Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 47: A Dagger Stuck in the Butt

Chapter 47: A Dagger Stuck in the Butt

The pig-headed orc with an arrow in his butt looked up, tears streaming down his face, and wailed, "Doctor! I need a doctor! My butt is pierced..."

"I've been shot! I need a doctor!"

"Oh, it hurts so much! I'm going to die..."

The other orcs who were hit by arrows also signaled their need for treatment, responding to the words of the two-headed dog orc.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the clinic's entrance became somewhat strange.

"These guys are so pathetic?" Charlotte had already put aside his judgment and sneered, ignoring them.

He had been looking forward to a battle between the Foxtail Guards and the Black Devil Guards. As two renowned elite guard units in the Abyss, it would surely be a spectacle to behold.

But before the Black Devil Guards even made a move, they immediately surrendered. Moreover, they dared to expect him to treat their wounds.

Buddy coldly looked at the group of orcs, feeling somewhat helpless against them.

He recognized the two-headed dog orc. He was Carol's lackey, a squad leader of the Black Devil Guards, commanding a dozen Black Devil Guards with fourth-tier strength. He couldn't be underestimated.

The Black Devil Guards were known for their ferocity and recklessness, causing a lot of chaos in the Abyss. Their arrogance was well-known.

Tonight, he had planned to escalate the conflict and provoke a fight between the two sides. With their numerical advantage, they would teach them a lesson.

But unexpectedly, they didn't take the bait and stubbornly refused to admit they came to cause trouble. Instead, they claimed to be seeking medical treatment.

Despite being struck by dozens of arrows, not one of them dared to curse.

This made him temporarily unable to lash out.

"These clinics don't operate at night. Go find another clinic!" Buddy coldly shouted.

"Our brothers are seriously injured. If we go elsewhere, they might die. We must have them treated here today." The two-headed dog orc's attitude became more assertive. "They are our Black Devil Guards, under Lord Carol. If they die here, you won't be able to explain it!"

"Ah... I'm going to die. I'm bleeding so much!" The pig-headed orc began to wail on the ground, spurting blood from his wound, putting on quite a performance.

With shamelessness on their side, the two-headed dog orc temporarily held the moral high ground.

Putting away the stone axe in his hand, he turned and patted the clinic's door, shouting, "Doctor! Come out and save people! We have critically wounded here!"

It seemed their mission today might not be completed. They had to check the merchandise first; otherwise, they wouldn't be able to justify themselves to Lord Carol.

They would need a different strategy next time. They couldn't come in such a grandiose manner with so many people. They should send an agile assassin quietly, leaving silently, taking only one head.

Buddy's gaze flickered, uncertain. These guys didn't take the bait, making it difficult for him to react immediately.

Although Baka Street was the Harriman family's territory, they couldn't directly attack when the other party insisted they came for medical treatment.

He now regretted it a little. He should have waited until this dog-headed orc broke down the door before taking action. That way, they wouldn't have any excuses to use.

The two sides remained deadlocked, and the street fell silent. The clinic was also quiet.

"This doctor is such a coward." The two-headed dog orc spat, providing himself with an excuse to leave. He planned to gather his brothers and leave.


At that moment, the clinic's door suddenly opened outward.

Charlotte stood at the doorway, wearing a smile, and asked, "Does someone need urgent treatment?"

Buddy was slightly surprised as he looked at Charlotte. He thought Charlotte would play dead and pretend not to hear anything. After all, he was just an ordinary human facing a group of hostile orcs. Fear was only natural.

Unexpectedly, he dared to open the door and come out, and his expression was calm and composed. He was even... smiling?

The two-headed dog orc also stared at Charlotte. This skinny human was their target tonight. He could easily snap that slender neck with one bite. He squinted his eyes and said, "Yes, my brothers need urgent treatment."

Charlotte glanced at the pig-headed orc on the ground and then at the orcs outside, some of whom were sporting injuries. He commanded, "Bring them inside. It's too dark outside, and I can't see clearly."

[Ding! Urgent medical mission from the Black Devil Guards: Treat ten Black Devil Guards for external injuries! Mission reward: 300 copper coins! Accept: Yes! No!] When Charlotte turned around, he decisively accepted the mission.

Why did he open the door? It would be foolish not to make money!

These guys came to his doorstep acting all high and mighty. It wouldn't be excessive to charge them some medical fees as compensation, right?

Moreover, there was a system reward of 300 copper coins, a delightful addition to his account. He could also earn 100 points as a renowned physician. It was a win-win situation.

Most importantly, Foxtail Guards were guarding the outside. He didn't need to worry about the Black Devil Guards causing trouble.

If he didn't do this business, he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

The first one to be carried inside was the pig-headed orc. He had been hit by three arrowsone in the upper arm, one in the thigh, and one in the butt.

The arrows had tremendous force, and even though the pig-headed orc had tough skin, the thigh, and upper arm wounds were penetrating injuries, with the arrowheads exposed. Fortunately, they hadn't hit any bones, so they weren't difficult to treat.

The most troublesome one was the arrow in his butt. The buttocks were thick, and the arrow penetrated 20cm without completely passing through, leaving half of the arrow shaft exposed.

If it were a rounded arrowhead, it would be easier to attempt direct extraction.

But the arrows of the Foxtail Guards were specially made, with sharp arrowheads and a sudden contraction between the tip and the shaft, creating a cross-section. Forcibly pulling it out could easily cause secondary damage.

The injuries of the other orcs weren't critical and could wait.

Buddy followed them inside, partly to prevent the two-headed dog orc from attacking Charlotte and partly out of curiosity to see how Charlotte would treat and save people.

As a former magic practitioner without a magical source, using so-called 'surgery' to save people, and being highly regarded by Miss, he needed to carefully observe. It was one of the tasks Miss had given him.

"See if he's worth nurturing."

"Doctor, this is my best brother. If you can't save him, don't blame me for being impolite," the two-headed dog monster warned fiercely, both pairs of eyes staring at Charlotte.

"If you block me, I'll curse your mother!" The pig-headed orc looked at his boss with tears in his eyes but didn't dare to say anything.

" Surgery has its risks. Be cautious before going under," Charlotte glanced at him calmly. "I can't guarantee that the surgery will be successful. If you can't accept that, then take him away."

The two-headed dog monster stared at him for a moment before taking two steps back.

"Your condition is serious and requires immediate surgery, otherwise, you will soon bleed to death," Charlotte said to the pig-headed orc.

In just a moment, the surgical table was already stained with pig blood, resembling a slaughterhouse.

The pig-headed orc looked up weakly, gazing at Charlotte with pleading eyes, "Doctor, save me..."

Buddy glanced at the arrow on the pig-headed orc's butt. He had shot all three arrows at the two-headed dog monster but they were all blocked by the pig-headed orc.

If this kind of injury couldn't get timely treatment, it could be fatal.

The most troublesome thing was that arrow on his butt. Even if there were healing mages present, it wouldn't be easy to remove them without causing further harm.

So, how would Charlotte save the pig-headed orc?

The other monsters stared at Charlotte with fierce eyes.

If the pig-headed orc died on the operating table, they could take advantage of the situation and cause trouble. If they accidentally cut off his head, Buddy wouldn't be able to say anything.

If a doctor was that easy to find, then why would there only be five clinics in the abyss? Those doctors who could perform healing magic were all wealthy and lived comfortable life.

Charlotte didn't care about how others thought and had already taken out the surgical instruments needed to begin treating the arrow wounds on the pig-headed orc's arms and thighs.

He used a small knife to cut off the tail of the arrow and pulled it out from the arrowheads direction.

From the bleeding, the pig-headed orc was lucky enough not to have hit the artery.

He cleaned the wound with antiseptic, used a hemostatic agent to stop the bleeding, and then performed simple sutures. The two wounds were quickly treated.

Charlotte's smooth operation surprised the onlookers.

Buddy pondered, "Is this surgery?"

Charlotte's clinic received the most trauma patients, and their survival rate was quite good. It turned out he used these methods, which seemed quite simple.

But how would he remove the arrow on the pig-headed orc's butt?

Buddy walked to the side of the surgical table, gripped his slanted long knife in his right hand, and looked cautious.

Charlotte took out a long iron chain and tied the pig-headed orc to the surgical table.

"What are you doing, doctor?" The pig-headed orc asked in confusion, lying on the surgical table, feeling like he was in a slaughterhouse.

"The next surgery may hurt a little. If you move around, you'll have to endure it," Charlotte picked up a knife that gleamed with a cold light and smiled as he explained.

The fat on the pig's face trembled with fear, "Be gentle..."

"Don't worry, I'm very experienced. It won't hurt much..." Charlotte raised his hand and stabbed the pig-headed orc's butt with the knife.


It was the sound of the knife piercing through thick fat.

A scream of agony from the pig-headed orc resounded throughout the operating room.

The other monsters turned their faces away, unable to bear the sight.

Buddy couldn't help but take a few more glances at Charlotte. He could be sure that those two stabs had some personal emotions behind them.

This human looked weak and easy to bully, but it wasn't a good idea to mess with him.

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