Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"I'M SURE you don't wish to be married this early, Neoma."

Neoma smiled and nodded. "Of course, marriage isn't my top priority at the moment."

"What are you planning then?" Nero asked, sighing while shaking his head. "Father and Mother are very protective of you. I'm sure it won't be easy to convince them to let you announce that you're looking for a husband."

"Don't you think it's unfair?"

"What is?"

"The fact that our parents allowed you to get engaged early, but they wouldn't do the same to me."

She wasn't trying to provoke Nero.

All she wanted to check was the current state of his mental health.

[I don't want him to feel that Mother and Father favor me over him.]

"I was the one who pushed my engagement with Hanna," Nero said, scoffing at her worries. "Mother and Father both told me I didn't have to get married. I know what you're worried about, so stop with the useless thoughts."

She raised an eyebrow at her twin brother. "You know what I'm worried about?"

"You're worried about that I'd get jealous of you because of how Mother and Father treat us differently, don't you?"

She just shrugged as a weak confirmation.

"I am capable of changing my opinion once new pieces of verified information are presented to me," Nero said, huffing. "The trial proved that you and our parents didn't choose to abandon me. It was my fault for being weak enough to get brainwashed by the enemies."

Ah, so it was probably the reason why Nero mellowed out recently.

[I guess his wits are coming back after getting separated from Calyx.]

"That's good to know," Neoma said, nodding her head approvingly. "I'm happy for you, Nero."

He just rolled his eyes at her. "Anyway, I know my duties as the Crown Prince and the future emperor. You don't have the same obligation as me, so I understand if you and our parents would want you to marry for love and not for politics."

"I also know my duty as the Imperial Princess," she said, pouting. She hated the fact that Nero sounded more mature than she was. "As you said before, our privilege comes with responsibilities."

Nero chuckled as if he was amused. "So, what? Are you going to marry a powerful noble or monarch to strengthen the empire's influence over the entire continent?"

"I'll gather all the strongest people on the continent to our empire."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Ah, so you're not really looking for a potential husband."

"Yep," she said, nodding. "I actually want to include women, too. But it will be obvious that I'm not really looking for a husband. By any chance, is it possible to announce that my harem will be open to women as well–"

"Not a chance," Nero said firmly, cutting her off quiet eagerly. "I don't care if you brand me as narrow-minded. The Imperial Family excluded most of the world leaders during my engagement and our parents' wedding. That must have made a lot of them upset with us."

Well, that was true.

She was also worried about excluding most of the world leaders during the royal engagement and wedding. But it worked well since the plan right now was to "isolate" the Western Continent from the rest of the world.

"If the Imperial Princess suddenly expressed that she's interested in women, our reputation will hit rock bottom," Nero said sternly. "I don't care if same-sex relationships are accepted in the world you came from. It's frowned upon in the empire, so you better not express your support to the minority. Not until our power over the continent stabilizes again, at least."


She didn't like Nero's stance, but at least, he wasn't being completely homophobic.

[He could do anything he wants during his reign, and I'll do mine once I become the empress regnant.]

"Okay," Neoma said, deciding to be obedient to the Crown Prince in the meantime. "So, will you support my plan?"

"Raise your value first," Nero said, leaning against the chair with his arms crossed over his chest. "Most people look down on the Imperial Princesses of the empire. If your goal is to gather the strongest men all over the world, then you must show them you're worth it."


"You naïve child."

Her twin brother knitted his eyebrows, obviously offended by her remark. "What?"

"This ethereal beauty," Neoma said, pointing at her pretty face. "Is enough to launch a thousand ships."

"I hate your arrogance, but I have to agree with that statement," Nero said, chuckling while shaking his head. "After all, we have the same face."




Neoma almost didn't recognize Luna Palace.

It was the residence that Neoma and Nero grew up with back when Papa Boss was still a scumbag father.

The Luna Palace used to be a rundown place– old and obviously neglected.

But the Luna Palace that she was touring right now was just as posh as the Blanco Palace– the Crown Prince's official residence.

The pieces of furniture and decorations were all new and obviously expensive.

Even the pillars were sparkling.

Plus, there was a very lush garden with a water fountain in front of the palace now.

"Hanna, you worked hard," Neoma said, turning to Hanna who was walking beside her. "You turned this shabby place into a magnificent palace. If my eyes aren't deceiving me, Luna Palace looks fancier than Nero's palace now."

Hanna chuckled while watching her reaction. "I knew one day you'd return to the palace as the Imperial Princess. That's why I worked hard to turn Luna Palace in a residence that you won't be ashamed of."

"Is that the reason why you chose to stay in Luna Palace instead of Nero's palace before?"

"Yes, that's correct."


She was touched by Hanna's thoughtfulness.

Anyway, after touring the now-fancy Luna Palace, Neoma and Hanna had tea in the garden.

"I thought you were going to plant poisonous flowers here," Neoma teased Hanna. "But all I see are pretty flowers."

Hanna laughed softly. "Are you sure those are just pretty flowers?"

Yep, that totally gave her the chills.

[My sweet and innocent Hanna is long gone…]

"Is that poison?" Neoma asked, pointing at Hanna's purple tea. "The scent is faint, but it's similar to the poison that Papa Boss made me drink when I was a toddler."

For poison resistance, of course.

Hanna nodded, sighing. "Regina Crowell turned back my body's condition to the time when I wasn't immune to poison yet. I have to quickly rebuild my resistance to poison if I want to tend to my poisonous plants and flowers."

"Don't push yourself too hard, Hanna."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Anyway, have you talked to Rubin Drayton?"

To be honest, it was awkward for her to even bring up Rubin Drayton since it was embarrassing.

[Why did I cry for him again???]

Even so, she had to ask Hanna about it.

"I did," Hanna said, nodding. "Lord Rubin told me what the role of the Shadow Pillar was in his memories."

"Am I allowed to know?"

"Of course," the Crown Princess said, laughing as if she found her question ridiculous. "Apparently, I'm in charge of your mental health."

"Huh? I have strong mental fortitude, though?"

"You can't say that when you were born with Lunacy, Neoma."

"Oh, right," she said, nodding. "I overcame my Lunacy already, but it seems like it wouldn't disappear just because I learned how to suppress it. Did Rubin tell you how to stop me from going insane?"

"Lord Rubin told me a technique that could suppress your Lunacy. Since Lord Rubin only described the technique, I'm still in the middle of studying the concept behind it."

She waited for Hanna to describe the technique in detail, but the Crown Princess didn't.

Oh, well.

[Maybe Hanna hasn't figured it out yet. But I trust her, so I know she can do it.]

"Neoma, I think Nero has a point about you raising your value as a bride," Hanna said, changing the topic. "Of course, I know it sounds terrible when put that way. However, we have to acknowledge that in this world, in this empire, most people still see women as mere commodities."

"Well, you have a point," Neoma agreed while nodding her head. "I'm not looking for a real husband, anyway. But how should I raise my value as a bride?"

"You should collect your inheritance now."

"From both sides?"

Hanna nodded before explaining. "Nero told me His Majesty plans to restore House Roseheart's status as a ducal household. Since Nero is already the Crown Prince, you'd automatically become the successor of House Roseheart."

"Will that be enough to raise my value?"

The Crown Princess blinked as if she couldn't believe what she just asked. "Neoma, don't you know how rich House Roseheart was before the previous emperor, your grandfather, confiscated their lands and other properties?"

She tilted her head to one side. "Well, I know House Roseheart used to be rich. But is there a noble household richer than the Quinzels? It's hard for me to get impressed with what others have since I grew up with you and your wealth."

Hanna laughed softly. "Well, the Quinzels definitely have more money than the Rosehearts. But the Rosehearts have valuable resources that our family couldn't compare to. You should ask Her Majesty about your inheritance, Neoma."

"Oh, will surely do."

"Your inheritance from His Majesty would definitely be an independent state that you could rule as a grand duchess," Hanna said, sipping her poisoned tea again. "I guess that alone would be enough to tempt royals and nobles who want to have a territory separate from the empire."


[That settles it– I gonna lure my potential suitors with my face and wealth. Then I'm going to work them to the bone once they get here~]

"By the way, have you found a secretary?"

"Ah, not yet," Neoma said, sighing. "Paige can't do it since she likes traveling to learn more about magic, and I can't ask Juri to do an administrative job when she's the team's Tank."

Plus, Juri didn't have the patience to be a secretary like Melvin Lucchesi did.

"Neoma, you have someone in mind other than Lady Paige and Lady Juri, don't you?"

She flinched, then she just sipped her tea.

"It's Dahlia, isn't it?"

Okay, Neoma almost choked on her tea.

It was true that she thought Dahlia would be the perfect secretary for her. But appointing the Black Witch as her secretary would mean she had to work in the palace.

[Nero and Hanna would be in the palace most of the time…]

Dahlia was keeping her distance from Nero and Hanna, and that was exactly why she didn't attend the royal engagement.

[Although I'm sure Dahlia is busy with a task that Mama Boss asked her to do.]

"It's alright if you appoint Dahlia as your secretary, Neoma," Hanna said calmly. "Nero promised me he wouldn't bother Dahlia anymore, and I trust him."

To be honest, Neoma couldn't trust Nero.

[But if Hanna does, then who am I to meddle in their affairs?]

"Okay. Thank you for telling me, Hanna," Neoma said. "I'll ask Dahlia then."


"WHAT DID you say, Nero?"

"I said the Country of Stellaria would be the perfect territory to give to Neoma once she becomes the new grand duchess," Nero said, even though he knew his father wasn't asking him to repeat that. "Stellaria is rich in–"

"You're going to marry off your twin sister?"

That wasn't what he said, but it seemed like his father had already lost it.

"I said it's time for Neoma to find a suitable husband, Father," Nero said bluntly. "I already asked Melvin to let all the bachelors in the empire know–"

He was forced to stop talking when his father's bloodlust hit him.

If he was weaker than a Sword Master, he would have fainted already. And if he was just an average Mana user, he would have dropped dead that instant.

That was how deadly his father's bloodlust was.

"You sent an invitation to the bachelors of the empire to come and ask for your twin sister's marriage without my permission?" his father asked coldly while standing up. "Nero, are you trying to make me angry?"

Ah, his father was really angry at the moment.

[This is why Neoma couldn't tell Father about her plan.]

In short, his annoying twin sister threw him under the bus.

"Father, calm down and listen to me first," Nero said, sighing. "This is Neoma's idea."


"PRINCESS NEOMA, is it true?!"

It was only a few moments since Neoma sat on her new seat in her new office when Jasper oppa arrived in a hurry. Trevor and her "children" were the only people there, so it was okay for the young duke to act that way.

"What is it, Jasper oppa?" Neoma asked curiously. "Did something happen?"

"The Crown Prince's palace released an announcement directed to all the young bachelors of the empire," Jasper oppa said in a hurry. "Apparently, the Imperial Princess is looking for a husband. Are you?"

Interestingly, Trevor and her "children" didn't react.

[They probably think it's just Nero's scheme since the announcement came from the Crown Prince's palace.]


[Can't wait to see their reaction.]

"It's true, oppa," Neoma said, shocking Trevor and her "children." "I'm indeed looking for a husband."

An awkward silence ensued…

… until a certain demon boy broke it.

"Me, me!" Trevor yelled while raising both of his hands. "I volunteer as tribute!"


"THIS is blatant discrimination!"

Ruto just raised his head to look at Aspen who slammed his hands on his table. "What?"

"Prince Nero just announced that he's looking for a suitable husband for Princess Neoma," Aspen said, pouting like a child that he wasn't. "The requirements are ridiculous, though!"

Ruto didn't expect to hear that, but he wouldn't put it past Prince Nero.

[He probably wants to marry off Neoma to ensure that the throne is his.]

But why didn't the emperor and the new empress stop the Crown Prince?

[And it's not like Neoma would agree with something like that.]

He found it suspicious, but he decided to observe for now.

"I didn't receive an official notice about that," Ruto said. "Usually, when a member of the Imperial Family is looking for a spouse, the world leaders are informed first."

"And that's what I'm saying, Captain!" Aspen said, thumping his chest with his fist as if he was dying of frustration. "One of the requirements is the potential suitor MUST NOT be from the Eastern Continent. If that isn't discrimination, then I don't know what it is!"


So the Eastern Continent was excluded.

"Why are you upset, Aspen?" Ruto asked, sighing while shaking his head. "It's the Eastern Continent who turned their back on the Western Continent first."


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