Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 608 Chimera Ants (4)

Chapter 608 Chimera Ants (4)

?They didn't know it, but we were actually perfectly safe in this space.

There was a reason why I had gone to all that trouble to come to this specific area in the cave.

That was because in the game, this area was a safe zone from the monsters of this dungeon.

Of course, that wasn't my only reason for believing that we were safe.

I knew that things that were in the game couldn't be relied on other than information about where certain things were. Things like safe zones were things that were created in the game to help the players and they wouldn't transfer over to the real world.

Or at least that would have been the case for other safe zones.

This safe zone was an exception since there was an explanation behind this.

The designer for this dungeon seemed quite meticulous, so they had even written lore for why this area was a safe place.

The Chimera Ants made their nests in random caves that they found, so they had no idea what was in the cave that they settled in unless they explored it. Most of the time, the Chimera Ants didn't do this since they only cared about having enough space to build a nest.

That meant that they didn't know about this one safe zone that was in this cave.

This was a safe zone because there was a perimeter created by a special ore that was in this safe zone.

This safe zone had a special ore that had only one special effect.

It was good at repelling bugs because of its scent, which included the Chimera Ants.

Humans weren't able to smell this scent, but insects could smell this scent right away as long as they got close.

It was like the scent of rotting garbage, so the insects would want to stay as far as possible from the source of this scent.

That meant that as long as they stayed in this area, it would be impossible for them to be attacked by the Chimera Ants.

But I didn't want to explain this since I was certain that it would go over their heads.

At the same time, they wouldn't believe me in terms of the ore.

It was not something that could be proven easily without a demonstration first and this was clearly not the time for that.

So I just shut them down without explaining a thing.

As the Vikal Kingdom soldiers retreated, there were many casualties that occurred.

But since they had figured out how to fight the Chimera Ants, it wasn't just casualties on their side that was happening. There were casualties on both the side of the soldiers and the side of the Chimera Ants.

The only thing was that there were far more Chimera Ants than there were soldiers.

As long as this kept going, it would only be a matter of time before the soldiers were completely wiped out.

The only upside was that the soldiers were well trained and they had been steadily making their way to the exit. So even if they did suffer casualties, it seemed like they would be able to escape in the end.

Only I knew that they were completely underestimating the Chimera Ants.

I took out a pocket watch and checked the time before turning back to look at the Chimera Ants and saying, "It's time."

After saying that, I said to the others behind me, "You're about to learn why these ants are called Chimera Ants."

All of the subordinates revealed confused looks when they heard this.

After all, they had never been told the name of these ants.

They were surprised that I knew this and looked at me with strange looks because of it, but I just ignored them as I focused on the fight between the soldiers and Chimera Ants.

These Chimera Ants gained their name because of what happened when they ate and right now, the latest thing that they ate were the human soldiers of the Vikal Kingdom.

Something very disturbing was about to happen.

"Save me! Please save me!"

When they heard this, the group of soldiers couldn't help stopping.

"Captain, that was the rookie's voice."

One of the soldiers suddenly said to the captain of this group.

The captain knitted his brows in deep thought while they were still moving forward, but he knew that as long as they kept moving forward like this, it was only a matter of time before they missed this chance.

If they wanted to do this, they had to do this now…

So the captain took a deep breath and said, "Break off from the main group and go save the rookie."

He was allowed to do this because of the structure of military command for the Vikal Kingdom troops.

The various troops were divided into small groups with captains commanding them.

They would follow the orders of the general to the best that they could, but they were allowed to move freely as long as it was within the confines of the general's order.

This gave the Vikal Kingdom troops a flexibility that other kingdoms didn't have.

As they came closer to the source of the voice, they found that this voice was coming from the center of a group of ants. It seemed that whoever this belonged to was about to become food for the ants.

"Save me! Please save me!"

The voice that came from the inside at least showed that the rookie was still alive.

However, the captain knew that they couldn't wait much longer or else they wouldn't be able to save the rookie.

So the captain said, "Rookie, hang in there! We'll get you out of there soon, just keep your head on your shoulders!"

Without waiting for a response, the captain said, "Let's go, shield formation to break through and grab the kid."

The others all nodded in agreement before following his plan.

By working together, they were able to push aside the ants that were around the source of this voice.

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