Shades of the New World

Chapter 51: Sudden spar

Chapter 51: Sudden spar

The lunch went on like nothing ever happened, with Aran and the Earl occasionally talking about some matters of the kingdom and the rest enjoying the delicious food. Although the food was good, Evin's attention was on something else.

Evin observed the mansion's residents with interest. It reminded him of the old theatric melodramas that were so popular in the 19th century. The stereotypes were all there. The incompetent master of the house, the pompous elder sisters, the gossiping servants, and finally, the ostracized youngest daughter. It just lacked the prince in shining armor. Maybe that was supposed to be Evin himself, and perhaps he betrayed the story a bit.

But where was the final boss, the evil stepmother? Should Evin ask about it? Or should he just ignore her lack of presence? Does the haggard state of the Earl mean that the Countess of the estate has recently passed away? Or did she pass away early and Bella came from a different mother?

Evin decided that if there really was an evil stepmother, then it would actually be a bit too much like a melodrama. Let's just enjoy the similarities for now.

If it followed the classical examples, the ostracised younger daughter would be born from a concubine or something, which would generally make her standing practically negligible in the house. But instead, just like how the lead heroine would be extremely beautiful in Earth's dramas, here, in Alvox, she has the ability to cast magic. The one who was supposed to be useless, suddenly turns out to be extremely important. The little girl gets constantly reminded about her future responsibilities, which forces her to grow up faster than her peers.

Her elder sisters would constantly bully her due to her lower bearing and the constant attention their father gives her, adding on to the rapid growth of the child.

Just look at her, only six years old and already looking more mature than her two elder sisters. She doesn't bother looking around, her small plump hands clumsily focused on the food. She was eating lunch like her life depended on it. Perhaps she was once gotten told off by her sisters because of her clumsiness? Who knows?

While Bellaslayn was silently taking part in the dinner, her sisters chatter about this and that, their proud demeanor oozing from their gestures. They don't have to focus on their food, they can make mistakes and no one will give two shits. They can enjoy the life as rich daughters of an Earl's house.

In Earthen dramas, the main heroine would spend her times like this for the next ten years, until her beauty surpasses the heavens. She would then meet her prince in shining armor to come and save her from this dreaded environment.

'I wonder what will happen to Bellaslayn's future, since she possesses magic, instead of beauty?'

Glancing at the girl, she did seem rather cute. Perhaps she would become a powerful mage who would sway the hearts of every male and female of the World after her growth? Evin decided that only time will tell.

As Evin was fantasizing about matters in his head, Arza poked at his side and asked a question.

"Why did you talk so funny with the old man?"

Evin, suddenly yanked away from the intense melodrama happening in his head, needed a few seconds to process the question.

"Because some grown-ups have to talk like that. And I was trying to copy them," Evin replied.

"Really? Then why does uncle Theor talk like he does?" Arza asked, unconvinced.

"Because as I said, only some grown-ups talk like I did. Maybe in the future, you will have to talk like that as well?"

"I don't wanna do that. That's too much work. It's stupid," the child retorted.

"I agree it's stupid, but when you grow up, you'll start to learn that sometimes, you have to say things that you don't want"

"Like lies?" A pondering expression on his small face.

"Yeah, like lies"

"Dad said that people who lie should be punched in the face. Did you lie when talking to that man?"

'What are you teaching your kid?' Evin's eyebrows twitched.

"I didn't lie to the man, you don't have to punch me in the face. I said that the girl will grow up beautiful and she would surely not disappoint us," at this point, Evin was not really conscious of what he was talking about. He just knew that he uttered something to explain the situation to the boy. His mind was still focused on the melodrama that was happening.

Arza looked at the girl intently, before saying:

"If she doesn't grow beautiful, then I'm gonna punch you, ok?"

'Do you just want to punch someone, you brute?'

"Okay, sure But don't think that you'll be able to hit me so easily"

"But if you think that the girl grows up to be so beautiful, why don't you marry her?"

"Why do I have to marry her even if she's beautiful?"

"It's one thing off the list that dad gave me. He told me if a girl has two of these three properties, then I can marry her. He said beautiful, smart or have a lot of money,"

'Seriously, what the hell are you teaching your child?'

"Why won't you marry Bellaslayn, then, she's also smart and she should have a lot of money as the heir of the Count," Evin said.

"She doesn't look that smart, only staring at her food like the food told her she was ugly or something. How can she be smart if she gets offended by food?" Arza exclaimed, a tad too loud for comfort.

Hearing the words of the boy, the two sisters sent a cheeky grin towards the youngest.

"Hear that, Bella? The kid thinks you're not so keen. What do you have to say against that?" Olevyn, the middle sister, pointed out.

'Oh shit, the melodrama is unfolding,' Evin grinned.

Bellaslayn did not seem fazed or shocked, since spiteful sentences were all she heard from the mouths of her sisters.

"Our guest can think what he wants, but I hope he would keep his thoughts in his head," she replied impersonally.

"Why should I hide my thoughts! A real man should say his mind witho-" Arza exclaimed.

Aran hurriedly shut his son's mouth before he could say anything else.

"Sorry for the little one, he's a bit too straightforward for his own good," Aran explained.

"No worries. No worries It's the squabbles of children. Come to think of it, why can't your son settle his dispute with Bella with a little spar? She trains all the time, and complains that there aren't any good sparring partners around. Since your son is also a mage, he should know some things about fighting, right?" the Earl remarked, suddenly.

"I don't think that's a ve-" Aran began, but his voice was drowned out by his son's declaration.

"I agree!" Arza managed to announce from behind his father's hands that were trying to keep him silent.

"I agree as well!" Bellaslayn announced.

The lunch was suddenly disrupted with the announcement of the two children.

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