Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 748 DIVINE BLOOD

A BLOOD pact, huh?

"How classic," Neoma said, laughing softly. Then she raised her hand and pointed at her palm. "Do I need to cut the palm of my hand for the blood pact?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Trevor said, laughing along with her. "How I wish signing normally with a stamp or a signature also works here."

"I know, right?" she agreed with him, then she moved on to a more serious topic. "Trevor."

"Yes, my Moon Princess?"

"I remember that I have a Contractor in the first timeline," she said in a serious tone. "And I believe it was you."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the memories of the first timeline," he said. "Having said that, I have reasons to believe that I was, indeed, Your Royal Highness' Contractor back then."

"What reasons?"

Trevor put a hand over his chest dramatically. "I just knew I would have fallen in love with you in any timeline, my Moon Princess."

"Gosh, that's so cringe-y."

"I'm serious, though?"

"I know– that's why I said it's cringe-y," she said, frowning. "Plus, the situation might be different back then. You only fell in love with me because I freed you from the literal hellhole you were in before, didn't you? But what if it wasn't me who saved you in the first timeline?"

The demon boy considered it, but only for a moment.

"Nah, I have a feeling that it would still be you, Princess Neoma– it has to be you."

"Why me?"

"People fall in love and get their hearts broken again and again," he said in a solemn voice. "Princess Neoma should know since it already happened to you."

She just nodded subtly.

Trevor wasn't wrong, after all.

Rubin Drayton was her first love, and she did crazy things in the first timeline just to win him over. But in the end, she moved on and fell in love with another person again. And that person was 'Commander Yoan.'

[Is my heart… fickle?]

No, that couldn't be.

It was just hard to resist Rubin Drayton's face, while 'Commander Yoan' was… well, she didn't know why Neoma of the first timeline fell in love with that man.

[But I know that Ruto got me in this timeline because of his excellent cooking.]


[Why am I thinking of him again?]

"Princess Neoma, you're getting distracted."

"I'm sorry."

Trevor just chuckled, then he turned to her with a soft look on his face. "My Moon Princess, I don't think I'm capable of falling in love twice. You're my first love, and I'm sure as hell that you'd also be the last."

Okay, that would have sounded cringe-y had Trevor said it in his usual playful voice.

But this dude sounded so sincere it made her feel embarrassed.

"The contract," Neoma said, changing the topic quickly. "Let's make it. As my Contractor, you'll deal with

Trevor tilted his head to one side, smiling cheekily at her. "My Moon Princess' heart?"

"So, you want me to die?"

He just laughed, obviously aware that she was trying to avoid the topic. "I just have one condition, Princess Neoma."

"Alright. What is it?"

"If you die, I die."

She felt a shiver down her spine. "Are you crazy?"



[Why did I even ask?]

"This life is only fun because you're around, Princess Neoma," Trevor said, shrugging. "If you die before me, I'll definitely go insane. I might go on a killing spree after that."


[Why am I surrounded by psychos?]

"I won't change my mind whatever you say, Princess Neoma."

"You know I only have five years left, don't you?"

"As long as I die next to you, I won't regret it even if we die tomorrow."

Shit, this dude was serious.

"Trevor, during the first timeline, I tried to tie my lifespan with Nero so that he would die if I died," she said carefully. "Nero killed me to prevent that from happening. I know it happened a long time ago, but I'm still sensitive about that thing."

"Don't be, Princess Neoma. Your situation is different from mine. You did it to survive, while I want to do it for love."


She couldn't help but stand up and ruffle Trevor's hair playfully. "Stop! You're being so cringe-y now! Are you trying to kill me with your cheesiness?!"

Trevor laughed out loud, then he gently grabbed her wrists to stop her from messing with his hair. "Princess Neoma, I'm sorry but you can't stop me now."

In the end, Neoma could only sigh and shake her head in defeat.

[Trevor is more stubborn than me, huh? Fine. Let's just give up this once.]

After the contract was made, Neoma and Trevor went out of the cabin with a golden ear cuff on each of their ears– and it was the symbol of their relationship as the 'client' and the Contractor respectively.


[HMM… not bad.]

Neoma stared at the golden ear cuff on her right ear. The design was a string of heart-shaped leaves that carefully covered the curve of her ear prettily. It was a forever kind of accessory that she had to wear, as long as her contract with Trevor was valid.

Hence, she was glad that they chose a pretty design.

"It's a wise decision to get a Contractor, Neoma."

She turned around and properly faced Mama Boss who was looking at her with a worried look on her face.

Right now, Neoma and her mother were in the room next to where Trevor was resting.

[He fainted again.]

"We knew that it was only a matter of time before the gods remember that you have the same ability as the current Aether," Mama Boss said worriedly. "But now that you have Trevor as your Contractor, we can negotiate with people who want to borrow your power. It was better than getting forced to work for them for free– just like what happened with Goddess Aleteha."


She detected the resentment in her mother's voice.

"It was my fault for being careless, Mama Boss," Neoma said. "I shouldn't have trusted a god's words."

In her defense, it was hectic during the trial.

[But I won't make the same mistake again.]

"Don't worry, Mama Boss. I'll be more vigilant now."

Her mother let out a sigh, then she changed the topic to probably avoid getting upset. "How's Trevor?"

"His life is out of danger, but his body is still as fragile as glass," she said while shaking her head. "He fainted after making the contract. It seemed like he pushed himself too much just because the Ancient Devil lent him a bit of his power."

Now Mama Boss looked even more worried. "It seemed like the Impure Mana is still eating at his life force slowly."

"The problem is, I can't get it out of his system, Mama Boss," she confided to her mother. "I breathed clean air into Trevor's mouth, but it only cleansed the part that it could reach. And even though I said his life was now out of danger, his body is still slowly deteriorating. I either need to get the remaining Impure Mana out of his system, or find a way to breathe more air into his body."

Kissing wouldn't even work.

And there was a limit to how much air she could breathe into Trevor's body since her body wasn't in its peak condition at the moment.

[Is it because of my recent fight with Ruto?]

"I need something similar to an oxygen tank," Neoma continued sharing her worries with her mother. "But the problem is my lungs. I can't release that much air all at once."

Her mother frowned. "And you shouldn't, baby. I know you care about Trevor, but please take care of yourself, too."



[If only we could use the unicorns' blood…]



She suddenly had a 'eureka!' moment.

[Blood carries oxygen!]

Cells with oxygen would travel in the blood vessels from the lungs to the left side of the heart, then the blood would be pumped around the body.

"Neoma, is everything alright?"

"I'm a de Moonasterio, so I don't only have Imperial blood– I also have the blood of the gods," Neoma said, smiling as ideas suddenly began forming in her big brain. "I just have to feed Trevor my blood."

Mama Boss' eyes widened in shock. "You're going to feed Trevor what?"


"TREVOR, do you trust me?"

Of course, Trevor trusted Princess Neoma with all his heart.

But the timing was a little… well, suspicious?

As soon as he opened his eyes, Princess Neoma's beautiful face greeted him. He loved looking at his Moon Princess, but it was a little scary to see her looking at him as if he wanted to dissect him.

"I trust you, Princess Neoma," Trevor said, grinning. Even though he was a little nervous, there was no way he would doubt his Moon Princess. "So, what's up?"

"You need to take my blood."

"Okay. How?"

The royal princess blinked, obviously surprised. "That easy?"

"You're not the type to say nonsense, Princess Neoma," he said, shrugging. "If you want me to take your blood, then it must mean you've finally found a way to heal me completely."

"Trevor, the faith you have in me is scary."

"It is what it is."


Trevor smiled when he finally made Princess Neoma laugh.

Yep, sounding stupid was his plan. He noticed that his Moon Princess was too serious as if she was troubled. Hence, he wanted to make her smile.

[And I succeeded~]

"We'll perform a blood transfusion. Of course, I need your power as a genius Sorcerer to pull it off," Princess Neoma said, pulling out a dagger from out of nowhere. Then she sliced her arm in a quick manner. Fresh blood immediately poured out from the slightly deep wound. "Let's do it the old way."

"I understand, my Moon Princess," Trevor said, sitting up. Then he borrowed Princess Neoma's dagger and used it to slice his own arm. Blood trickled down his arm, but he just ignored it since he knew what he had to do next. "I'm ready."

The royal princess just nodded, then she sat down next to him.

After that, Princess Neoma and Trevor glued their wounded and bleeding arms together.

And then he noticed it.

Princess Neoma's fresh red blood slowly turned blue.


Even if Princess Neoma didn't explain, he could tell that her blood was infused with her very pure divine power.

"The de Moonasterios are also known to have "blue bood," but I didn't know your blood could literally turn blue," Trevor commented, amused. "I thought it was just a metaphor because you're the Royal Family."

"I know, right?" Princess Neoma agreed with him. "It probably turned blue because I turned the "air purifying oxygen" in my body into little cells carried by my blood. Once it enters your body, the cells would break down and release the breath I stored in them."

Of course, scientifically, it was impossible.

But Princess Neoma executed her plan with the use of her Mana.

And Trevor was also sorcery, of course. After all, it was nearly impossible to transfer blood to another person using this way.

"We work so well together, my Moon Princess~"

"Well, it can't be helped since we're both geniuses."


Princess Neoma chuckled while shaking her head. "Is it working, Trevor?"

"It is, and it is going too well, Princess Neoma," Trevor said in a serious voice. He could feel the "cells" inside his body breaking down– releasing the "air purifier" that was Princess Neoma's breath. And it was cleansing the Impure Mana inside his body quickly. "It's terrifying that you have the ability to "revive" Impure Mana, my Moon Princess."

"I know, right? It's like discovering a cure to a terminal disease."

"It's greater than that," he said while shaking his head. "Princess Neoma, you've been to the Black Ocean, haven't you?"

The royal princess nodded her head. "Yeah. What about it…"

Her Royal Highness trailed off, obviously realizing what he meant by his question.

"What you're thinking is correct, Princess Neoma," Trevor said, sighing. "The Black Ocean is made of Impure Mana. If you succeed in "unaliving" the Impure Mana in the Black Ocean and turn it into normal Mana in order to consume it, you'll be the most powerful human in the entire world, my Moon Princess."

"But the problem is it doesn't have to be me," Princess Neoma, who obviously saw the problem right away, said. "If someone forced me to purify the Black Ocean and consume it themselves, then that person would be god-like."

His Moon Princess was correct.

The gods in the Upper World might want her for her ability to clean "pollution," but greedy humans in this world might want her for her ability to turn Impure Mana into ordinary Mana that humans could use properly.

In short, Princess Neoma's ability was too tempting to resist.

Trevor made a strong resolve then.

[Whoever or whatever it is, I won't let them take advantage of my Moon Princess.]


TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY~~~ Please go to my k/o-fi page (ko-fi. com/sola_cola) and donate/buy a coffee if you can. If I reach my target amount of donations, I get to win the May Challenge. I'm still so far away from the target since only one person has donated so far. Please help~ T_T Only if you can, of course. Hehe~ 


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