She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 695

Chapter 695: POTTERY DATE

Instead of going out to watch a movie like they usually do, Stefan decided to join a pottery class with his wife. Dating isn’t just about watching a movie or having dinner or going on a long trip. Dating someone is to enjoy your time with that person while discovering more things with him or her. It’s also another way of making sweet memories. As for Stefan, dating Cayenne was to have quality time with her alone, to enjoy every moment with her, and to accumulate a lot of happy memories that they can tell their children one day.

Inside the car, Cayenne waited for the bodyguard to return from looking for the Happy Pot gallery. It was a place where people can learn about pottery while also admiring the antique items that the owner have collected from different places. This was the place that Stefan chose for their date and she was thrilled to learn something new as well.

A few minutes later, the bodyguard came back and told Cayenne where the place was but instead of going out, she waited there for Stefan to arrive. It was still early and the gallery will close at night so she wasn’t that worried.

As soon as Stefan arrived, he walked to her car and apologized. “Sorry for making you wait.”

“Is that how you should greet me?”

Stefan grinned and opened his arms for her. “I miss you, wifey.” He said and hugged her tight plus a kiss on her forehead.

Cayenne hugged him back and also kissed his chin, a gesture that she likes to do in order to express her love for him. “That’s much better. I miss you, too.”


“How was your class today?”

“It was fine. We are given more tasks to do and it’s not something I like but well, I can’t do anything about it. It’s part of being a student. What about you? I wish I could really help with your work.”

“Nah. It’s fine. Whenever there’s something I needed your help with, I will let you know. So far, Elena and Tristan have been doing their best to relieve me from so much work.”

“I’m really glad that they’re doing well. I was so afraid that they’d go on separate ways.”

The two of them engaged in a light conversation about their day and the people around them. They looked like a normal couple who were strolling down the streets but not far from them, the bodyguards have been following their pace while keeping a good distance from them. It was to give them some space to have a private conversation. Not that they’re talking about something confidential but they wanted their boss to have some time on their own. The others stayed to guard the cars.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived in front of the Happy Pot gallery and Stefan slowly opened the glass door to get inside. He gestured for Cayenne to get in first and he followed her right away. The sound of the wind chimes announced their entry and a woman in her apron came out from one of the doors.

“Good afternoon. How can I help you?”

Cayenne smiled politely and approached the woman who was now standing behind the counter. “I’m with my husband, Stefan Dumrique. I believe he has called earlier to reserve a pottery class for us.”

“Give me a sec. I’ll just check on it.” The woman immediately opened the computer and looked for the reservation under Stefan’s name but she didn’t find it. “Uhh...did you reserve it under your wife’s name sir?”

“Oh! Right. It should be under Cayenne Dumrique.”

“Got it.” She confirmed the reservation, pressed the bell beside her computer and another woman came out from a different door. “This is Mina. She is one of our ceramists here. You will be learning from her.”

“Hello,” greeted the woman named Mina.

Cayenne and Stefan returned the greeting as well before Mina escorted them to another room where they can learn pottery. Since it was a safe place and Stefan didn’t sense any danger, the bodyguards just stayed in the lobby to wait for them except for Martin who was asked to come in with them so that he could take a video of Cayenne and Stefan.

“Can we make anything that we like? For example, a flower vase.” Cayenne inquired because she already thought of making one for her flowers.

“You can make whatever you like, but making a vase is a little difficult for beginners. It also varies with the design and the size of the vase that you want to make.”

Mina started explaining the process and the tools that they needed to use. Cayenne was a little bit more interested in it and Stefan was happy that she likes this kind of date. The two of them sat behind their respective potter’s wheels and the woman gave them a small lump of clay to start with. It was just for them to practice since both of them didn’t really know how to make things out of clay.

“I’ll make a tea cup,” Cayenne told Stefan. She was brimming with smiles because of her excitement.

“Then, I’ll make a saucer for that.”


Mina explained what they should do and while she talked, Cayenne and Stefan started ‘conning up’ the clay. It is the method to compress the clay and remove air pockets because these will cause the product to easily crack.

“This feels good. I like how the soil feels under my palms.” Cayenne commented while she moves her hands to compress the lump of clay at the same time while adding water to it to easily mold it or stretch it in any shape that she wants.

“I don’t think I’m doing this right,” Stefan commented because the clay looks weird for him while Cayenne was doing great.

Cayenne looked at the thing he was making and couldn’t help herself from laughing. She didn’t know what he did but the clay wasn’t forming the way he wanted it to. It should be a saucer but it looked more like a deformed cup to her.

As they focused on the item that they wanted to make, Cayenne started to forget the time and she wholly devoted herself to making the teacup.

As soon as she was done with it, she looked at Stefan and grinned. “I want to come back here and make a flower vase next time.”

“Sure. I’ll bring you here again to make the vase.”

Since it will take a long time for their items to dry, Stefan and Cayenne went out to have dinner first. They can just return and get the items after the staff dries it for them. Thankfully, he was able to mend the deformation of his saucer. It looks good enough to pair with the tea cup that Cayenne made.

“By the way, my classmates asked if I could upload a vlog about the magazine photoshoot. I remembered that you filmed the photoshoot last time. Can I use it to upload a video on my vlogging account?”

“Erwin and Tristan already edited the video for you. They are just waiting for you to ask.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d like to show it either. So, I just kept a copy just in case.”

Cayenne beamed in happiness and Stefan was once again falling in love with her. He loves to see her smile the most and it’s even more dazzling when she smiled because of him.

“You really know how to spoil – Ahh!!! Catch her!”

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