She's My Sleeping Pill



"Let's buy some fruits first." Cayenne told her husband when they reached the metropolitan area of city D. "Let's get something sweet as well. Marian likes to eat sweets like me but not too much."

"Do you want to drop by your father's place? We will pass their area on the way to your friend's residence."

"No, need. I don't want to go to that place. Dad knows that, too."

"Alright. Let's just buy some fruits and desserts." Stefan stated and he pressed the intercommunication radio of his car to the other cars guarding them, letting them know that they'd be stopping at the nearest mall to buy the things that Cayenne wanted to bring.

They first bought the fruits and asked someone to arrange it into a fruit basket with a colorful cellophane as covering. Then, they went to the third floor to look for dessert café or any café that they could buy some sweets as their visiting gifts.

After buying the gifts, they continued to embark on their journey towards Marian's home. They were still far from the area but as they continued their trip, Cayenne turned off the aircon of the car and opened the window instead. Stefan did the same thing. The air was cool and refreshing. The could no longer see the tall buildings and other establishments from the city. All they could see were tress and other greeneries.

When they reached the mountain top, they started going downhill. The place was still quiet with no houses can be seen but after driving for almost three kilometers, they started seeing houses although, they were distance apart from one another.

"The houses are quite far from each other." Cayenne commented while she continued to observe the place. "And it's far from the city, too."

"I heard that most people living here are rich people."

"Does your family own a property here, too?" Cayenne asked out of curiosity.

"No, we don't. Grandpa was planning to go back to Italy once the heirship is settled but he changed his mind. He will only go back to Italy once he sees his grandchild."

"That won't happen so soon, then."

"Yup. He will have to wait for two years." Stefan replied while slowing down when he finally found the house that Tristan described to them. "I think this is the place." He told Cayenne to change the course of their conversation. "Stay in the car. I'll go and check it out."


Stefan stepped out and pressed the doorbell outside the gate. Few seconds later, the car parked outside the house was opened and a man stepped out of the vehicle.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" the man asked while looking at Stefan from head to toe before shifting his gaze to the other cars in front of him.

"I'm looking for the owner of the house."

"Oh! The maid told me that she's not around. She'll probably come back in 2 or 3 days or maybe a week or two."

"Really?" There was an obvious doubt in his voice and Stefan didn't bother hiding it. "What's your name?" he asked because he had a feeling that the man wasn't lying but the people from the house might have lied to him.

"My name is John."

"I'm Ste-"

"Why are you still here?! You are so annoying." Veronica exclaimed as soon as she saw John standing in front of the gate. Then, she shifted her gaze towards Stefan. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Her voice wasn't loud but you could tell she was still annoyed.

"I'm just talking to him, telling them that Marian isn't here." John responded, feeling aggrieved but he didn't say anything anymore.

"I'm not looking for a woman named Marian, though." Stefan replied to John's words. This also made the maid a bit confused. Aside from Marian and her, no one else is living in the house. "I'm looking for Mrs. Wyatt. She told my wife to come and see her in this address."

"Mrs. Wyatt?" Veronica questioned with a deep frown showing on her face.

"Yes, give me a sec." Stefan turned around and went to Cayenne's side of the car. "Give me your phone with Marian's picture." After a minute, he came back with Cayenne's phone. "Mrs. Wyatt sent us a message last night telling my wife to come here. This is Mrs. Wyatt, right?"

When Veronica saw the picture, her face contorted and she felt like hitting Stefan on the face but seeing so many cars and bodyguards looking at them, she felt something was amiss.

"What's the name of your wife? I'll have it confirmed."

"Mrs. Wyatt calls her En-en but my wife's name is Cayenne."

Veronica's eyes lit up and she looked towards the house with excitement. "Give me a moment." She ran towards the house without even closing the gate. If it was John, she'd never forget to slam the gate on his face.

"I didn't know Mrs. Wyatt lives here." John stated while looking at the house and then to Stefan. "Are you acquainted with Marian's mother?"

"Not me but my wife is. I don't know why she asked us to come here either."

"Yeah. That's weird. All I know is that my ex-girlfriend is living in this house but not her parents."

"That's for us to figure out." Stefan stated as he closed the gate and returned to his car. If he figured it right, the maid was lying in Marian's order. And after knowing that John was Marian's ex-boyfriend, he raised his own conclusion to 98%.

Few minutes later, the gate was opened once again and Veronica came out with a wide smile. She walked to the first parked car and saw Cayenne's face. "It's really you." She stated with happiness reflecting in her eyes. "Young miss is inside the house. You can come in but, you cannot bring anyone inside." Veronica whispered, making sure that John wouldn't hear anything from her.

Cayenne looked at Stefan in worry but her husband only smiled at her. "Just go. I will be waiting for you here. She must be worried for other people to see the state she's in."

"Okay. I'll see you later." Cayenne kissed him on the cheeks before getting out of the car. She picked up the gifts from the backseat and followed Veronica. Veronica led her inside the house and made sure to close the gate – not even sparing John from her deathly glare.

Inside the car, John didn't notice the glare that Veronica threw at him. His mind was still stuck with Cayenne's face. He was already doubting Stefan's identity when he saw his face earlier and now that he saw Cayenne, he was even more doubtful.

"How the hell are they related to Mrs.. Wyatt? Could it be that Mrs. Wyatt sent them here to see Marian instead? They're looking for Marian, right? That must be it!"

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