ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 156: Beware of the Tyrant Part 1

Chapter 156: Beware of the Tyrant Part 1

「Goodness gracious, and here I was about to go and look for my weapon, when such a nasty fish had to emerge out of nowhere! Why would you even think that you could fight Atlantic Reaperorca on your own!?」

「It’s not like I was looking for this monstrosity to begin with! It found me itself and then it wouldn’t leave me alone!」

「And now it will be my job to rescue you like you’ve rescued me!」

「And I respect that you can proclaim such a thing without any hesitation!」

Swiftly moving its tail, Alva grabbed a firmer hold of me and we flew through the underwater city. Normally I would surely enjoy a ride like that and admire the scenery, but there was no time for that now. Not when we had a bloodthirsty monster on our asses.

「Is it going to be hard, getting away from that thing?」

「……I’d say that yes, it is going to be difficult. Atlantic Reaperorca is a persistent predator, once it sets its sights onto a prey, it won’t stop until it hunts it down and devours it whole.」

Well, if I was a spider who was about to devour a tasty fat fly and then suddenly another fly came about and rescued the fly that was supposed to be my dinner, I’d be livid with anger as well. We might have gotten out of the frying pan, but we were still in the fire.

It seems that this monster was just like the Crystal Scorpions. As long as it meant killing its prey, it was going to go to any lengths to make that happen, even if it meant breaking every single bone within its body.

「…… Sanraku, I’ll try to lure it towards the edge of the city. In the meantime, you get as far away from us as you can.」

「Why are you going in such a weird way, then? Go here, then like this, then like that, right here…… Ahh, now I get it…… Alright, time to change things up a bit! Do you want to kick this guy’s ass?」

「Why, I could go even quicker if we were actually out in the open sea, but…… Huh? What did you just say?」

「Hmm? Change of plans. Instead of running away, we are going to kill the bloody monster and be done with it.」

Alva looked at me with astonishment, as if he saw a sardine trying to pick a fight with a shark.

「Alva, dodge!」


「And here I thought it might be exhausted after using that freaking discharge so much……」

「Don’t change the subject! Sanraku, did you just suggest we kill the Atlantic Reaperorca!? Are you sane!?」

「It might sound crazy, but take a look at this!」

I urge Alva with my hand to look down below us. We both look towards the street that leads to the entrance to the tower that I used as an object of experiment. The street was currently riddled with craters and trenches created most probably as a result of the electric attacks and laser beams of this monster.

「Listen up, that Altantian…… Gaaah, it’s such a drag to call this thing like that! Look! The place where that monster attacked! Every single building was turned into a pile of rubble, except for that one strangely-shaped house. Why do you think that is?」

「What on Earth……」

「It’s a simple science problem. How does a light beam behave when you place a mirror in its path? Considering that Kutanid’s ability is to “reverse” the nature of everything it touches, wouldn’t it be sound logic to assume that a light beam could work as a deadly laser right now? Reflecting right back at the source that cast it?」

If that damage was really a result of the monster’s attack, the whole area would end up desolated and the holes in the ground would be at least a few meters deep. With firepower like that it would be enough to evaporate every living being in the vicinity.

Also, if it was indeed created by its attack, shouldn’t the damage spread all over from where the monster was to the tower? It was strange that the damage was only reaching about halfway there.

Additionally, the trenches are shallow closer to the tower and get deeper the further they go from it. Because of that, there is only one possible explanation.

In other words, the damage was not neutralized by the tower itself, but rather it was reflected by a barrier around it. Reflected, or you might even call it physical inversion, since we are in a place under the influence of that exact power.

So the laser that got fired by the monster got reflected by the barrier and as it bounced off of it and went towards the ground, tracing deep trenches just like that. It was a really far stretch, but it would certainly explain the damage caused to the nearby surroundings.

「So that’s it! You plan to provoke Atlantic Reaperorca to fire that laser at you again and it can get reflected off the barrier and kill it as a result!」

「Yup, that’s right. Perfect grade. Honestly, Emul would start panicking like crazy at this point.」

To that remark, Alva starts moving his mouth just like a fish taken straight out of the water.

「Now listen up, it takes approximately twenty seconds for this monster to charge up and release that laser of his. It is the window of time in which we need to guide him right in front of the tower and force it to fire away straight at the tower itself, otherwise it won’t do us any good.」

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