Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 554 Even more wives

Chapter 554 Even more wives

Seeing the way that the three of them looked at me, I was completely speechless.

To say that I didn't have any feelings for them was a lie.

We had spent all this time together, so it was impossible for me not to have any feelings towards them.

But I had never thought about them like that before.

I had just considered them as friends.

However, they were suddenly proposing to me and saying that they wanted to be my wives.

At this point, I really didn't know what to say.

Still, I could see the way that they were looking at me and the longer that I delayed my answer, the more they would be hurt.

So I couldn't just delay forever.

Since I had already accepted one…then first I would say…

"I don't hate you. Rather, I like you guys quite a bit."

When they heard this, the sad expressions on their faces immediately turned into faint smiles.

But Veronica still couldn't help asking, "Then why won't you marry us?"

She turned to look at Rose and said, "Is it because…"

She didn't finish her words, but the implication behind her words were clear.

Rose shook her head and said, "I've already told him that I was fine with him having multiple wives."

I also spoke up to defend Rose by saying, "It's not that Rose has stopped me, it's more of a personal issue for me."

"Personal issue?" The girls couldn't help repeating.

Even Rose couldn't help repeating this and looking at me with a confused look.

I gave a sigh and said, "I've never thought that I would have a wife, let alone three. For someone like me who has never even thought about these things before, it's naturally hard for me to accept."

They still looked at me with a strange look after hearing this.

After all, in this world, it was commonly accepted that men were allowed to have multiple wives. It was something that was almost expected when one reached a certain level of power.

That was the level of power that I was currently at.

So when I said that I had never thought about this before, they couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing these looks, I said, "You should know that I was a slave before, right? Someone like me never would have imagined something like this."

But even with this explanation, they still looked at me with strange looks.

It seemed that this wasn't enough for them since even those with low positions would be able to easily accept this.

For once, I couldn't help cursing the fact that the settings of the game world had been carried over to this world…

It made it hard for someone like me who came from another world to relate to the ones from this world who just accepted this logic so easily.

In the end, I just said, "It's just hard for me to accept it, alright?"They still looked at me with a strange look like they thought I was a strange person, but they also had accepting looks in their eyes. They knew that there was something different about me from everyone else, that was what they had fallen for in the first place.

After a long silence, Veronica said, "Then are you saying that it isn't possible?"

As she said this, Elsa and Moon both revealed worried looks again.

I shook my head and said, "It's not that. It's just that it's hard for me to accept this, but that doesn't mean that I can't accept this. I'm just slowly working through it."

All three of them looked at me with confused looks when they heard this, but they also had traces of understanding in their eyes. So they slowly waited for me to think this through and give them an answer.

After a long time, I finally came to accept it.

There was no need for me to think of an answer since I already had an answer in myheart.

I had already accepted one, so at this point, it didn't matter if I accepted one, two, or three more.

After all, I had done the same test as with the princess.

When I thought about the three of them with other men, I couldn't accept it.

So I chose to accept their proposals.

I just had to take a moment to calm my thoughts first.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Alright, let's get married."

All three of them looked at me with dazed looks, as if they couldn't believe what I had just said.

Veronica even had to ask slowly, "Can you repeat what you just said?"

I said with a nod, "Let's get married. Isn't that what you wanted?"

All three of them revealed happy looks when they heard this and immediately came forward to hug me.

Though with all three of them coming at once and with the height difference, it became quite awkward.

In the end, they looked at each other and came to a decision.

One by one, they all hugged me.

They didn't even say anything as they decided who would be first.

It seemed that they already had a connection with each other that I didn't know about, but that was a good thing. After all, it wasn't as if only my relationship with them mattered, their relationship with each other also mattered since they would be sharing a husband.

If they couldn't get along, then that wouldn't work either.

After they were finished, Rose came forward to hug them as well and welcome them into their group.

She looked at me with a look that seemed to say, "It took you long enough."

When I saw this, I couldn't help revealing a bitter smile.

I knew from that look that it seemed that Rose already knew everything, but she choseto remain silent.

Could it be that I was really that dense that I hadn't noticed the way that the three of them felt for me?

Thinking back, I couldn't help thinking, "Un, maybe I was a bit dense…"

But all's well that ends well I guess.

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