Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 707 - 707 ROYAL SCANDAL (2)


[Last night…]

TO SAY that Hanna was surprised when the esteemed guests her mother mentioned turned out to be Emperor Nikolai and Lady Mona Roseheart.

She thought the guests were bad people because of how pale her mother was.

[But I can understand why Mother is nervous. After all, it’s not every day you’d see Emperor Nikolai and Lady Mona having tea in our private drawing room.]

Even Hanna was nervous.

[Neoma didn’t mention that her parents are returning today…]

“Good evening, Emperor Nikolai, Lady Mona,” Hanna said while bobbing a curtsy and greeting the royal couple politely. “Welcome back.”

“You don’t have to be so formal, Hanna,” Emperor Nikolai said. “I’m no longer the emperor. You can just call me ‘Uncle’ since you’re my niece anyway.”

Hanna was flustered by the emperor’s request, hence she wasn’t able to respond immediately.


[I know I’m supposed to call His Majesty ‘Father’ soon, but my heart isn’t ready yet…]

“Nikolai, don’t pressure Hanna,” Lady Mona scolded the emperor, then she turned to Hanna with a gentle smile on her face. “Dear, it’s okay. Take your time until you’re comfortable calling us more casually.”

Hanna smiled, relieved by what her future mother-in-law said. “Thank you, Lady Mona.”

“Come and sit with us,” Lady Mona said. Although she was smiling, Hanna could see the seriousness in her light blue eyes. “I’m sure we have many things to discuss.”

Hanna nodded politely, then she sat on the chair across from the sofa where Emperor Nikolai and Lady Mona were sitting side by side. “Your Majesty, Lady Mona, may I know how you suddenly returned? I doubt even Neoma knew you were coming back tonight. I’m pretty certain Neoma said Trevor needed to recover first before he could open the Door, hence I’m wondering what happened…?”

As soon as she asked that, Emperor Nikolai’s face suddenly turned grim as if he wanted to murder someone.

Even Lady Mona, who was usually good at controlling her expressions, frowned.

Seeing those reactions made her nervous.

[Something bad definitely happened.]

“It was neither Trevor nor anyone from Princess Aruna’s side who opened the Door to help us return immediately,” Lady Mona explained calmly. “We received help from an unexpected individual. That person brought us here because according to them, the Quinzel Estate is the safest place for us at the moment.”

Ah, it sounded like something Hanna shouldn’t concern herself with.

Hence, she respected their privacy and didn’t press further. She just changed the topic since there were other pressing issues that she needed to discuss with her future in-laws anyway.

[It doesn’t matter how they got here. Now that His Majesty and Lady Mona are here, we can change the direction of Neoma’s trial tomorrow.]

“Your Majesty, Lady Mona, how much do you know about the current situation?”

As far as she remembered, Emperor Nikolai’s Soul Beasts could share what they had seen and heard with the emperor.

“My Soul Beasts have a temporary contract with Neoma because that’s the only way she could bring them here without me,” Emperor Nikolai explained. “Hence, their senses aren’t connected to me at the moment. I’m sure my Soul Beasts don’t even know that I’m already back since Mona and I are currently hiding our presence.”

[Ah, so that’s why I didn’t recognize their presence when I got home.]

“Then I’ll start with the most important issue at the moment, Your Majesty, Lady Mona,” Hanna said politely, taking a deep breath before dropping the bad news. “Neoma was put in a tight spot where she was forced to reveal that she disguised as Nero for many years. And as a result, Nero put her behind bars for tarnishing the honor of the Royal Family.”

Emperor Nikolai clenched his jaws, while Lady Mona took a deep breath.


“Your Majesty, Lady Mona, do you already know that Neoma planned to reveal the truth?”

“Neoma told us that she planned to reveal the truth as a last resort. If she used her last card early, then that must mean the situation is worse than we thought,” Lady Mona said worriedly. “I assume Nero hasn’t come to his senses yet.”

“Nero had a meltdown,” Hanna informed them sadly. “According to Dahlia, Nero’s memories of his first life overtook his emotions for a brief moment. And then he had a huge fight with Neoma. Unfortunately, I don’t know what the fight was about since I didn’t get the chance to talk to Neoma before she was arrested.”

Emperor Nikolai and Lady Mona looked devastated.

Still, she wasn’t done with her report yet.

“Father is currently in a meeting with the other members of the Twelve Golden Families,” Hanna continued. “I may be wrong, but I have a feeling the trial will begin as soon as tomorrow morning.”

After all, the trial was completely under the authority of the fake Empress Dowager and the Twelve Golden Families.

“You’re right, Hanna. The fake Juliet and the Twelve Golden Families on their side will definitely try to wrap up the trial before Neoma could present the evidence that will clear her name,” Emperor Nikolai said. “They will probably destroy all the evidence that may put Calyx and the fake Juliet in a bad light.”

“It’s a good thing Neoma already prioritized kidnapping– er, borrowing the people that we need to prove that she’s not a threat to the Royal Family,” Hanna said. “The Royal Archmage, Lord Marcus, Miss Stephanie, Mr. Alphen, and Count Kyle Sprouse.”

Emperor Nikolai scoffed. “That traitor is still a count?”

“The fake Empress Dowager returned Count Sprouse’ title when she took over the palace, Your Majesty.”

The emperor frowned, understandably. “Is that traitor here?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Lord East is guarding Count Sprouse in the basement prison.”

“Is the traitor the only person you’re hiding here?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Hanna said politely. “The others are under Lord Jasper’s protection. I don’t know where Lord Jasper hid them, but I’m not sure it’s not in his estate.”

Lord Jasper and Lord Ruto were talking in the banquet earlier, so Lord Ruto would know where Lord Jasper would have hidden the others.

[They didn’t say anything to me.]

It was probably because they knew that she had something else to do.

“We have to move Kyle Sprouse,” Emperor Nikolai said. “It’s obvious that you’re the next leader after Neoma. The crows probably already know that the traitor is here.”

Oh, right.

The crows only had a few choices since there were only a few of them on Neoma’s side.

“We’ll take care of Kyle Sprouse,” Lady Mona said. “We’re going to move him somewhere safe. We can’t give the crows a reason to drag the Quinzels to court.”

She didn’t really mind, but it looked like Lady Mona and His Majesty already made a decision.

“I understand that we have to move quickly,” Hanna said politely. “But please rest here for a moment, Your Majesty, Lady Mona. I’m sure you’re exhausted from the journey.”

And stress.

Emperor Nikolai didn’t say anything, but he nodded subtly.

“We’ll do that, Hanna,” Lady Mona said, smiling gratefully at her. “Thank you.”

“You’re always welcome, Lady Mona,” Hanna said, smiling back at her future mother-in-law before glancing at Emperor Nikolai. His Majesty already mellowed out a lot, but his semi-permanent frown and intimidating aura were still there. “Your Majesty, can I say something about your current position in the empire?”

Emperor Nikolai raised an eyebrow as if he was interested, then he nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Please don’t say that you’re no longer the emperor– especially not in court,” Hanna said in a serious tone. “There’s a huge difference between abdicating the throne irresponsibly from getting pushed out because your life was threatened. If it’s the former, Your Majesty will be heavily criticized for abandoning your duties and your people. But if it’s the latter, we can use it against the people who were involved in what happened five years ago.”

Emperor Nikolai smiled as if he was satisfied. “So, you’re telling me to challenge the fake Juliet’s authority.”

“The fake Empress Dowager doesn’t have the right to have authority over the Royal Family in the first place, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Nikolai didn’t say anything else, but he seemed quite pleased.

[It’s nerve-wracking to be in His Majesty’s presence.]

“I’m glad you think the same way as we do, Hanna,” Lady Mona said, then she turned to the door. “Rufus and Amber are here.”

Hanna stood up and bowed politely. “I’ll let Father and Mother in so Your Majesty and Lady Mona could talk to them in private.”



Neoma bit her lower lip when she realized she called Papa Boss and Mama Boss inappropriately.

Since they were in the presence of an audience, she must address her parents properly.

“Mother, Father,” Neoma said, calmer than she was earlier. “You’ve made it in time.”

To be honest, she was shocked.

As far as she knew, only Trevor could open the Door.

Aruna and Arche de Moonasterio were currently missing in action after they forced open the Door with Trevor when Neoma returned to the empire with the demon boy.

[And I’m pretty sure my ex-man Ruto has nothing to do with this.]

“Welcome back, Your Majesty and Lady Roseheart,” Duke Rufus Quinzel, who looked better now than he did earlier, said as he stood up. Then he bowed his head politely towards Papa Boss and Mama Boss. “We can’t start the trial without you.”

Neoma was already doing a victory dance in her head.

[You tell them, Duke Rufus!]

She also took notice of the outfit that her Papa Boss wore today– it was the regal knight’s uniform and royal cape that only the emperor could wear.

[Did Papa Boss rob the royal palace before coming here?]

On the other hand, Mama Boss looked lovely in her dress which matched Papa Boss’ uniform. <3< p>


“Watch your mouth, Duke Quinzel,” Marquis Lennox scolded Duke Rufus. “That man is no longer the emperor.”

“I find myself agreeing with you more often, Marquis Lennox,” Duke Winchester, the head of the Noble Faction, said. “An emperor who abandons his duty and people is no longer an emperor.”

“Who said I abandoned my duty and my people willingly?” Papa Boss said in his usual arrogant– er, confident and stern voice. “Call every single noble in the Royal Capital and tell them to get here this instant– tell them that Emperor Nikolai de Moonasterio has returned!”

Much to Neoma’s pleasant surprise, familiar faces behind her parents appeared and responded.

“As you command, Your Majesty!”

[When did our friends get here?]

But it didn’t matter anymore.

“Hell yeah!” Neoma said, doing a fist pump in the air. “My Papa Boss IS the emperor of the Great Moonasterion Empire!”

Lewis chuckled behind her. “Calm down, Princess Neoma.”

[I caaan’t!]

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