She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 714

Chapter 714: WHAT WILL SHE DO?

Luiz looked at his sister who also looked at him with what’s-going-on look. He wanted to tell her what he knew but when he looked at Stefan, he was worried. He believed in Stefan. He believed that he won’t hurt his sister again because of how much he loves her. However, he was torn between telling Cayenne and keeping it. He was worried that he will be the reason of their break up again. He didn’t want them to separate again.

“I...the glass...the glass slipped from my hand.” Luiz stated which earned him a sigh of relief from everyone.

“Be careful.” one of the staff stated. “I’ll get a broom and dustpan. Don’t let anyone come near you and don’t go anywhere. We’ll check your shoes just in case some of the shards got stuck on your soles.” he added and left to get what he needed.

The woman in front of Luiz had turned pale when she looked at Stefan. His cold gaze sent chills down her spine and she couldn’t stop shivering. She was afraid of him.

“I didn’t know what really happened and I just really want to know that everything’s fine. I’m sorry for showing this to you.” The woman mumbled in apology.

“It’s fine.” Luiz said as he waved his hand in dismissal. “Thank you for showing concern but there’s no need to worry about them. Nothing can take them apart. My brother-in-law would never do such thing.”

The woman bowed her head and muttered another bout of apology before leaving Luiz alone. The moment she got away, Clarisse approached her boyfriend and held his hand. “I’m sorry.”


“You knew about this news?”


“And you didn’t tell me?”

“Because I know you’d be affected and might do something that you’d regret later on. This is a problem that sis Yen and her husband need to deal with. Let us give them the time to sort things out. I am pretty sure that he will solve this matter soon.”

Luiz looked back at his sister who was now eating her food while chatting with the director. She looked genuinely happy and no cloud of sadness can be seen on her face. Contrary to how she looked, Stefan barely smiled in front of other people. He was obviously worried about something and they knew what that something was.

After lunch, they left Theresa’s Angel to visit the Arc Center for Cancer patients. Supposedly, it was Cayenne who planned to give them something. She didn’t expect she would receive something in return. It wasn’t just her, everyone who came with her received something. It was potted plant and the one she got was a lemon seedling. Her happiness was brimming and all she could think of was finding a place to plant it somewhere.

One hour ago ...

“Boss, we found the woman already. She said that she didn’t spread any news about you and she would never do such thing.” Tristan said over the phone. “She also said that this must be done by one of your enemies because she got a letter last night telling her to leave the country and never come back.”

“Is that all?”

“Sorry boss. I still couldn’t find the person responsible for this. The woman said that she received a bag of cash in front of her door but there was no other note aside from the letter. I already got a copy of the letter but there was nothing special to it. Since she got cash, we couldn’t find any bank traces to check on. Also, there was no CCTV near her previous place. It’s really hard finding the perpetrator.”

“No matter what happens, find him. I need to deal with this bastard.”

“Did you tell Ms. Yen about this already? You need to inform her about this matter as soon as you can. It will be a big problem if she hears this issue from someone else.”

Stefan was silent for a moment and his gaze was focused on his wife who was talking to one of the staff. They must be chatting about something funny because she laughed beautifully. He loves watching her laugh and smile.

“I’ll talk to her about this matter tonight. I can’t tell her about this right now because of the events. I don’t want her to be affected by it.”

“Don’t worry boss, I have already deleted the posts that madam got tagged. I already informed Ms. Jillyanna about this matter to prevent her from contacting lady boss. Riley and Shein promised to keep this matter a secret as well. I have talked to David and he also managed to keep this matter from Luiz.”

A sigh escaped from Stefan’s lips after a long time. He was deeply worried about this matter. “I’ll leave it up to you. I am sure that this isn’t done by those people overseas because they didn’t have much power over me and they didn’t know her either. You can narrow down the people who tried to damage my businesses these past few months. One of them must have gotten hold of this information. Find out who tried to get in touch with that woman.”

“Yes, sir.” Tristan ended the call and went back to work once again.

As for Stefan he could only pray that his wife won’t kill him. She loves children. She talked to him about babies for so many times that he lost count of it and he wants to have children with her, too. He wants her to be the mother of her children.

He just didn’t expect this issue to resurface at this moment when he’s planning to marry her. He wanted to tie the knot with her once again but people were trying to stop him from doing so.

How will Cayenne react if she knows that he had a child with someone? Worse, what will she do to him if she knows that he killed the innocent child indirectly?

Stefan closed his eyes and prayed. He could only pray that she would still forgive him after finding the truth later on.

At present, Cayenne was observing her husband with side glances. She could tell that the problem wasn’t solved yet because of the worry clouding his eyes. And no matter what it was, he wouldn’t tell her because he knew that she will be affected by it. Cayenne knew that he was more worried for her.


Stefan looked at her and found a faint smile on her lips. “No matter what happens, I will be by your side. If you are ready to tell me, you can just do it. I will listen and I won’t react until I have gathered enough facts.”

“Then, what will you do if someone close to you killed a child?”

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