She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 672

Chapter 672: NOT SAFE TO MEET

In the afternoon, along with his family, Stefan and Cayenne left their home and stayed at Hacienda Amore for the time being. It was the best option he has instead of staying in one of his properties which Napoleone knew. In this way, the man will have more time to look for them while they find a way to deal with him.

This time Stefan made a promise. He promised to erase anyone who brings trouble to his wife and he’ll start it with Napoleone. He wouldn’t say that he was better than him but at least, he never hurt anyone innocent. All those people who have lost their lives in his hands were those who lost their morals.

“Just make yourself at home. That house doesn’t really have anything important so, you don’t have to worry that much.” Travis told Stefan over the phone when his friend called him to inform him about their arrival. “I have deployed several men to help you with this matter as well. As soon as they have the lead, I’ll leave him to you for you to end this farce.”

“Thanks. I greatly appreciate it.”

“By the way, how come you and Cayenne lost your phones at the same time?”

Stefan hesitated for a moment about whether he will tell Travis about it or not. In the end, the matter has passed and it should be fine to inform him of the hijacking incident. There’s nothing that can be done about it anyway.

Listening to the late news, Travis sighed and rubbed his face helplessly. He didn’t know what to say. He waited for Stefan to finish narrating the story before letting out a shaky breath. “Stefan, I don’t have any idea of the number of enemies you have and I guess, it is just as much as I have. Anyway, please be extra careful when you go somewhere and double your security around your wife. Jill is worried that Napoleone would really follow through with his plan.”


“Don’t worry. I will make sure that Ayen is safe. Also, she won’t be using her phone until I can assure you that she’s fine.”


When the call ended, Stefan returned to his wife’s side who was currently watching an anime using his laptop. His bodyguard bought them a new phone already with a matching phone case but he didn’t give her the phone yet. It would be troublesome if she keeps remembering the phone that the hijacker crushed under his foot.

“Wifey, what are you watching?”

Cayenne lifted her smiling face and kissed Stefan’s cheek before answering his question with “By the Grace of Gods”. She scooted closer to him and even placed the laptop between them so that he could watch it as well. “This cute kid is actually a mature man. His soul was transmigrated to this other world by the gods and...” She mumbled on and on, letting him know of what has happened from the last three episodes she watched while keeping that lovely smile on her face.

If Stefan didn’t experience how it’s like having a trauma, he would be thinking that his wife was alright. He listened to the tale she was telling while keeping his gaze on her. Instead of watching the anime, he was watching her every expression, loving the way her eyes brightened whenever she sees the cute protagonist.

“I’m glad that you are enjoying that. Once you’re done with it, I have something to tell you.”

“I can pause it now. If you want to wait until I finish this, we’ll probably have this discussion late in the evening.”

“That long?”

“Yeah. I still have several episodes to go and there’s this other anime that I want to watch as well.”

“Then, can you pause it?”

Cayenne pressed the space bar and faced him directly so that he can start with the information he wanted to share. She was sitting on her legs which seemed numbing to him but Cayenne looked rather comfortable with the position. Her encouraging eyes brought a smile to his lips as if he was the one who was going through something and needed some encouragement for strength. “How can you be so gentle and caring when you needed support the most?” He blurted out before he could stop his mouth from uttering what was inside his brain. He never meant to say them because he didn’t want his wife to feel insecure about his words. “Wifey, I – ”

“Why can’t I be gentle and caring towards you? We’re husband and wife so, it’s only natural that we’d support each other.”

“Right,” Stefan replied instantly to disperse the tension he created in the atmosphere. He pulled her up and made her sit on his lap while he thought about how to divulge the information to her without agitating her. Now that she’s going through something, he needed to be extra careful with his words. One wrong move and it could blow up her mind and bring her immense pain which he didn’t want to happen.

Looking at his worried expression, Cayenne cupped his face and kissed his nose. “Is it a super duper-ultra mega-bad-worse-worst news?” Stefan chuckled at her question and he finally felt at ease now that she was trying her best to cheer him up as well. “So, what is it?”

“About the woman...the one whom you think has died...she was discharged earlier. As I have said, the shot wasn’t critical and someone stopped the bleeding. You still remember Olivia, right?”

Stefan said a lot of words but the only thing that registered in her brain was the safety of the woman. The rest has fallen on deaf ears. “It’s not that I don’t trust you but, I want to see it with my own eyes. Can’t we visit her?”

As one of the most indulgent husbands, how can he refuse her? However, Stefan has a condition that she needed to follow as well. Given the fact that someone was hunting them, he didn’t want her to take the risk of exposing herself outside. “I’ll ask Tristan to contact his family and we’ll have a conference call. I can’t let you leave knowing that – ”

“‘ That’ what?”

“That...that she needed more rest like you. If we visit her, we will have to travel to her home which is quite far. Let’s just check on her through a video call.”


Stefan lied. The real reason he couldn’t bring Cayenne to see the woman face to face is that she wasn’t discharged from the hospital yet. She was physically safe and was recovering well but the impact of the event on her mental health was something that the doctors needed to constantly monitor along with a psychiatrist.

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