She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 740


This extra chapter is dedicated to Rein_Hart713 and DaoistPgPBwb. Thank you for the gifts that you sent.



Cayenne didn’t know how exactly she should feel. She was adamant and nervous. At the same time, she was also excited to see Stefan’s reaction once he sees her. There was worry and a little bit of happiness, too. She couldn’t stop her hands from shaking.

Seeing the familiar streets and the establishments, it registered to her that this city has the cathedral that she likes so much. She even told Stefan that she likes to have her wedding there.

“This can’t be true.” She muttered while looking outside the car. The driver was slowly making his way to the venue and she could see the van of her bodyguards following closely behind them.

“Martin. Do you know where we are going?” Cayenne asked, hoping to get some sort of signal from her driver but Martin scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.


“Madam, I was only given the address and I’m just following where the navigator leads us to.”

“I see.”

In the cathedral, most of the visitors have arrived already and they were currently watching the footage that Kai took during Cayenne’s photoshoot. They watched her grumble about modeling and how hard-working those models are. They listened to her complain and sometimes they’d laugh because they could see how close she was to the truth yet still missed it. They even had to empathize with Monet who lied just to keep this wedding a secret.

“Cayenne is on her way,” Monet announced when as soon as she arrived. Thankfully, someone from her team knew that there was a shortcut to getting to the church. She almost couldn’t escape from Cayenne.

“Did she notice anything?”

“I bet she does.” Monet retorted with a wide grin. “Your wife is smart. She must have sensed something now.”

“Do I look okay? I’m quite nervous.”

“Who doesn’t get nervous during their big day? Anyway, I’m going to sit now. I should not be moving around.”

“That’s impossible with your job,” Stefan replied instantly but something dawned on him that stunned him for a second. “Wait. Are you – ”

“I’m tired.” Monet left without listening to whatever Stefan wanted to say and it was only when she reached her seat that she regretted leaving Stefan alone. Sitting next to her Jillyanna where she was supposed to sit was Thomas. Her guilt immediately soared and she couldn’t look him in the eyes.

“Monet. It’s nice to see you again.” Jill greeted her and kissed her cheek. “How have you been? It seems like you’ve lost weight. Are you that stressed with your work?”

“Sometimes, yeah.”

“The bride has arrived.” Said the organizer and everyone settled on their seats waiting for the ceremony to start. Cayenne’s entourage was all beautiful from the little boys and girls to the bride’s maids and groom’s men. “As soon as she gets out of the car, we will start the ceremony.” She was going to and fro between the adults and the children to make sure that they understood what to do as soon as the song starts.

With a signal from the organizer, the pianist and the violinist started playing their instrument, and the melodious song To a Wild Rose by Edward MacDowell softly echoed in the church. To make sure that Cayenne won’t hear anything of what was happening inside, they made a separate arc inside the church so that they can close the double doors while she stood outside waiting for her queue.

The first person to walk down the aisle should be Cayenne’s mother but she already died so, it was Stefan’s father who walked first followed by Stefan who excitedly waited for Cayenne as soon as he stood in front of the altar. One after another, the best man followed by the groom’s men and bride’s maids; then come the maid of honor who stole Ali’s heart once more. Supposedly, Luna’s grandparents want them to get married already but Luna refused because she wanted to see Cayenne get married first and become her maid of honor. And, she got her to wish granted.

Jade, who attended several wedding ceremonies already, helped the other kids who would walk down the aisle as well. She specifically talked to Chloe who looked pale behind her.

“Do you need water? My dad always brings us a bottle of water.”

“I’m fine. I just feel nervous. I am afraid I will make a mistake.”

“Just follow me. Just take your time and stop wherever I stop later.”


The cute flower girls finally made their entrance and slowly rained down their flowers on the red carpet. Following behind them was the ring bearer, the bible bearer, and the coin bearer. They stole the hearts of many people with their cuteness especially when they smile at the cameras.

“Why is the church close?” Cayenne asked when she arrived in front of the church. “Did they arrive already?”

“I am not sure why the church is closed. They told me that the next venue will be here.” Martin mumbled as he double-checked the address that Monet gave here. He honestly didn’t have a clue of what was happening but he can already tell that this photoshoot wasn’t just for advertising. It was a real wedding for his boss and madam.

“Yenyen!” Sabrina called and following behind him was Erwin who was holding an umbrella. “I heard that you are having a photoshoot here. Is this an exclusive shoot or I can watch it?”

“I’m not really sure about that. I don’t know where Monet is now. She should be somewhere here.”

“Ms. Yen, it’s a little hot today. Why don’t you share this umbrella with Sabrina?”

“Thanks. I’m actually sweating.”

“I have a handkerchief.” Sabrina retorted and dabbed on Cayenne’s face, slowly and carefully as she could to make sure that she won’t ruin the makeup. In fact, she really came out to make sure that Cayenne was doing fine. It was part of her role to repay Stefan’s help in getting approval from her parents regarding her relationship with Erwin.

“I remember that the church is open to many visitors. I wonder why they close it today.”

“I thought you will have a photoshoot inside that is why they closed it for exclusive use. Come on. I’ll help you with your skirt. It will be difficult to take this whole bunch of stairs.”

“Thankfully, they placed this carpet here or I would get this gown dirty,” Cayenne responded without doubting Sabrina’s arrival there. Since she knew how Sabrina loves fashion, she thought her attire today was her normal outfit.

Finally arriving at the door, Sabrina wiped Cayenne’s sweat on her forehead. “Let me check on the side if there are people we can talk to. I’ll try to find your husband, too.”

“Okay. Thank you, Sabrina.”

“Sure. Sure.”

Just as Sabrina made a turn and vanished from her sight. The double door was pulled open and the view startled Cayenne. She blinked her eyes several times as she looked at the people inside the church. She spotted some familiar faces which added to her embarrassment. She didn’t want them to see her while working as a model.


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