Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 81-Emilia Clearsky (Part1)

Chapter 81- Emilia Clearsky (Part 1)

Everyone was extremely happy that they were finally able to pass this hell on earth of a test. Many of them even started fantasizing about the academy and how they were going to rise to the top. The path seemed now open for them to create their own legend.

But, these idealistic hopes were quickly crushed by Donnie.

"Don't think that the hard part is over. It didn't even start. So, brace yourselves, youngsters." He said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I won't explain this with mere words. See for yourself." Then, he clicked his fingers again just like how he did when he summoned that bridge.

Instantly, the platform beneath them started shining in a faint white light. The light then grew bigger and bigger until it engulfed everyone.

"What is going on?" Rin murmured.

His answer came soon from Donnie.

"We are going…Up." He then pointed at the sky with his finger.

A moment later, before everyone could even react, they felt their bodies starting to float on their own. Gasps of shock spilled out the students as they started wiggling in the air. But, they eventually gave up as they saw that everyone else was also floating too.

"Ths academy is on a sky island so we have to take a teleportation platform to reach there. The journey can be bumpy so don't try to move too much."

'Hearing about something and seeing it for yourself are two different things. It feels weird.' Rin thought in his head.

Then, without any prior warning, their bodies shot into the sky. From afar, they looked like a blob of light flying in the sky agilely.

"Woaa!" Rin gasped in admiration at the view.

When he was fighting the hybrid bird, he didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of this world from a high altitude. But, now he could see it clearly and it was mesmerizing. Divine Sapphire was indeed a very beautiful world. It can even be considered the most beautiful world in the game.

But, it was by far the least unique world out of them all. From a certain point of view, it was just another generic fantasy, medieval world that could be seen in other games and novels. The other worlds of TOI are by far way more bizarre than this.

Rin was sure that by the time he visits the other ones, he will miss this simple world.

Crossing hundreds of meters in a few moments, the land finally vanished behind the veils of clouds and they were now engulfed in the beautiful color of blue. Even though they were traveling at a high speed, the air torrent wasn't strong or cold.

Rin was intrigued by which kind of magic was this. He didn't really know as he still didn't really divulge into the power system of this world. Reading books wasn't something he was keen on especially when they looked so boring and thick. Besides, he didn't have time to read anyway.

"Hey look! What is that?" Someone pointed out, making everyone look up instinctively.

There, right above them was a huge body of land floating in the middle of the sky. They were at least tens of kilometers away from but it still looked so gigantic that they couldn't even comprehend how big it was

The land was in the form of a gyroscope or an egg with a wide base that gets narrower and narrower as you look up. The form was the weirdest Rin had ever seen. It didn't look like a normal island but instead like a… castle?

'There are even levels to it if you look closely.'

(A//N: For those confused, take Eincrad from SAO as a reference. It's not the same but it has the same concept a little bit.)

The outer layers of the island were made out of normal dirt mixed with some kind of material Rin couldn't recognize.

"That's the academy. As you can see it has many levels. Each level is made for higher-ranked Students. The top 10 students live on that floor. Just right under the last floor." Donnie explained.

No one listened to that carefully to his words as they were busy admiring the beautiful man-made island in front of them.

"You all will land on the first floor. That is your starting point."

The blob of light flew them toward the island. Then, they reached the edge of the island. They didn't enter the mainland quite yet as there was a huge gate that stopped them.

"Look, there are other blobs of light coming."

The same occurred as tens of other light blobs landed beside them. Each blob had at least 50 people or more.

Quickly, the whole place was filled with young men and women. They all had different clothes, hair colors, and even general looks and skin tones.

"Finally, we are here." Rin sighed in relief.

"Don't let your guard down, yet."

"I know. We still didn't see 'that' happen. I hope that idiot follows the plot and doesn't do another ridiculous thing." Rin thought as he instinctively looked at Phillipe.

When the blobs of light stopped coming, the gates finally opened and a few people came out of the door.

In front of these people was an extremely gorgeous woman wearing formal clothes and wearing glasses. Her body was so mature and developed that it made the boy's jaws drop in amazement. Even though no part of her body was exposed, she still looked so alluring and seductive. Her aura was so graceful and calm like a still lake untouched by the howls of the wind. It was so relaxing yet also alerting for those who were strong enough to sense it clearly.

Every stroll she took played on the heartbeats of the young men and messed with their emotions. Her slightly short black hair reached her shoulders.

Gazing at everyone with two sharp yet attractive black eyes, she finally took a deep breath and said.

While the others admired her, Rin and Elise could only keep a calm face as they knew who this person was.

'First heroine has appeared! Great!' Rin thought.

He knew who she was and knew that she was a drop-dead gorgeous woman but seeing her in person and hearing about her were two different things.

'I guess I know what most dudes here will do tonight!' He joked with himself and giggled secretly.

The woman's eyes flashed with a weird gaze for a second as she scanned the group again. However, no one noticed that change at all as they were busy looking at her huge and soft-looking breasts and her wide yet firm hips that seemingly couldn't even be hidden under a skirt.

Clearing her throat, she began.

"Welcome to the first floor of the academy. I'm the supervisor of this floor, Emilia Clearsky. It's an honor to meet all of you. Now, if you may please stand in line."

Looking at the people behind her for a moment, they already moved and started organizing themselves in small queues in front of each supervisor.

"Now, we will make it quick so no one has to wait. Each one of you will get one of these." She then pointed at a bracelet in her hand.

"These bracelets are basically your most important possession inside the academy. It has many utilities. It registers your name and information as a student. It also shows you the number of ranking points you have, the schedule of classes, tests, tournaments, and many other events. Once it is bounded to an individual, you won't be able to take it off unless one of the floor supervisors allows it." She said.

"It also allows for duel requests between students to increase their rank and climb the ladder. But, I won't explain more than this. You will get a small booklet that will explain everything to you. If you have any further questions then you can contact one of the workers through the bracelet and they will answer every question you have."

'Wow! A bracelet, so original!' Rin thought to himself.

Emilia's eyes shifted to look in the general direction of Rin. The latter flinched a little bit when he felt her gaze coming in his direction.

'What's wrong with her? She looks as if she ate something bad!'

The moment he thought so, her eyes turned even colder. But, she didn't linger her gaze on Rin any longer.

"Ehem! As I was about to explain. Your uniforms will be ready by tomorrow and delivered to your dormitory rooms. The classes will start next week so you can try to discover the place during this time and grow familiar with all the facilities inside the academy. We have restaurants, training areas, arenas for duels, and many more places all for you."

Then, a small yet serious smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"All you have to do is climb to the top or your end will be horrible."


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let's all keep it up :)

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