ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 149: Reaching For the Stars Part 2

Chapter 149: Reaching For the Stars Part 2

「…… And that about wraps it up when it comes to Silvia’s playstyle.」

「Right, so?」

「Doesn’t that remind you of someone, my dear Sanraku?」

Hm? Me? Why is he pointing at me all of a sudden?

As I tilt my head in visible confusion, Katsu explains once more, this time around in even simpler terms.

「A high mobility attacker in case of who tension is directly connected to their overall in-game performance…… Sanraku, that’s basically you, through and through.」

「…… Hee.」

「And the character that is synonymous with that exact playstyle…… The protagonist, Meetias, she’s bound to choose him during the match the day after tomorrow.」

Saying that, Katsu opened up the official website of the game and went to the character introduction screen. There he showed us a bunch of flashy-looking characters. The character in question was clad in white, with armor plates protecting its key points, wearing a full-face mask with pentagram shaped googles, which made it look as though there was a star attached to its face.

His name is Meetias, a simple salaryman who one day was granted the power of the meteor by “Galaxius”, creator of the universe. With this power in hand, Meetias ventures forth to fight crime and conspiracy lurking behind the stage that threathenes the very fabric of the Universe as we know it! …… It was a typical setting for that kind of character. I’ll have to admit that it managed to impress me at some points and even force something similar to a smile on my liips, but as far as those American comic books go, it was truly a standard setting.

「Now the real question is: what kind of role and position will this Silvia assume……?」

「Hmm, if they really want to win, she’ll be at the forefront from the get-go, but I believe that they will save her for last, to showcase some of the game’s features.」

「Right, that makes sense. Incidentally, what’s the other guys’ playstyle?」

From Katsu’s explanation, I gathered that the others were playing in a way that would support Silvia the most. And from he told us I understand that he wants to duke it out with Silvia one-on-one, so our role would basically boil down to keeping the other three players in check and stopping them from interfering.

「I’m going to send you some more information later today. For now, try to use the Full Dive equipment in your rooms. It has Galaxia Heroes: Chaos preinstalled. I would like you all to try it out and then we can discuss your opinions during the next meeting.」

「Right…… By the way, does this GalaHero have a dedicated server or something like that?」

「There is a server set up for this hotel specifically for the occasion. The Star Rain members are using it as well, but I was told that the settings are thought out to be in such a way that we won’t bump into one another before the match.」

I wonder if the opposing team is also staying at this exact hotel? And if so, is it like with the real athletes? Does that mean they are staying at the suite somewhere near the roof?

「I see…… So for now our four can play against one another.」

I murmured that loud enough so that everyone could hear me…… Including this Natsume girl.

I know what she thinks. She must be full of doubt whether or not some random kid and a world famous model are going to be of any use to this team. That matter is a given, so no need to get riled up about it. But even if we are to perform with one another only for a day, a proper teamwork is in order. Katsu and Pencilgton knows that.

「When do you guys want to log in?」

「How about 10:00? That should be good enough, right?」

「…… I’m going to be logged in even earlier than that.」

「I would play from early on even without you proposing hours like that.」

No, Katsu, I don’t think it’s anything but rudimentary at this point. Also, let’s try to work on creating the friendly team environment, shall we?

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