She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 717


“I’m innocent.”

“That’s for me to decide.” Cayenne blurted, taking a seat on the chair that Stefan gave her. “So, tell me the story.”

“Stefan didn’t tell you?”

At the mention of her beloved’s name, Cayenne’s fingers twitched in annoyance. “You have no right to mention my husband’s name. That’s Mr. Dumrique for you.”

Leaving her to deal with this woman that caused him so much headache, Stefan sat on the side without uttering a single word.

The woman looked at him several times but his expression remained stoic which stressed the woman even more.

“Are you not going to tell her about our affair?”



Stefan remained silent like what he promised to Cayenne. Although he was partly responsible for what was happening, he would rather defy the gods than defy the order of his wife. She told him to shut his mouth and he’s doing that.

“Kelly.” The way Cayenne spoke her name, brought goosebumps on the woman’s arms. “Your name means war. It suits you.”

Elena covered her mouth to hide her smile when she heard the mean comment from Cayenne. She didn’t expect her to provoke the woman as soon as she arrived. It was really a surprise to witness this side of her.

“Saying such a thing doesn’t matter to me.” The woman named Kelly responded with a look of defiance as if Cayenne was there to bully her. In fact, the only thing that Cayenne knew was the issue that Stefan was facing and the woman’s name. She has no idea of the entirety of the story yet. “You must be jealous knowing that we shared some passionate time in the past.”

“Who doesn’t?” Cayenne blurted with faint chuckles that obviously mocks the woman. “A past can’t compare to the present and the future. I don’t need to feel jealous about the little time you had with him.”

When Kelly mentioned about their past, Stefan wanted to strangle her, thinking that Cayenne would surely flip up in anger. Contrary to his expectation, his wife remained calm and she even said that she won’t be jealous with the woman of his past. Somehow, he felt disappointed. He wanted her to feel jealous even if it’s just a little bit. Yet, he was conflicted because he knew that if Cayenne feels jealous, he would suffer from the brunt of her whirlpool of emotions.

“I had my share of men, too.”

Stefan’s jaw dropped. Elena and the others looked at Cayenne in disbelief before shifting their gaze to their boss. When they felt the sudden chill from Stefan, everyone looked away and pretended not hearing anything even though they heard it Cayenne loud and clear.

“Let’s get straight to the point. I’m getting tired chatting with you. What’s all this issue about a baby?”

Kelly rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue to show her distaste but her opponent wasn’t affected at all. “Didn’t you read the news? It was all written there.”

“And you claimed to be innocent.”

“I didn’t know who spilled this information. Only me, the hospital and Stefan knew about this.”

“My husband’s name sounds nice, isn’t it? You love to mention him, too.”

“Whatever. I’m telling you I’m innocent in this matter.”

“Aha! You are telling me that the hospital is responsible for this matter? Hubby, which hospital is she talking about?”

“I didn’t say anything about the hospital!” Kelly yelled in frustration. She couldn’t understand how Cayenne’s brain works and why was she able to find loopholes from her words. “I never said anything about the hospital. Didn’t you hear me?”

“You. Said. That. You. Are. Innocent.” Cayenne expressed word for word, reassuring the woman that she heard the woman clearly. “And I am sure that my husband wouldn’t do such a thing because it will affect our relationship. Since only you, the hospital and my husband know about it; and since you didn’t expose it and neither did my husband, doesn’t that mean that the hospital was the one who did it?”

“You’re impossible.”

“Oh, please. I am just analyzing your words. Why don’t you tell me the truth anyway?”

“Anyone can get that information. Someone might have hacked the hospital’s network and gathered this information. Or Stef- Mr. Dumrique” she corrected the name instantly when Cayenne’s mocking expression turned to a cold and sharp glare. “Your husband might have made a slip of the tongue and told someone about it.”

“That’s impossible.”

“I really – ”

“Look at me.” Cayenne ordered strongly that compels the woman to do what was asked of her. “Look at me and tell me you didn’t do it.”

Kelly tried doing it but whenever she looks at Cayenne, she felt so nervous and she unknowingly shifted her gaze to the people around them. It was right at this moment that she realized the seriousness of this matter. There were so many bodyguards around them that she couldn’t see any chance of escaping.

“When a person lies, they tend to shift their gaze everywhere except to the person they were lying to.”

“Are you some kind of psychologist?”

“I don’t need to be one to know a liar. It’s a common knowledge.” Cayenne stood up from her seat and approached the woman. “Tell me the story.”

Kelly wanted to play safe and see if she could fool Stefan again but the reality threw her deep into the quagmire that she made herself. She never thought that the Cayenne would come instead of Stefan alone. The prepared scene she had in mind couldn’t be played because of Cayenne’s presence. She miscalculated her steps.

“We had a short affair.” Kelly mumbled with her eyes on Stefan but he wasn’t even looking at her. He was busy scrolling on his phone and sometimes he would smile handsomely. Only the few bodyguards who stood next to him knew what he was doing. Even so, they couldn’t understand what was funny when it comes to buying desserts.

“Go on.” Cayenne urged her hastily. “You will be freed after I verify the facts from your words.”

“Why are you taking your anger on me? You should be angry at your husband!”

“Why should I do that? Also, I am not really venting my anger on you. I am not even angry yet.”

[If she’s not angry at this point, what is she like if she really gets mad?] Kelly questioned herself internally. She thought that Stefan’s wife was amiable and someone that can be easily manipulated. If it was before, when Cayenne was full of insecurities, Kelly might succeed in taking her down. Now? That would be impossible because Cayenne got Stefan who always have her back.

“Mr. Dumrique signed the abortion papers to get rid of our child.”

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