ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 174: Outraging Invader: Full Throttle Part 1

Chapter 174: Outraging Invader: Full Throttle Part 1

Honestly speaking, Silvia Goldberg was bored. And disappointed at that.

She quickly realized from the life feed that the opposite team was simply stalling for time, and that Uomi Kei was nowhere to be found by the time she went into Full-Dive. What’s more, the actions of this No Face player just confirmed her suspicions.

(Maybe there was some sort of accident or urgent business because of which he was unable to participate……)

But even though they had so little time to adapt to the game, it was certainly admirable that they were able to gain so much time against Pro Gamers, especially that girl Natsume Megumi. Still, the only reason she took this job offer was because she wanted to face Uomi Kei in battle, hence her dissatisfaction. But the biggest dissatisfaction Silvia felt right now lay in that player fighting her right about now.

Silvia Goldberg was the strongest player there could ever be. And it’s not just an estimate or a theoretical data. It’s the undeniable truth after she fought a whole bunch of strong opponents from all around the world and managed to emerge victorious from every single battle. That being said, even though she was always victorious, there was a number of players who managed to almost give her a run for her money, including Uomi Kei.

None of those people would dare to challenge her with Cursed Prison. Cursed Prison is the arch-nemesis of Meetias, as well as his greatest rival. Therefore, Silvia would never allow herself to be beaten by that character, not since her skills at handling Meetias were cut above all else. By choosing that character against Meetias, it was like declaring a total war against her.

Sadly enough, when it comes to Cursed Prison’s performance in Galaxia Heroes: Chaos, it could only be described as disadvantageous against Meetias. Adding Silvia to the mix, there was no way in hell that any Cursed Prison would be able to beat Meetias. There could be exception to that rule, but so far Silvia was yet to see a Cursed Prison that would be able to impress her.

(Surely that John Doe-san won’t be any different……)

And even if by some miracle that John Doe-san happens to be a threat, it certainly won’t be any real one. He won’t be a bigger threat to her than Uomi Kei. He is the one she should be concerned about the most.

She had really high expectations for that next match when she would clash with Kei again and she fully realized that. She was also secretly hoping for him to choose a Villain so that she could go all out against him. But just then the running and screaming NPCs brought her back to reality as her current opponent appeared right in front of her.

「Ara, done changing your clothes?」

「Sorry for keeping you wait.」

It seems that he decided to incorporate about five police motorcycles into him, wearing their parts around different regions of his body just like a suit of armor. Right about now Cursed Prison looked like a knight in shining armor, except he had black tires sticking literally from everywhere around him. And he was coming. Seeing that, Silvia let out a sigh.

Since the previous Galaxia Heroes games were the type of fighting games where you fight on small closed arenas, it was often impossible to fully realize the potential or appeal of certain characters. Like Clock Fire who spreads bombs and Cursed Prison that incorporates the elements of his surroundings into himself. However, this particular installment was able to remove that constraint and made it possible to enjoy the characters just like they were in comic books.

「Well then, shall we get started?」

「Ahh, before that, there’s one thing I would like to say.」


「What was I going to say…… Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s right.」

At that moment Cursed Prison was so heavily armored that not even a single part of his skin was visible. But the fearless smile was not wavering on Meetias’s lips.

「I’ll. Kick. Your. Ass.」

The meaning behind those words was more like: I’ll kill you so hard you’ll die to death.


Saying that, she kicked the ground and started running. She run up the wall, made a jump in mid-air, landed with a flip and accelerated after a backstep. She then wanted to kick the empty space beneath her……


Something grabbed her foot.

I managed to grab her leg. It was basically one huge gamble on my part that relied hugely on intuition, but apparently the Gods of RNG decided to be on my side for a change.

「Welcome, WELCOME!!!」

If Meetias is a fighter type that specializes in speed, then Cursed Prison is a fighter type that specializes in Power. Normally he should also be really tough and difficult to injure, but because the game needed to be balanced that attribute of his was lost, changed to a form of a handicap: he’s really powerful, but as a result he’s also difficult to properly handle.

But that also means that it’s power is relatively close to the comic book original. Also, to offset my lack of mobility I incorporated five motorcycles into my body, and used the super fast rotation to be able to keep up with Meetias and eventually be able to take a hold of his ankle like that.

Then I continue to move at a super-fast speed like that, as the mufflers located at my back starts to roar like wild beasts and emit clouds of dark smoke. Right here, right in this moment the RNG gods are still on my side, thanks to which I am able to overwhelm the Number One player in the United States.

Paradoxically, Cursed Prison is the most immobile and the most mobile character in the entire game. Even though some parts are omitted, the added weight of five bikes makes his body so heavy that he is no longer able to use his legs properly. He can move with really slow and heavy steps, but fighting in such state is out of the question.

However, having five bike engines strapped onto you allows you to move extremely fast for a short amount of time, although it comes with little precision and no control whatsoever. For example, if you focus all of your energy on turning the tires that are strapped to your legs……

「Now, it’s time for you to become a starrrrrrrrrr!!!」

You can swing your enemy around just like a ragdoll, a maneuver that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Then, when I let go of him having accumulated enough rotation, Meetias’s body shoots towards a building and pierces right through it, just like a meteor would. And it wouldn’t come without a backlash, since this time around, he was thrown against his will.

「Fufufu, kukukukukuku……」

Good, good, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m like a batter that manages to hit a home run after home run. A soccer player that scores hat trick after hat trick. A horse that gets so far ahead that none other contestants are able to get close to me. And being able to thrash a Pro Gamer around like that surely felt good. Oh wait, I should use that opportunity to make myself look even more evil.



I was just about to enter the building where I threw Meetias in, but then he jumped at me from the still falling dust. On a side note, I was currently running at full speed with my arms spread wide and facing down due to the sheer weight of them. It surely looked as though I was trying to give Meetias a hug. Realizing that, Meetias tried to avoid my grasp at last possible moment, but by doing that he fell right into my trap. It was only a matter of adjusting my arm slightly.

「Too bad! That was never going to be a hug! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!」


Maintaining my speed, I rammed straight into Meetias, letting him eat a magnificently performed lariat. And the impact of my attack was so strong that my tires got twisted and I spun in place, similar to ice skating move.

As for Meetias, the force applied to his neck was so strong that it forced his body to do a backflip in the air. I use that opportunity to get close to him and place a motorcycle tire that was strapped onto my arm right next to his face. I think I don’t have to tell you what would happen if you did that to a human being. And if you don’t, then don’t worry, I’m going to demonstrate it to you.

「WAHAHAHAHAHA! Rejoice, boy! You’re going to experience a wonderful kabe-don!」

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