Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 693 - 693 THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM?


[“BABE, do you think the crows could use the same trick they used to make people forget about me if the entire empire already knows about my existence?”]

[“I don’t think so. They managed to erase your existence five years ago because only a few people know about your real identity. But if the entire empire knows about the existence of ‘Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio,’ I suppose it will be hard for them to make everyone forget about you.”]

[“Oh, I see. Thanks, babe.”]

That was the conversation that Neoma had with Ruto before.

She knew that the crows would do everything in their power to erase her existence. But since her man assured her the crows wouldn’t be able to do shit once her identity was revealed to the public, she decided to reveal herself to the mass before showing up at the banquet.

And with the Cosmic Tree as her backing…

[They can’t look down on me now.]

“Were you hiding under the Cosmic Tree’s protection all this time?”

It was Nero, and her twin brother whispered that while standing behind her.



She didn’t feel it when Nero snuck in behind her.

[He’s all grown up, huh?]

Well, it was a good chance to talk anyway since no one was paying attention to them.

After all, everyone in the hall was mesmerized by the pouring golden rose petals.

[It’s a miracle caused by the Cosmic Tree, after all.]

“I know you’re curious about a lot of things, but I’ll tell you about it later,” Neoma whispered back, then she turned to her twin brother. “I won’t leave you again, Nero.”

That was cheesy and embarrassing to say, but she couldn’t help it.

Nero, on the other hand, scoffed at her words while smirking bitterly. “Talk is cheap, princess.”


She knew Nero was a grumpy kid, but there was something in his tone that made her uncomfortable. Even the way he called her ‘princess’ sounded sarcastic.

[He’s angry for real…]

Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance to talk to Nero more because the fake Empress Juliet started to climb down the stairs.


It took her all she got to stop herself from clicking her tongue when she saw a familiar face behind the fake Empress Dowager.

[Count Kyle Sprouse…]

Yes, that fucking traitor was reinstated as a noble when her family disappeared five years ago.

Obviously, the crows were responsible for that.

[I wonder if that traitor bastard remembers me.]


“Her Royal Highness’ eyes…”

“They’re glowing red…”

“A true de Moonasterio…”


She failed to control her irritation towards Kyle Sprouse, so her eyes changed colors unconsciously.

[Looking at that fuckface corrupted my eyes.]

She needed healing, so she turned to her “children” for a moment. To be precise, she looked at Greko’s face. The youngest may already be a teenager now, but he was still a baby in her eyes.

Greko looked clueless, but he smiled at her anyway.

Neoma smiled back, her eyes cleansed and her heart calm now.

[Greko’s innocent face is really healing– it’s good for the soul.]

“Thank you for the wonderful present, Princess Neoma.”

It was the fake Empress Dowager who finally reached the last step of the grand staircase. All eyes were on Her Majesty now.

Well, Neoma was busy looking at Kyle Sprouse coldly.

[He’s avoiding my gaze as if he’s guilty.]


[That fuckface remembers me.]

“I see that the Cosmic Tree is doing well, too,” the fake Empress Dowager said, then she turned to Neoma with a “kind” smile. “As expected, the Cosmic Tree really cares about Mona’s children.”

Neoma clenched her hands tightly after hearing the fake call her mother’s name casually. She had to hold back, though. After all, it was public knowledge that her Mama Boss and the (real) Empress Juliet were good friends.

“Are Nikolai and Mona doing great, too?”

“They are, Your Majesty,” Neoma said politely. “Mother and Father are both doing well.”

She had to address Mama Boss and Papa Boss formally because she was in a formal event.

“I know that everyone here is wondering about Father’s disappearance five years ago,” Neoma continued with a polite smile on her face. Her smile was usually haughty in front of her enemies. But she had to captivate everyone first. “Don’t worry, ladies and gentlemen. Father and Mother will return soon, and they will personally explain what happened.”

To be fair, the citizens deserved an explanation.

Papa Boss was the emperor, and he was responsible for the lives of every single person in the empire. Although what happened five years ago was out of their control, the people still deserved to know the truth.

Yes, the truth.

“I’m relieved to know that,” Empress Dowager said, smiling at Neoma. Then she turned around as if addressing everyone in the hall with her gaze. “Everyone, let’s start Prince Calyx’s birthday celebration now.” The fake turned to Neoma again. “I shall retire for tonight. Let’s have tea later, Princess Neoma.”

[And the Best Supporting Actress award goes to…]

“It will be an honor to have a private audience with you later, Your Majesty,” Neoma said, bowing her head slightly since the Empress Dowager outranked her. “Have a pleasant evening.”


[THEY’RE running late.]

Neoma was starting to get worried because Tteokbokki hadn’t returned yet even though it had already been more than half an hour. They shouldn’t be taking this long since Trevor was with them, and Trevor could use teleportation.

[Skylus… Lord Manu…]

Aside from the two, she was also waiting for someone else.

[Dion and the Astello Temple’s Holy Knights aren’t here yet.]

That was the reason why Neoma couldn’t bring up the topic regarding the new saint. How could she do that when Skylus wasn’t here yet? Dion and the Holy Knights, too.

[I need Dion to prove Skylus’ legitimacy as the new saint.]

Fortunately, Calyx hadn’t made a move yet to introduce the fake saint that he definitely brought here, too.

[That psycho crow is calm.]

She had been secretly observing Calyx the entire time, and she could tell that he wasn’t faking his calmness.


[Gosh, why is Nero sticking to Calyx like glue?]

She couldn’t grab Nero because he was stuck in Calyx’s side as if her twin brother was using the fake First Prince to avoid her.

Thankfully, Hanna wasn’t leaving Nero’s side.

[Please take care of my baby brother, Hanna.]

“Princess Neoma, it’s an honor to meet you.”

Her bodyguards aka her “children” stepped aside and allowed Aunt Brigitte and Uncle Dominic to approach her.

There were many other nobles and royalties who wanted to greet her.

But her “children” were being too protective that only their allies could really get near her, just like the Griffiths.

“The honor is mine, Queen Brigitte and King Glenn,” Neoma said, bowing politely to the royal couple. Of course, she couldn’t call them intimately because there were eyes on them. “I’m glad that you finally remember me.”

The queen and the king both smiled and nodded politely.

“Monik and Claude wanted to come with us, but we thought it would be dangerous for them. The Fletcher Twins are currently guarding the children,” Aunt Brigitte whispered to her. “Princess Neoma, may I know where Skylus is?”


“I already asked Tteokbokki to fetch Prince Skylus and Lord Manu,” Neoma assured the queen. “They’ll be here any minute, Auntie.”

They had to be.

[Tteokbokki, Trevor, Lord Manu… I trust you. Please keep Skylus safe no matter what.]

Aunt Brigitte let out a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that, Princess Neoma.”

“I was also glad to hear that Emperor Nikolai and Lady Roseheart will be returning soon,” Uncle Glenn added, smiling. “The true Royal Family should reclaim their rightful place the soonest, Princess Neoma.”

Her family wasn’t greedy for power.

However, they couldn’t leave the Great Moonasterion Empire to the crows. They couldn’t let innocent people suffer.

[The crows that experiment on humans don’t deserve to rule the empire.]

Neoma was about to assure Uncle Glenn that Papa Boss and Mama Boss would return with a bang when, suddenly, they were interrupted.

[What are these scumbags doing here…?]

“Greetings to the one and only royal princess of the Great Moonasterion Empire.”

Neoma almost frowned when Duke Drayton greeted her with a huge smile on his face.

[Gosh, I can clearly see the greed in his eyes.]

Duke Drayton already knew about her existence as a royal princess, but the duke’s memories of her existence were probably erased by the crows’ curse.

Even so, his attitude didn’t change.

“Princess Neoma, let me introduce my son to you,” Duke Drayton said after introducing himself to Neoma. “My son, Rubin, is only two years older than Your Royal Highness. I believe the two of you will get along well.”


[Rubin Drayton… is so fucking handsome.]

Only Rubin Drayton would look good in that moss-green outfit. In fact, he looked so stylish even though the color of his clothes was hard to pull off.

[His face is so fucking amazing.]

“Good evening, Princess Neoma,” Rubin greeted her politely with a proper bow. “My name is Rubin Drayton. I’m at Your Royal Highness’ service.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Lord Rubin,” Neoma said monotonously. “I accept your greeting.”

And that was her polite way of telling the young lord to fuck off, but Rubin didn’t go away.


[Should I be more blunt?]

“Princess Neoma.”


Neoma beamed when she saw Ruto coming her way.

[Gosh, my man is so handsome!]


NOTE: Sorry for disappearing for three days. I got super sick. Monthly period plus a slight fever/cold is such a terrible combination.

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