and give a roar.

The wyvern with the scar had a surprised look on its face for a bit before looking down at Cecilia. It just looked at her for a bit as if it was sizing her up before suddenly coming forward to lower its head.

The wyvern with the scar brought its head right in front of Cecilia's face and then…

It suddenly gave a snort, releasing a blast of hot air into Cecilia's face.

While it was doing this, it looked right at her as if it was seeing if she would flinch at this.

But Cecilia just looked right at the wyvern with the scar in the face.

The two of them were silent for a bit before Cecilia raised her hand slowly in front of her.

The wyvern with the scar moved back a few inches before suddenly stopping.

After looking at Cecilia for a bit, it moved forward again so that its head was right in front of her hand. Slowly, the two of them came closer and closer to each other until Cecilia's palm was placed on the snout of the wyvern with the scar.

There was another moment of silence before Cecilia suddenly pulled back her hand and moved towards the wyvern with the scar.

The wyvern with the scar stayed still for a few seconds before reaching its wing down for her.

Cecilia climbed onto the wing and onto the back of the wyvern.

Once she sat down on the back of the wyvern with the scar, it suddenly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Cecilia firmly grasped the back of the wyvern and didn't let herself be thrown off.

Just like this, the two of them seemed to compete.

One tried to throw the one on its back and the other firmly held on so they wouldn't be thrown off.

It seemed that they had more in common than one thought.

After watching Cecilia go at it with this wyvern with the scar for a bit, the others slowly started to open up to the wyverns.

Though not every case was like the one with Cecilia and the wyvern with the scar.

There were some that weren't able to find a wyvern that they could connect with right away, so they had to go to several wyverns before they were able to find one that they could connect with.

Though there was one person that didn't seem to connect with any of the wyverns.

It was as if the wyverns were even scared of him.

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