Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 188

: Ye Hai Was Secretly In Touch With the Female Douyu Streamer

Ye Hai, Platinum Author of Qidian, was no longer an unknown little author. He was a living legend among authors now.

After the success of his “The Strongest King,” he joined the local Web Novelist’s Association and became a member of the council. He even went to Beijing for training at the Lu Xun Literary Institute.

Anyone who knew a little about the circle of Qidian’s author would know that getting training at that said institute was a way for the Godly Authors and Platinum Authors to improve their writing even further. If they manage to build a good relationship with those bosses of the literary world, it would easy for them to join the China Writers Association in the future.

Along with his elevated personal profile, Ye Hai had gained greater discourse power too. He would not have the chance to choose the voice actor for his work’s adaptation, had he been the same as before.

In fact, it was just like pennies from heaven, for their works to be adapted into manga or animation. They should be grateful, instead of giving comments to the producer, right?

However, Ye Hai was different. After Su Li criticized the voice actor of “Xu Jing,” he vowed not to let this happen to “The Strongest King”!

Then, Ye Hai went to watch the animated “Pure Romance.” Objectively, there was nothing special about it. Apparently, it patronized the audiences. Its popularity would have diminished, if not for the great support from the supporters of the original manga

Well, this was just his own assumption, because the actresses were rather prolific. It was merely an Uraban [1] among the Omote [2], but with highly experienced content.

Everyone knows that a severely deregulated animation like this would still be supported by many male audiences, regardless how patronizing it is. Well, the desire for food and sex is part of human nature.

Although Ye Hai thought that the animation was very superficial, the fanservice must have won over some viewers, just like when he first read the “Pure Romance” manga. He was able to continue reading it because of the good fanservice even though he felt that Su Li’s standard of screenwriting was rather lacking.

For instance, the “Minamotokun Monogatari” from Japan. It was clearly an erotic comic with uninteresting plots. However, because of its excellent drawing style and artwork, as well as the variety of characters, especially that seductive aunt, male readers kept up with it

As long as the “aunt” is there, the readers will have high expectations of it. Moreover, she was giving away fanservice scenes in every chapter, which guaranteed the excellent sales volume of the offprint.

The animated “Pure Romance” was similar, giving away fanservices in almost every episode. Also, “Xu Jing” was exceptionally charming. Therefore, it could be considered as the most popular one release, among all the newly released animations of April, but everyone was ashamed to admit that they were high while watching it

After criticizing “Pure Romance,” Ye Hai noticed that the standard of the voice actor of “Xu Jing” was indeed atrocious! This caused the charm level of “Xu Jing” to drop by more than a level!

Voice actors play a crucial role in animation. An outstanding voice actor could cause a common character to radiate with indescribable charm while an emotionless, monotonous one would ruin the iconic character!

Ye Hai reminded himself, that he had to learn from Su Li’s lesson, not letting the average voice actor ruin the most important female character in his “The Strongest King”—Yu Shengfan.

If not for the fact that Ye Hai had coincidentally paid close attention to “Ah Yu,” the Douyu Streamer, he would not have the strong urge to wanting “Ah Yu” to dub for Yu Shengfan.

This was because when “Ah Yu” roleplays as “Yu Shengfan,” her voice and performance were identical to the Xiao Yu in his work. He even thought that this character had transmigrated into reality!

Luckily, he discovered that it was merely a roleplay. If transmigration was true, he was afraid of being throttled by Yu Shengfan, as he had written her such a miserable fate!

At first, Ye Hai wanted to postpone it, but now that Su Li had undergone the incident of an “iconic character being ruined by average voice actor,” he could not sit still!

This time, Ye Hai guiltily sent a private message to the female Douyu Streamer, “Ah Yu” for no reason. He even furtively observed his surroundings, making sure that his wife, Li Mengyao, was not around him. Then, he sent it like so—

Hi, Ah Yu! I am [Leaves Fallen on the Sea] who is ranked second in your Overall Present Ranking. I really like your streaming, and as a loyal fan, I will watch it until the end!

I know it might sound unbelievable, but I am the author of “The Strongest King.” After listening to your voice when you play the role of “Yu Shengfan,” I truly think that you would make a great voice actress for “Yu Shengfan”!

Therefore, I am taking the liberty of messaging you regarding the following. If you are keen in becoming the voice actor of “Yu Shengfan” in the soon-to-be animated “The Strongest King,” we can discuss it face-to-face

After sending it, Ye Hai began to daydream. He did not know if she would agree to meet him personally. But, one thing he knew for sure, was that he would be very happy if she agrees and takes the initiative to contact him!

How should he put it? Although he was convinced that she was just roleplaying Yu Shengfan, the truth was that she made this character become alive, as if the two dimensional character had transmigrated into this three dimensional world!

“Yu Shengfan,” being Ye Hai’s most favorable female character, had brought him many good memories during his writing process and allowed him to be apotheosized by one book, which led him to the peak of his life. How could he not excited by thinking that he would have the chance to meet her in reality?

Well, it was true, she was just a roleplayer, but only passion could have allowed her to roleplay “Yu Shengfan” so perfectly. She was probably an avid reader and fan of his!

Many rumors of the cosplay world flashed in Ye Hai’s mind. Should he take out his SLR camera?

While Ye Hai was daydreaming, his wife, Li Mengyao appeared silently beside him, like a ghost. Naturally, she took away the tablet from him. Unfortunately, the screen still displayed the private message that he just sent

Her eyes breezed threw the entire message.

Translation Note:

[1] Uraban () is a Japanese word used to describe those TV programmes that are played by other TV station, at the same time with Omote. However, Uraban (: the and shared the same phonetic sound, Li) is used in China to refer an obscene (R18) anime and comic.

[2] Omote () is a Japanese word used to describe the highly popular and good rating TV programme. However, it is used in China to represent the anime which is suitable to be shown on TV or can be found on the normal website.

Translator’s Thoughts

Tch1123 Tch1123

Tonicquill: I beg to differ. Some characters are deliberately monotonous when speaking, and that is exactly what that makes them memorable. Well, emphasis on deliberate. Ye Hai is screwed now, although I see little reason to be jealous about that message. It seemed all professional and business-like. Im guessing this is all Ye Hais paranoia talking.

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