Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!



But it wasn't a happy laugh.

It was the royal princess' 'you-dare-mess-with-me-you-insignificant-little-piece-of-shit laugh.'

In short, Neoma was pissed.

Hanna sipped her tea, noticing that she wasn't the only person in the conference room who realized Neoma was angry.

After all, every single person in the room knew the royal princess well: Lewis, Trevor, Lord Manu, Duke Jasper Hawthorne, and Dahlia.

Everyone looked nervous.

After all, it was rare for Neoma to get angry.

[Of course, Neoma is often annoyed because she has a bad temper. But it's rare for her to be FUMING. Worse, her thick bloodlust is leaking.]

Even a Swordsman would faint in this situation.

Fortunately, everyone in the room was strong enough to withstand it.

[It was wise not to bring Prince Skylus and Princess Monik here.]

The two children were currently having a videocall with the king and queen of Hazelden Kingdom, in the company of Lady Roseheart herself.

[But I don't think we should send Prince Skylus back to his kingdom yet.]

Hanna's thoughts were interrupted when Neoma finally stopped laughing.

"Lord Manu, something is wrong," Neoma said, a little calm this time. "The Sun Goddess and Lord Yule have a solid friendship. I don't think the Sun Goddess would simply follow Lord Levi's wish to cut off their ties with us, especially if it's only because of Lord Helstor's threat." She slammed her hands on the table. "The math ain't mathing!"


The long table collapsed.

Every single piece of furniture in the royal palace was supposed to be made of the sturdiest tree. But it broke into half easily.

[The de Moonasterios' brute strength is really scary…]

"Are your hands okay, Princess Neoma?" Lewis asked worriedly. "Should I summon Greko?"

Hanna looked at Lewis in disbelief.

[You should worry about the table more, Lewis…]

"I'm fine, Lewis," Neoma said, then she turned to Lord Manu again. "So is that the Eastern Continent's final stance?"

Trevor quietly raised his hand and fixed the table just like that.

[Sorcerers are really useful, huh? No wonder Neoma keeps Lord Trevor by her side.]

"I believe so," Lord Manu said. "It seems like it wasn't Sienna who decided to cut us off. She seemed reluctant when we were talking."

Neoma rolled her eyes. "It must be Ruto's decision then."

"Is it filial piety?" Trevor asked, laughing. "Kyaaah~ The damned chef couldn't disobey his divine father, huh? What a weakling~"

"Well, the Eastern Continent doesn't have an obligation to help us," Neoma said. She looked calm, but her eyes were turning slightly red. "But I should probably ask Papa Boss to revoke Ruto's dual citizenship."

Hanna smiled.

[Neoma really holds grudges.]

"That would be a good start, Princess Neoma," Duke Jasper Hawthorne said. "If the Eastern Continent wouldn't help us, then it's only right that we also close our borders."

As expected, Neoma immediately backtracked. "No, we don't have to go that far. Closing our borders is a bit…"

Only Dahlia nodded in agreement with Neoma.

And maybe Lord Manu.

Lewis and Trevor agreed with what Duke Hawthorne said.

[And so do I.]

"Innocent people shouldn't suffer because of the fight among people in power," Neoma said. "Closing the Western Continent's borders to the Eastern Continent is like declaring war against them. The Eastern Continent isn't as rich as our continent, so…"

"Then is it okay for our citizens to die helplessly, Neoma?"

Only one person in that room could address Neoma by her first name.

Of course, it was none other than Hanna.

[It's time to break my silence.]

"Neoma, Lord Ruto and the Sun Goddess already abandoned the Western Continent to save their own people," Hanna said solemnly, tapping her fingers on the table. "They left us and our people to fend for ourselves, and yet you care about the people of the Eastern Continent?"

"But it's the people in power who decided that," Neoma argued. "Innocent people shouldn't suffer."

"Exactly," Hanna said coldly. "So, why must you put the lives of the innocent people of our empire on the line?"

"Who says I'll put them at risk?"

"Neoma, are you saying you're going to protect the entire world?"

Of course, Neoma avoided her gaze. "I mean, if I could…"

And this was probably why Nero was the better ruler between the twins.

[It's good to have empathy, but too much compassion would be harmful. It would be great if Nero could grow more conscience. On the other hand, Neoma needs to learn how to put up a clear boundary.]

But if Neoma couldn't do that, then…

"You don't have any obligation to protect everyone even if you have the power to do so, Neoma," Hanna said firmly. "And I wouldn't let you do that anyway."

Neoma raised an eyebrow, but Hanna didn't take back her words.

Once she became the official Crown Princess, she would have a higher rank than Neoma. And once she became the empress, Neoma wouldn't be addressed as an Imperial Princess anymore.

Hence, technically speaking, Hanna would gain more political power than Neoma.

[That's the sad fate of the royal princesses born in the de Moonasterion Imperial Family.]

But Hanna had no intention of disregarding Neoma's authority, of course. She just wanted to protect Neoma using the authority that she would gain soon as the Crown Princess.

Neoma was too soft-hearted for this world, after all.

[The brighter the flame, the darker the shadow. But Neoma refuses to deal with the shadows behind her. Hence, I'll do it in her stead.]

After all, the Quinzels thrived in the shadows.

"Hanna, you know I'm stubborn, don't you?" Neoma asked after a moment of silence. "I'm afraid that even if you become the empress, I don't think I'd listen to you."

"I know that," Hanna said, laughing softly. "But I could be just as stubborn, Neoma."


"SO, YOU had a fight with Hanna."

"It wasn't a fight," Neoma denied while checking the documents that Nero handed to her. "We just had an intense discussion."

Now that she was officially declared a princess, she ought to do her part and work.

Since her palace hadn't been prepared yet, she was currently sharing an office with Nero.

It was convenient to share an office since they were in the middle of dividing tasks between the two of them anyway.

[I'm not just sure if putting our desks next to each other was necessary…]

"And you lost," Nero said without even looking up at her. "You were in a bad mood, after all."

"I didn't lose," Neoma said firmly. "I'm just being generous to my future sister-in-law."

"Hanna was right, though," he said bluntly. "The Eastern Continent turned their backs on us first. Why would you care whatever happens to them? You're the Imperial Princess of the Western Continent. Just worry about our people."

She let out a frustrated sigh.

Nero wasn't in the meeting, but he received a detailed report of what transpired earlier.

Of course, it was Neoma who wrote the detailed report.

[It's Nero's duty as the Crown Prince to know about the impending danger that threatens the empire. And as the Imperial Princess, it's my duty to be transparent with him.]

"Why can't people understand that this issue is beyond the Western and Eastern Continent?" Neoma complained lightly. "If Lord Helstor had the power to cover the entire Western Continent with Darkness, what makes you think he wouldn't do it to the remaining continents? Once the entire world is covered in Darkness, there wouldn't be any continent left."

"So what?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why must we care about a future that hasn't and might not happen yet?" Nero asked casually. "The current issue is the Darkness that Helstor spread in the Western Continent. We just need to focus on that and save our people. Stop caring about people outside our territory, PRINCESS Neoma."

"I'm starting to think I'm not fit to become a princess."

"You became a princess because you're the daughter of the emperor," he said as if the problem was just that simple. "Do you think you need to work hard to deserve the title you get as soon as you were born?"

"Isn't that how it's supposed to be?"

"Don't be naïve, Neoma," Nero said, laughing sarcastically. "My position as the Crown Prince and your title as the Imperial Princess– we didn't work hard to get them. It's our birthright, and that's what privilege means."

"I'm aware of that, but even privileges come with responsibilities."

"Exactly– that's why you should repay OUR people by putting them at the top of your priorities."


[So, this is why Nero brought up our privilege.]

"And stop being so arrogant."

Neoma rolled her eyes. "You're asking for the impossible."

"The Eastern Continent isn't weak," Nero said, shaking his head. "They can protect themselves since they have the Sun Goddess to guide them. You should worry more about our continent since the Moon God is missing. Worse, he might be suffering in the hands of the crows that you hate so much."

"I fucking hate it when you make sense, Nero."

"And I hate your savior complex where you feel the need to save everyone."

"How dare you talk back to your noona?"

"What does it even mean?"

"Older sister."

Nero scoffed. "The world would end first before I call you 'noona.'"

"Gosh, be careful what you wish for– this noona of yours has the power to destroy the world."

"Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes before changing the topic. "Anyway, you need a slave– I mean, a secretary. Both of us will be busy soon. I have Melvin to take care of my administrative work. How about you?"

"Gosh. No wonder Lord Melvin wishes to resign as your secretary. Why would you work the poor guy to death?"

"Well, why do we need to work hard if we could just hire smart and competent people to do our jobs?"

[Nero is the personification of the 'work smart, not hard' meme.]

She let out a sigh. "I'll treat Lord Melvin to a good meal later."

Nero just ignored her goodwill towards his secretary. "I'll take care of the issue regarding the High Priest and the new saint," he said. "I'll leave the matters of the Darkness to you. Does it sound fair to you?"

"Yep, I'll leave Dion and Baby Skylus to you," Neoma said, nodding. "Oh, let's talk about Mama Boss and Papa Boss' surprise wedding first."



A little boy, one born in poverty, looked up at the sky.

He could see strange dark clouds moving towards the sun, but no one else could. When he pointed it out to the adults around him, he only got a beating.

Hence, he lay on the cold asphalt while staring at the strange dark clouds.

"Little boy, do you need help?"

The boy got up, surprised by the appearance of a man who looked like a priest judging by the cloak he wore. "W-Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid– I'm not a strange person," the priest said, smiling warmly at him. "I am an agent of the Church of Eternal Darkness– the only church that would survive the impending end of the world."


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