She's My Sleeping Pill



They stroll inside the mall for a very long time but when it was three in the afternoon, Cayenne couldn't take it anymore. Her legs were tired from walking and she felt that they didn't really have any goal and was just wasting their time. "I'm not walking anymore. If you want to go somewhere, go there by yourself. I'm tired."

"Alright. Let's go back home."

Cayenne just looked at her husband, closed her eyes to calm herself or else, she might hit him on the face. "You know what, I've got a bad feeling about this whole shopping thingy."

"What's so bad about shopping? Why won't you shop when we have the money to pay for things we like?"

"And didn't I tell you that we shouldn't waste money for things that we don't really need? You don't know what will happen in the future. Nothing is permanent in this world. Today, we might have money and can buy anything we like. But what if something bad happens? What if we lose all our money? What if –"

"O-okay. Okay. Stop scolding me now. This won't happen every day anyway. Just let us do this once in a while. Can't I spoil my wife? I work so hard for you and yet you are scolding me."

Cayenne was dumbstruck with his words and couldn't find anything to refute. 'He's right.' Cayenne thought and face-palmed herself. 'Why didn't I think of this point? I'm so stupid. Tsk! What should I do now?'

"What are you thinking?" Stefan asked and tugged her hand to bring her back to earth. "Are you scolding yourself after scolding me?"

"Keep quiet. I'm thinking of something."

"Didn't you say that you don't want to continue shopping? Let's go home now. We still need to prepare for our trip tomorrow."

"Hubby…I'm sorry for saying so much earlier."

"What's there to apologize? Your words make sense and I know that you are thinking far ahead for our future. There's no need to say sorry."

"Then, shall we have a massage first before going home?"

"I don't mind. Let's go. I know a best massage place here."

Easy as ABC. The arguments they have, the ideas that they don't agree with – both of them would always try to cater to the other. A relationship won't work with only one person continuously giving effort and understanding the other. It should be both parties. And just like that, Cayenne completely threw the doubts she had in mind and just indulged herself with the relaxing spa.

"Big bro says that they will be delayed for a little while." Luiz told everyone while they continued to help the organizers to make the party possible. He already asked for a half day leave from the university together with Clarisse who came along with him.

"I think they argued over something." Kyle muttered. He also skipped the afternoon class with his girlfriend, Kath.

"Well, of all excused, brother-in-law had to say they're going shopping. Yen hates wasting money."

"Right." Kyle agreed instantly. "Anyway, let's get this done because the guests are coming already."

They continued working, placing flowers here and there. Helping the catering staff to fold the table napkin, putting chair covers and so on. They didn't dawdle unlike other customers who leave everything to the organizers. The Ardolf brothers and other people in their home liked to help because Cayenne would always tell them to help when needed.

Erwin was busy putting on the make-shift stage that he built with Jonas while Lucian and her children designed the background. Everyone was really busy working but when the guests started coming one after another, Kath and Clarisse had to stop helping them with the arrangement in order to entertain the guests in the living room.

"Hi everyone." Riley greeted the other people when she arrived with Jade. She just picked the little girl from school and changed her clothes inside the car before coming over. She's always jolly whenever she visits people's home. She didn't like the atmosphere to be gloomy. "Is Yen not home yet?"

"Not yet. Luiz said that his brother-in-law brought sis Yen to shop." Clarisse answered softly to the question.

"I see. Then, we'll stay in the living room first and wait for the others to come."

One after another, the guests started pouring in when it was five in the afternoon since Stefan informed everyone that it will be an early dinner because they still have to catch their flight the next day.

Reuben and Ingrid didn't miss this opportunity and even prepared a lavish gift for Cayenne but that will be a surprise for Cayenne later on. Magnus and Ferdinand came so the Sugo family didn't come. No matter how much Stefan wanted for the two family to come at the same time, it would be impossible for the Sugo family to compromise. They hated the Dumrique family so much after what happened to his mother. It's already a miracle that he forgave his father and grandfather because of Cayenne. If Cayenne didn't come in his life, he'd probably die in the future still carrying the hatred of the past.

As thank you for helping Rissy and Chris, Stefan invited Dr. Nelson as well but the doctor refused the invitation because he was still ashamed of what happened during the kidnapping incident. Stefan didn't press him on this matter.

As for David, he was too embarrassed to show up to this birthday party. He didn't commit any mistake to Cayenne or anyone in her family and he didn't make any mistake in his job as a manager as well. The only mistake he did was to answer a call from Luiz while making out. He didn't really notice it was a call from Luiz because he felt dizzy and thought his brain was messed up. He only realized this greatest embarrassment when morning came and he checked his call history. He really answered the call and it only lasted for almost ten seconds.

"I'm not going there. I swear." David told Luiz over the phone.

"Oh? You know how to feel embarrassed?"

"Shut up! I'm not a thick-faced person. I'm not shameless like your brother-in-law."

Luiz laughed so hard upon hearing this because it was really true. No one can beat his brother-in-law from being shameless but he's only like that towards Cayenne, though. Luiz took a deep breath and sighed. "Don't worry. Only my brother and brother-in-law heard you. No one else. Just come or my sister would wonder why you're not here and she knows you're in the city. Don't bother making excuses. I'll go and check on the guests now. Come over as soon as you can."

The call ended and David slumped on his bed where Kai was still lying on. Seeing the nonchalant look on his boyfriend's face, he kicked his leg and threw a pillow on his face. "It's your fault. I told you to stop but you didn't."

"How can I? And besides, you enjoyed it and – "

"Shut up." David threw another pillow and stood up from the bed. "I'm going to the party. Are you coming with me?"

"Wow! You are getting bolder now."

"It's not like they don't know about us. Duh!"

Kai chuckled and got off the bed as well. 'Why didn't I find you sooner?' Kai asked himself while watching David walk to the bathroom. He had suffered so much stress from his previous relationship and it was so toxic to the point that his family got affected. Kath was even more furious than he was every time she heard news of his boyfriend cheating on him. 'Well, it doesn't matter now. Things must have happened for me to learn my lesson.'

Cayenne's birthday was made extra special because Stefan didn't just invite the people close to their family, he also invited those people who were thoughtful towards Cayenne. Celine, Mona, Jessie, Manager Dana as well as Manager Kim from Clover Hotel were invited as well. Of course, he didn't forget to invite Ali and Luna. If these two weren't invited, Cayenne would probably throw a tantrum.

Even if Stefan hated him. Even if he didn't want this person to come, for the sake of friendship display in front of Marian he invited Arthur. The purpose was to pretend everything's fine in front of Marian because of this woman become stressed out, Cayenne would be stressed out as well and Stefan didn't want his wife to be stressed.

'We are coming home. We'll be there in few minutes.' Stefan told Kyle throw a text message while Cayenne slept beside him. She felt really tired from walking inside the mall and because they just took a relaxing spa, she fell asleep as soon as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Wifey." Stefan called out Cayenne's name while tickling her face with her hair.

"Are we home?"

"Almost. Be there around 2 or 3 minutes."

"Did you tell everyone to come home early tonight? Even if we cannot have a party, we can still have a little celebration with the whole family."


"Did you buy ice cream?"


"Okay. Wake me up again when we get home." Cayenne leaned back on his shoulder and tried to sleep once again but she caught sight of an unfamiliar car outside their car. "Someone has come to visit us. She rubbed her eyes to clear her vision and looked outside the window. "Why are there so many cars outside?"

"How would I know? We've been together the whole day. Maybe Jill and Travis came to visit you. They know of your birthday after all."

"Right." Cayenne agreed and gave one last look at the cars outside. She wanted to count them but they already entered her property and the gate was closed already. Even so, she still thought something was amiss. "No way!" Cayenne exclaimed and with her eyes wide like saucers. "Tell me you didn't do anything."

"I didn't."

"Liar. You obviously did something."

"Well, you asked me to say those words." Stefan teased and grinned. "Let's go." He reached out his hand to her and Cayenne took with hers. "Your father said he'd be coming today."

"Who else?"

"I forgot the others." Stefan outrageously denied his involvement, pretending he didn't know who the guests were.

As soon as he opened the door to their living room, Jade ran towards her with her hair bouncing happily just like her. "Auntie Yen, happy birthday!"

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