Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 116

Little Fishs Glorious Moment

Yu Shengfan was dead.

She died of illness.

The battle was not yet over but she passed away before the computer.

Since her first time meeting Lin Feng, she had claimed that she was afflicted with a terminal illness. That was the ominous hint on the later story development.

During the process of deliberately increasing the number of words, Rosemary had inserted plenty of details. For instance, she would swallow many pills before playing games. These pills which looked like mere supplements, were actually some painkillers that assisted her in fighting against her illness.

In fact, her ineffable chatting speed and game reflexes were due to some analeptic substances in the pills that were able to exhilarate someone

Yu Shengfan was a prodigy in the first place. But under the stimulation of drugs, she had become a monster that was more dreadful than a prodigy. Hence, even Lin Feng who was granted a golden finger had also harbored an uncanny feeling about this missy. He suspected if he had aged too much upon seeing the incredible reflexes of Yu Shengfan.

Never would anyone have thought that she had contracted a terminal illness. She was destined not to live beyond 20 years old since her birth. Later in the story, she fell in love with gaming, as if she had discovered her meaning of life. After all, it was such a brief life, why not spend all of it in her most beloved gaming?

For her beloved gaming, she had mastered multiple languages and was able to communicate well with the players from all around the world in their respective languages. Moreover, she could mock others articulately in their languages, not to mention using their local slangs.

In short, her language talent was not below that of her gaming, probably because she was mixed-race? Her father was a Chinese gentleman, while her mother was a British noble lady, she was then the missy of the family.

If she was given a healthy body, she might become a stupendous translator who translated countless iconic works and contributed to the cultural exchange. Unfortunately, her illness was incurable, yet she had a father who detested her, because her mother passed away after giving birth to her.

Perhaps that was the price to pay for being a prodigy. Bestowed with unimaginable talents, she was destined to be a lone wolf. Having all the material possessions in life, however, her soul was downright lonely, as no one had ever loved her. Thus, she immersed herself in the virtual world of games in pursuance of a shred of warmth. Only games could satisfy her craving for that sense of warmth.

She had been looking for someone like her at all times. Almost giving up, she thought that she would never meet that person, until she met Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s zeal for gaming was indubitable. People usually play games for relaxation, but to Lin Feng, gaming carried the weight of his dream, and was equivalent to the meaning of life. Without gaming, he might still be a regular employee who works 8 hours every day even at his current age.

Lin Feng was born for gaming, and only felt alive while gaming. He had fallen out with his family solely to be a professional gamer, because Esports in that period was condemned by the parents, who regarded it as a digital drug which rendered someone useless. The children should study hard to enter a university and pursue a good job, spending the rest of their life accordingly.

Never would Lin Feng bow to such a fate. He believed human need to have their own dream and meaning of life. To accomplish one’s dream, even falling out with family and defying the conventional social value was endurable for him. He was eager to become one of a kind!

Perhaps this is the main character.

The main character is always bigoted.

Unfortunately, most people in this world are side characters like Zhao Youyue. They do not carry any big dream and will not opt for an extreme path like Lin Feng. He could really give up everything for gaming. He was a professional gamer, and he would be the Strongest King!

In his mind, “The Strongest King” was not a mere title, but a status that was incomprehensible to others. It was his principle and meaning of life, that the ordinary people would not fathom!

Because he is the main character!

Ordinary people are the side characters!

In the eyes of ordinary people, he remained as a mere gaming maniac since his youth until he was already an “uncle” gamer. Besides, he was cold-blooded for willing to renounce his family. Of course, he would still send money to his parents monthly now, but would never visit them. Sending money was just a slap in the face of his parents, who claimed that he could never sustain his life by playing games. The money I’m earning is more than the total of both of yours! Take my money and take care of your own lives, stop dissuading me from gaming! You old fogeys!

Coming across each other was the destiny of Yu Shengfan and Lin Feng.

To Yu Shengfan, gaming was her only relative, her only choice to overcome the relentless pain and suffering of her body. Without gaming, she might not be able to live until today. Gaming was the warmest treasure of her life.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng considered gaming to be his life goal, the meaning of his existence. No one could stop his passion and indulgence in gaming. Even reality appeared to be trivial before gaming!

Hence, they were the same species.

Having discerned this fact through her keen sixth sense, her attitude towards Lin Feng was always different, as she approved him from the bottom of her heart. In any case, she would never attack Lin Feng with her venomous tongue. Perhaps that was the full extent of her tenderness for someone

Lin Feng should have realized this too, thus he was pampering Little Fish with his most special way. Having spent tremendous effort in cultivating Little Fish, he was aware that he would turn old eventually and might lose his golden finger someday, perhaps after achieving his dream.

He genuinely felt that Little Fish was the only person who could understand him, because they shared the purest passion towards gaming. Besides, Little Fish was this young. She was the perfect candidate to be entrusted his Glorious Squad. Should their golden footsteps continue to rule the next page of gaming history!

There was however no love between them, but the most perfect teamwork, they were partners!

Having attained the King tier in the new server, Yu Shengfan again sent Lin Feng a concise challenge. She was flurried this time, feeling that her life could not last any longer. Other than her hands, her entire body was suffering an inconceivable agony!

Should she not battle Lin Feng in near future, she would be left with no chance!

The time given for Little Fish... not much

Lin Feng finally accepted her challenge, but he would never have thought that this was Little Fish’s final battle in her brief life, her glorious moment!

Before the battle, Yu Shengfan consumed triple the usual number of her pills. Though a peaceful smile was showing on her face, she was wielding an inexplicable resolution!

She was not chatting. She was not typing. This was the only time she was fully concentrated on her game control!

Only Lin Feng deserved to have her doing all of this!

Only Lin Feng deserved to have her unleashing her full might! (In fact, she could no longer unleash that, as her body was on the verge of collapse.)

No matter what, she wanted to win this!

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