She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 556 - HER CLASSMATES

Chapter 556 - HER CLASSMATES

Cayenne was startled and immediately turned her chair around. Stefan was standing behind her with her hand bag and phone. "You forgot these." Stefan stated while placing her things on the table. "So, did you contact him?"

"Nope. I didn't." Cayenne answered while putting her bag on the chair beside her. "We had the same course remember? He gave me lots of his books before he left, thinking that maybe I'd be able to use them. And whether you like it or not, I kept his books. You know that I value books a lot."

"Oh! So, you didn't contact him. Sorry, my mistake."

"Hmp! Such a jealous freak." Cayenne giggled as she pushed him out of the door. "I'm going to do my activities now. Go and do your work as well. Let me know if you need something. Ring me up or send me a message."

"Okie dokie. I'll check on you later." Stefan went out of the conference room and made sure that some of the guards were stationed outside, just in case she needed something.

Noah and Faith looked towards Cayenne but they didn't say anything. They didn't want to be too privy in her life. "Shall we start?"

"Yes. That would be great." Cayenne laid out the things that she has started and the ones that she lacked. "You can help me with the design but I'd love to be the one writing the input."

"That sounds good to me. I love designing things." Faith stated as she pulled some crafting materials to cut out some designs. "Can I have the scissors?"

The three of them started working on the activities that Cayenne needed to submit in one-week time. Noah was assigned for the ideas, Faith was working on the designs while Cayenne was tasked for the inputs. She has a very neat penmanship so, she wasn't worried with her written answers.

"Help me print these." Cayenne typed these words and sent it to Elena. "Just give it to one of the guards and have him bring it to the conference room."

"Sure thing. I'll get this done now." Elena replied without any further instruction. She's not just Stefan's secretary, she's also Cayenne's secretary sometimes, if needed.

Few minutes later, a guard knocked on the door to hand Cayenne the print outs. Noah and Faith looked at Cayenne and the guard who came but no one said anything again.

They continued working on the activities up until 11:30 in the morning. Cayenne wrapped things up because she wanted to rest and have lunch with everyone.

"What do you want for lunch? I'll treat you guys." Cayenne stated while putting away some of her personal belongings; just leaving her crafting materials on the table. "You don't have to feel shy and just let me know."

"I'm not really choosy so, you can choose anything you like." Faith stated, not refusing Cayenne's invitation.

"Same with me." Noah answered. So, in the end, it was Cayenne who chose their food.

Cayenne stood up first with her wallet and phone. "Alright, then. You can stay at the lobby of this floor while I get my husband." Following behind her, Faith and Noah went out and stayed at the lobby where some of the guards stayed to guards the whole floor where Cayenne and Stefan stay.

"Hubby?" Cayenne called for him as she stepped inside his office. "Let's go and have lunch?"

"Where do we go for lunch?"

"Just somewhere nearby. I don't want to travel for a long time since I still have other things to do."

"Okay. I don't mind." Stefan went out of the office and went to look for Tristan and Elena. "Lunch time."

"Yes, boss." The two answered in unison as they stood up from their seats. As long as Cayenne is with them, Stefan knew that he needed to bring these two for lunch.

Noah and Faith was a little dumbstruck to see that it wasn't just the four of them who will eat but everyone on that whole floor. They never expected it. Usually, CEO and his wife would just treat their guests but in Cayenne and her husband's case, they would include everyone.

"They really cannot be measure with the same league as other people." Noah muttered in whisper to the woman beside him.

"I agree. They are just too kind and generous."

"That's Cayenne for you." Noah whispered back while keeping his eyes on the phone as if he wasn't observing anyone around him.

Along with everyone else, Cayenne and Stefan left the company building to cross the street and dine in one of the restaurants nearby. Tristan and Elena became the two people that other employees envied so much. They knew that Stefan was a generous person because of their higher salary than other employees of other companies but compared to them, Tristan and Elena have more benefits. They were closer to Cayenne and Stefan, too.

Noah and Faith have discovered something about Cayenne and Stefan once again. The couple who appeared to be so sweet and loving were also generous and kind.

"Let's have some Chinese food this time." Cayenne told everyone. "By the way, these two are my classmates; Faith and Noah." Cayenne stated as she introduced her classmates to everyone. "They're good friends of mine."

Noah and Faith smiled at everyone when Cayenne introduced them but they never expected that her next words would cause their smiles to falter. Cayenne was always nice to them but she would also put a distance between her and everyone in their room. After she came back, she was really nice to everyone and now, she even told people that they were her friends.

"Thank you for taking care of our lady boss." Elena commented and smiled at Cayenne's classmates.

Tristan didn't say anything but he was very close to Elena and was even pulling her closer to him in some instances. This didn't escape Cayenne's observation and of course, Stefan noticed it, too.

As for Elena, she wasn't very well-aware and was even glaring at the man several times.

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