Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"IT'S LIKE we're in an aquarium," Neoma commented, amazed. "Your portal is cool, Dahlia."

They were walking on a long aisle which made them feel like they were walking underwater. After all, it was designed like an underwater tunnel. Hence, it was as if they were just taking a stroll while enjoying the sight of marine creatures.

"It reminds me of the ocean theme park that we visited in Korea, Neoma," Mama Boss said, obviously delighted while looking around. "Miss Dahlia, if you're interested, would you like to build an ocean theme park? An attraction like that doesn't exist in the empire yet, so I'm sure it's going to be a huge hit."


[Look at Mama Boss talking like a modern woman now.]

Anyway, the Black Witch's face turned red as if she was suddenly shy.

"It sounds like a brilliant idea, Lady Roseheart," Dahlia said shyly. "However, I neither have the territory nor the funds to build my own business. Moreover, Black Witches are still not welcomed in the empire."

"Don't worry about that, Miss Dahlia," Mama Boss said. "Nikolai will soon resolve the issue regarding the bias that the empire has against Black Witches."

Dahlia's face lit up.

Mama Boss, who seemed to have been amused by the Black Witch's reaction, laughed softly. "We will help you get your own territory, Miss Dahlia. And we'll also help you with the funds. If you want to start a business, just tell us."

Neoma nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we'll help you. I'm sure Hanna will also help, since she's good at running a business."

It was okay to mention Hanna, right?

[If I remember correctly, Hanna and Dahlia are friends now.]

"Uhm, may I know why you're being this generous to me?" Dahlia asked, flustered. "I haven't done anything to warrant this kind of kindness from you…"

"What are you talking about, Miss Dahlia?" Mama Boss asked. "We received so much help from you that giving you a noble title wouldn't be enough to show you our gratitude. Even Glenn and Queen Brigitte are grateful to you, so please expect to be compensated by the Hazelden Kingdom as well."

Dahlia's face turned even redder now.

"You deserve it, Dahlia," Neoma said before Dahlia could even turn it down. "Plus, we owe you for all the shit Nero had put you through– now and then."

She now understood the reason behind Nero's obsession with Dahlia.

However, that didn't mean Nero shouldn't be held accountable for hurting the Black Witch.

"Thank you, Lady Roseheart, Princess Neoma," Dahlia said. Although she still looked shy, it was obvious that it looked like she wanted to cry. The Black Witch was probably touched. "I'm only doing what I think it's right. You really don't have to reward for anything. I'm already grateful that you recognize my efforts."

Mama Boss smiled warmly at Dahlia. "You're really a nice girl, Miss Dahlia."

Neoma got nervous while looking at her mother's expression.

[Mama Boss, Hanna is your future daughter-in-law and not Dahlia…]


"HANNA, why don't you move back to the palace?"

To say that Hanna was surprised by what Emperor Nikolai said would be an understatement.

She only went to the emperor's office, in the Royal Palace, to ask His Majesty's permission to borrow the people from the palace that she needed for her meeting with the reporters later.

"Rufus sent me a report this morning," Emperor Nikolai, who was sitting behind the desk, said indifferently. "Apparently, he was also busy purging the rats in your estate."

Ah, that was right.

Hanna and her mother slept in the same room last night because her father was busy hunting down the spies that Regina Crowell planted in their estate.

"I'm sure you're aware that the crows wanted you to become the next empress, Hanna," the emperor said. "But they also know that they wouldn't be able to control you. Hence, they're probably aiming to abduct you and steal your egg cells."

'Egg cells.'

She first heard that term from Neoma.

[It seems like His Majesty has adjusted well while living in the other world.]

"The Quinzels are arguably the noblest out of all the noble households in the empire. Moreover, you have the Darkness attribute," the emperor continued. "Although I have Quinzel blood in me, I wasn't born with Darkness attribute because my divine power is stronger. The same goes for Nero. However, it seems like Neoma inherited the ability to wield the Darkness attribute from my mother."

That could be the case.

But Neoma mentioned in passing before that her demon power was similar to the Darkness attribute, but she probably didn't get it from her Quinzel blood.

[Neoma didn't share the complete details with me, though.]

Hanna wasn't offended.

After all, she knew that Neoma wasn't the type to share things she hadn't verified yet. Hence, she knew that the royal princess would share what she knew with her once her suspicions had turned into the truth.

"The crows probably want to create Nero's successor with their own hands," Emperor Nikolai said. "Since the crows have been involved with Darkness and Impure Mana all this time, I have a feeling that they wanted a new successor that could wield the Darkness attribute since after seeing Neoma wield the Death Scythe, they probably thought it was possible."

And that was why Hanna was the perfect empress for the crows.

"I know that you're capable of protecting yourself, and I also know that Rufus wouldn't let the crows get a hold of you," the emperor continued. "Having said that, I believe you'll be safer here in the Royal Palace. I'm keeping an eye on Nero through my Soul Beasts since I'm worried Calyx might show up and grab my son under my nose. But you don't have to worry that I'll do the same thing to you, Hanna. I'll respect your privacy. I just need you to be in the palace so I could come to you right away if the crows ambushed you."

The emperor's request wasn't irrational.

[I'm sure I can convince my parents to allow me to move back to the palace.]

"I understand, Your Majesty," Hanna said politely. "To be honest, I also wanted to move back to the palace."

"To keep an eye on Nero?"

She shook her head politely. "Your Majesty is here, so I'm not really that worried about Nero. Even if Callisto de Luca showed up, I'm sure Your Majesty could protect Nero just fine."

The emperor chuckled, as if he found her answer amusing. "Then is there something you need to do here? I can help you."

"Your Majesty, we only have a few weeks left to prepare for the coming-of-age ceremony of my generation. It's also supposed to be the day Nero ascends the throne," Hanna explained. "However, it was Calyx and the fake Empress Dowager who planned the entire celebration. They planned it for six months, and the preparations were pretty luxurious, even by the Royal Family's standards."

To be honest, the preparations were almost done. It was only halted because of Calyx's birthday banquet.

"Having said that, I wish to restart the preparations from scratch, Your Majesty. I know it's selfish and impractical, but I do not want to see any trace of the crows during the coming-of-age ceremony that I am a part of," Hanna said firmly. "I will replace the funds that have already been used by the crows."

Those filthy crows touched the funds reserved for the Royal Family and the people.

Since she was making a ridiculous request by practically wasting the money already spent, it was only right that she offered that much.

"I know that the Quinzels are wealthier than the Royal Family, but I wouldn't be able to face Rufus if I let my future daughter-in-law shoulder the expenses for the upcoming coming-of-age ceremony."


Hanna's face turned red, then she bowed her head in apology. "I apologize for being rude, Your Majesty."

"You don't have to apologize, Hanna. I know you meant well."

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty."

"Hanna, do you want to organize the coming-of-age ceremony?"

She nodded a little too eagerly. "If Your Majesty allows it, then I'd like to organize the coming-of-age ceremony. After all, I'm the one who suggested discarding the original plan."

The emperor suddenly fell silent, making her anxious.

[Did I overstep my boundaries?]

"Hanna, how about we hold your engagement ceremony first once Mona and Neoma returned?"

"Engagement ceremony…?"

"You're already considered the Crown Princess, but we still need to make it official," the emperor said. "Moreover, you'll have more rights to organize affairs related to the Royal Family once you become the official Crown Princess. When that happens, you'll have your own power over the palace. Hence, you won't need my permission for the things under your authority."

Ah, that made sense.

If she organized the coming-of-age ceremony as the Quinzel Princess, there would be restrictions on her decision-making power. But if she became the official Crown Princess, then she'd become a part of the Royal Family.

"Nero will ascend the throne during the coming-of-age ceremony," the emperor continued. "It won't be strange if you and Nero get married during his coronation. But I assume you wouldn't want to rush the preparations for your wedding."

The emperor was right– she wouldn't want to rush her wedding preparations.

As the Quinzel Princess, she had pride.

[I want my wedding to be the wedding of the century. A few weeks of preparations won't cut it. I need at least half a year to plan it.]

"Hence, let's at least have an engagement party for you and Nero first," the emperor continued. "Once you're officially declared as the Crown Prince's fiancée, no one would question your authority anymore. Your engagement with my son will make you the official Crown Princess."

She clenched her hands.

All these years, she worked hard to be the perfect Crown Princess.

And now her position would finally be official.

"What do you think, Hanna?" Emperor Nikolai asked. "Would you like to organize your engagement ceremony?"

"I'd like to hear Nero's opinion first, Your Majesty," Hanna said, unclenching her hands and smiling brightly at the emperor. "Once he agrees with the engagement, then I'll start organizing it as soon as possible."


"ALRIGHT– let's get engaged once my mother and twin sister returned."

Hanna wasn't surprised that Nero easily agreed.

In fact, she was relieved.

[He met Dahlia recently, so I half-expected him to break off our engagement. Moreover, I slapped him during the trial…]

She still couldn't believe that she resorted to violence just because she was upset with him.

[Let's not think about that for now.]

Anyway, right now, she was in Nero's private tea room.

Emperor Nikolai didn't join them because His Majesty had a prior commitment. The emperor just told them to inform him of their decision later.

"Alright," Hanna said, trying to tone down the excitement in her voice. "The Royal Family messed up recently, so we can't have a big celebration to avoid getting criticized by the public. I'll organize a simple engagement party for us."

She said "simple," but she would make sure that no one would look down on the Quinzel Princess and the Crown Prince during the engagement ceremony.

Nero sipped his tea before he asked. "Are you done getting upset with me?"

"You should be grateful that Neoma survived," Hanna said, putting down the teacup on the saucer quietly. "How are you adjusting after getting reunited with your real family?"

"I don't know," the Crown Prince said. "Neoma left before I could even spend time with her in hopes to retrieve my memories of her."

"It can't be helped– Neoma is always busy saving other people."

"You sound really fond of my twin sister."

"Are you jealous?"

She only meant it as a joke.

But, to her surprise, Nero pouted. The funny part was he obviously didn't realize that he was sulking. It was unbecoming of the cold and grumpy Crown Prince that he was supposed to be.

"You're really jealous?" Hanna asked, laughing softly. "That's adorable of you, Nero."

Nero just scoffed, then he stood up and sat on the armrest of her chair. "I'm your fiancé, Hanna," he said, cupping her face between his hands gently. "Don't forget that."

"I should be the one saying that," Hanna said, closing her eyes as Nero's lips pressed gently against the top of her head. "Don't forget that I am your ONE AND ONLY fiancée, Nero."


"FANCY MEETING you here, my dear husband!"

Neoma raised her head when a drop-dead gorgeous lady suddenly approached Lewis, claiming him as her "dear husband." They just stepped foot on the island that was supposed to be Dahlia's home when the pretty stranger emerged from the water.

She knew she said she would stop claiming Lewis as her "son."

But only after Nero ascended the throne.

[So, Lewis is still my son right now!]

Hence, Neoma literally blocked the beautiful stranger from approaching Lewis. "Excuse me, who are you trying to claim as your husband?"

The woman with blue ombre hair and pale blue eyes looked at her from head to toe before smirking. Not only was the stranger beautiful. She was also dressed in a little white dress that showed off her curves in all the right places.

And she was barefoot.

[Gosh, she's hot.]

"White hair, ash-gray eyes, pale skin. A de Moonasterio, no doubt," the pretty woman said, smirking. "Then you must be Princess Neoma."

"Yes, that's me."

The woman smiled at her, then she bowed politely at her. "It's an honor to meet you, mother-in-law."

Neoma's eyes opened wide, then she turned to Lewis who looked calm as usual. "What the fuck is happening, Lewis? When did you get yourself a wife?"

"She's not my wife, Princess Neoma," Lewis said while shaking his head. "She's the Mermaid Princess."


TODAY is my birthday. Yey. Please go to my k/o-fi page (ko-fi. com/sola_cola) and donate/buy a coffee if you can. I have already reached 60% of the target amount. Just a little more push before I complete the challenge. :'>


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