Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 671 - 671 WHO LOVES NEOMA THE MOST?


“YOU’RE BACK?” Neoma asked even though she appeared to be alone in the room. She was sitting on the sofa while waiting for Ruto and Dahlia, but she felt a different presence in the air. “Did you deliver the message to Aunt Brigitte and Uncle Glenn properly?”

Trevor materialized in front of her out of nowhere. “Me, the damned chef, Lewis, and Jasper Hawthorne. Ah, I guess we can add Prince Nero, too.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

The demon boy got down on one knee and looked up at her. “Your unofficial harem.”

She gave Trevor a look full of pity. “I know you’ve always been crazy, but I think you got worse. Did the cold in Hazelden give you a brain freeze?”

“Among the men in your harem, who do you think loves you the most, Princess Neoma?”


[This punk is serious.]

To be honest, she was annoyed since Trevor wouldn’t stop with the harem bullshit, but she held back her temper because she already made the resolve to treat him better. After all, the demon boy sacrificed a lot to support her for the past five years.


[Let’s humor him a bit.]

“Among the names you mentioned, it’s probably Nero who loves me the most,” Neoma said, then her gaze turned sharp. “Of course, I’m not talking about romantic love. Nero might be crazy, but he’s not crazy enough to have incestuous feelings for me.”

“Huh? I thought you’d choose Ruto.”

“Ruto loves the world more than he loves me,” she said, shrugging. “But it’s okay since I love myself more than I love him, anyway.”

She expected Trevor to complain about her saying that she loved Ruto.

But the demon boy remained serious.

[Gosh, what’s up with him?]

“It’s actually hard to choose because I’m pretty sure Ruto, Lewis, and I will destroy the world for you, Princess Neoma,” Trevor said, still serious. “I’m not so sure about Jasper since he’s not strong enough to destroy the world even if he wants to, and his feelings for you aren’t as strong as our feelings.”

She scoffed at the last part of Trevor’s remark. “Why would Jasper oppa even have romantic feelings for me? Oppa and I actually have a more normal sibling relationship than what Nero and I have.”

[It’s not normal to be so obsessed with your sibling, after all.]

And to be honest, she was pretty sure that her dynamics with Tteokbokki where they would insult each other all the time was more relatable to most siblings.

“Lewis is a pretty strong candidate, too.”

“Gosh. Of course, Lewis loves me since I’m his “mother.””

“How long are you going to ignore Lewis’ feelings?”

“I’m respecting his feelings by treating him the way I did from the start,” Neoma said, matching Trevor’s seriousness. “I know that Lewis’ feelings for me may not be completely platonic, but he’s not confessing so I’m not assuming anything. He’s also not going out of his way to express his feelings like you do, Trevor. I may be full of myself most of the time, but I don’t have a hobby of assuming everyone is in love with me.”

“I… don’t quite get it. It’s a fact that Lewis has feelings for you, Princess Neoma. So, you’re not really assuming anything.”

“Unless Lewis confessed his feelings for me, I’ll continue treating him the way I’ve been doing,” she insisted. “I know Lewis more than anyone else in the world, so I know that he’s afraid of change. He doesn’t want anything to change between us yet, and I’m respecting his decision by acting the way I normally do even though it makes me seem insensitive.”

Neoma was aware that she may appear dense and annoying to some people every time she claimed that Lewis was her “son” despite knowing about his romantic(?) feelings for her.

Lewis would also often express his displeasure every time she called him her “son.”

But, at the end of the day, she knew it was the best treatment she could give him. She didn’t want to act awkward around him, after all.

“I’ll wait until Lewis gathers the courage to confess,” Neoma continued firmly. “Then I’ll give him a proper rejection.”

“You’re going to reject Lewis as soon as he confessed?” Trevor asked as if he was surprised. “I thought you’d hesitate since he’s been with you the longest.”

“I’m not afraid of change.”


“I know that our relationship will change after his confession, but I’m not afraid,” Neoma said softly. “Because I know that even if a change occurred between us, Lewis and I will never abandon each other. Not even a painful rejection can destroy our bond.”

The relationship she had with Lewis was hard to explain in words.

Neoma would often say that she would not die for anyone, but she would probably die for Lewis. She didn’t have romantic feelings for her “son,” but the love she had for him wasn’t shallow at all. Ever since they were kids, she had always had a soft spot for him.

[I just hope that my platonic love for Lewis doesn’t make me look like I’m leading him on.]

“I don’t know if I’m relieved or jealous,” Trevor said, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m relieved because you’ll reject Lewis as bluntly as you rejected me. But I’m jealous because I can see that you love Lewis more than you love me or anyone else that isn’t Ruto, Princess Neoma.”

“It’s because I’m not a kind person,” Neoma said in a serious tone. “Kind people love everyone equally, so I feel bad for people who have a kind person as a lover. After all, a kind person would never prioritize their lover because they treat everyone in the same way.” She smiled bitterly while shaking her head. “But I’m not kind, so the people I love will always be my priority.”

The demon boy looked at her, then he laughed as if he really found her funny. “Princess Neoma, you’re the most generous person I know. You’re kind even to people you “don’t” love.”

She frowned. “No, I’m not kind.”


Neoma clicked her tongue, annoyed. “You better have a valid reason for making me talk about my feelings. I don’t get vulnerable to just anyone, Trevor.”

But because of her resolve to treat Trevor better, here she was now.

“I appreciate that, my Moon Princess.”

[See? I don’t throw a fit every time he calls me his ‘Moon Princess’ anymore.]

“Ruto and Dahlia will be here soon, so spit it out already.”

“Princess Monik received a new vision.”

Neoma shut her eyes tight and clenched her hands to stop herself from grabbing Trevor by the collar. “You should have said it earlier. Skylus and Monik’s visions are what kept are safe for the past five years.” She opened her eyes to glare at Trevor. “What did Monik see?”

“The young princess told me to tell you to be careful once you reach the duck’s hometown,” Trevor said, frowning. “Apparently, you’ll meet a crazy bastard there who loves you to death.”

She let out a long sigh while shaking her head. “Me and my sinful beauty. This is the curse of being born a Visual Goddess.”

“Princess Neoma, you should be extra careful. Princess Monik won’t warn us about the vision she saw if it was a random person who’d get attracted to you.”

“I always have my guard up, though?” Neoma said, shrugging. “I’ll reject anyone who’s not Ruto. And if they can’t take ‘no’ as an answer, then I’ll teach them how.”

Trevor smiled “sweetly.” “Don’t worry, Princess Neoma– your harem will take care of him.”

“Why are you assuming it’s a ‘him’ already?”


“My face attracts any gender, so let’s not automatically assume that the ‘crazy bastard’ is a ‘him.'”

Trevor laughed and nodded. “Alright, Princess Neoma.”

“And stop with the harem bullshit,” Neoma said in a calm yet stern voice. “I know polygamy is allowed for members of the Royal Family, but I have no intention of having my own harem. I already have a man.”


She gently flicked Trevor’s forehead. “I know it’s hard to get over a woman like me, and it will definitely be harder to find a better woman than me, but I’m cheering you on.”

Trevor laughed while shaking his head. “My Moon Princess, your words hurt like hell, but guess I’m a masochist after all.”

Neoma covered her ears with her hands. “I don’t need to know THAT, Trevor.”


“ALRIGHT, everyone,” Neoma said, putting her hands on her hips. “I’ll just go on a quick side quest.”

The “side quest” would be saving Duckie, of course.

Only Neoma, Dahlia, and Ruto would go on that quest, though.

She already sent Lewis, Greko, and Paige to escort Hanna, Manu, and Skylus to the Quinzel Estate. That group would stay with the Quinzels until she returned from her side quest.

And Trevor…

Neoma frowned while watching Trevor and Ruto talk in secret on the balcony. “I wonder what they’re talking about.”

“Lord Trevor is probably asking Lord Ruto to take care of you, Princess Neoma,” Dahlia said while smiling at her. “They both care about Your Royal Highness, after all.”

“Aww. You’re such a sweet girl, Dahlia,” Neoma said, then she gently patted Dahlia’s head. It was easy to do since she was taller than the Black Witch. “And you’re the perfect size for headpats. But tell me if you don’t like me doing this.”

Dahlia’s face turned red and shook her head. “If it’s Princess Neoma giving me headpats, then I don’t mind it.”


“My Moon Princess, are you seducing Miss Dahlia now?”

Neoma let out a sigh. “Right? I’m overflowing with charms.”

“You should wait for other people to say those things instead of saying them yourself.”

It was Ruto.

[Gosh, he’s been so strict with me ever since he lost his positive feelings for me.]

Neoma stood up in front of Ruto and looked up at him.


Because her man was taller than her. <3< p>

Ruto knitted her eyes while looking down at her. “What are you doing?”

“You said I should wait for other people to praise my charms,” Neoma said, smiling. “So I’m waiting.”

Ruto looked confused at first, then he chuckled while shaking his head. “Don’t seduce other people,” he said while patting her head. “You should only work your charms on me, babe.”

Trevor acted like he was going to throw up, while Dahlia covered her mouth as if she was trying to stop herself from squealing.

On the other hand, Neoma grinned like the lovesick fool she was. “Babe, you also need to give me a reason to stay in love with you.” She gently patted her shoulder. “Although my feelings for you won’t waver easily, I’m afraid I love myself too much for me to chase you forever.”


JASPER knew that it was his decision to request the help of the three Elemental Guardian owners.

But he didn’t know that seeing the three would be THIS intimidating.

Lord Ruto was standing on the Thunderbird.

Miss Dahlia was sitting sideways on a tuna-sized Blue Whale.

And Princess Neoma was sitting on the White Lion as if she was riding on a horse.

All three Elemental Guardians and their owners were floating in the sky.

Hence, Jasper had to look up.

It wasn’t only him.

Xion, Duckie, and everyone in that small village was looking up at the sky with different reactions.

Some were scared, but most were amused.


“I heard there are fuckers here who wished to summon the ‘Hell Knights’ using innocent people,” Princess Neoma said, her eyes glowing red from anger. The royal princess must be using magic that amplified her voice. “You’re in fucking luck– I will drag you all to hell today to meet those blasted Hell Knights you wanted to meet desperately.”


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