Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 656 - 656 NEOMA, STEALING IS BAD...


GLENN clenched his hands tight when he saw at least a thousand knights who were stealthily entering the Hazelden Kingdom’s Royal Capital.

[No… those rats are just assassins pretending to be knights!]

He could see everything from the wide screen inside the villa.

Yes, the villa on the floating island.

Brigitte was already asleep in the bedroom with Monik and Claude.

The villa was safe, so he could leave his wife and children without worrying too much. Right, he had a job to do as the king.

“Your Majesty, we apologize for installing hidden cameras all over Hazelden without your permission,” Juri Wisteria said, bowing her head towards him. “As soon as this is over, we will remove the cameras.”

Glenn smiled and shook his head. “It’s alright, Lady Juri. I know that Princess Neoma ordered that in order to look out for us.”

But he had to say that he was impressed by the fact that the children were able to install cameras all over his kingdom without anyone noticing.


He knew it wasn’t because their security was lax.

After all, as a former knight and Paladin, it was in his nature to patrol the Royal Capital in secret even though he was already a king. That was how the Hazelden Kingdom became a safe place despite being a small nation.

[Princess Neoma’s “children” are really on a different level.]

Moreover, they had advanced technology.

[Like those secret cameras all connected to the main screen in this villa that allows us to see what the secret cameras have captured in real time.]

“Thank you for being generous and understanding, Your Majesty,” Juri Wisteria said, cutting off his thoughts. “How does Your Majesty wish to proceed?”

Glenn tore his gaze away from the screen to look at the young lady. “Did Princess Neoma leave you with some instructions?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Princess Neoma told us to smash the enemies to dust.”


He couldn’t help but laugh softly after hearing that.

[That sounds like something Princess Neoma would really say.]

“Princess Neoma also told us to prevent Your Majesty from fighting with the enemies,” Juri Wisteria added. “Princess Neoma wishes for Your Majesty to leave it to us, and to stay with Queen Brigitte and the children on this island.”

He clenched his hands tight. “But I’m the king, Lady Juri. I need to protect my family and my kingdom.”

The young lady smiled as if she already expected him to say that. Then she removed the brooch on her hairpin. “May I play the voice recording that Princess Neoma sent for Your Majesty?”

“Of course.”

Juri Wisteria pressed the sapphire gem in the middle of the brooch.

Then Princess Neoma’s echoed in the room.

<“Uncle Glenn, leave the small fries to my “children.” I know you wish protect your family and Hazelden Kingdom with own two hands. However, this might be a trap.”>

He knitted his eyebrows and whispered to himself. “A trap…?”

<“If I were Calyx Dalton, would send people wearing the uniform of empire’s royal knights. Once Uncle Glenn was caught “attacking” knights sent by empire, that could give Dalton justification to attack Hazelden. I’m sure they have already prepared fake evidence your kingdom is picking a fight with empire and not other way around.”>

He was about to say that it wouldn’t be easy even for the empire to invade Hazelden, but he remembered that the current royal family was led by the crows.

[Unfortunately, Prince Nero isn’t in his right mind at the moment.]

<“Once I return, promise to give you and the Hazelden Kingdom chance get your revenge against Calyx Dalton crows. So, please trust me this once, Uncle Glenn.”>

That was the end of Princess Neoma’s message.

And Glenn realized that the royal princess had a point.

“Lady Juri, what do you and Lord Jeno wish to do?”

“I prefer fighting on the front line, Your Majesty. Jeno, on the other hand, is supposed to stay here on the floating island and shoot the enemies from here while the island is in invisible mode,” Juri Wisteria explained. “However, Princess Neoma told us to follow Your Majesty’s order.”

“I’d like to respect your wishes, but I’m worried, Lady Juri,” he said. “I’m not underestimating you, but I believe it’s too much for you to fight a thousand assassins alone.”

Now he was certain that the “knights” he saw earlier weren’t knights.

[No self-respecting knight would agree to invade a kingdom stealthily.]

Glenn was a royal knight for so long.

He knew more than anyone else how prideful the royal knights were.

[And if Calyx Dalton was pretending to be a kind prince, then he wouldn’t be able to send the royal knights to attack Hazelden in secret.]

“It’s true that it would be too much even for me to face a thousand assassins,” Juri Wisteria said, smiling. “But if I’m with four Paladins, I’m sure we’ll be fine, Your Majesty.”

Glenn’s eyes widened in shock. “Don’t tell me…!”

And that was when he felt their presence.

He didn’t want to be rude to Juri Wisteria, but he couldn’t stop himself from bolting out of the room until he was out of the villa.

Jeno Dankworth, who was standing in the garden as if he was waiting for him, bowed his head towards him. “Greetings, Your Majesty. The reinforcements have arrived.”

Geoffrey Kinsley.

Jeanne Audley.

Wyatt and Warren Fletcher.

[My old comrades!]

Glenn couldn’t help but smile back at his friends. “It’s nice to finally see everyone again.”


“ARE THE crows broke?” Trevor asked sarcastically, disgusted to find the crows that invaded the Hawthorne Estate in the armory-slash treasury room. “Why the hell are you stealing from Jasper Hawthorne?”

Tsk, tsk.

But it wasn’t like he didn’t understand why the crows would salivate for the Hawthorne’s wealth.

The entire basement was the armory-slash treasury room.

[Yes, it’s THAT vast.]

Obviously, it was filled with high-quality weapons and expensive items. In fact, it looked like the empire’s national museum.

[The items displayed here are worth stealing.]

“Who the fuck are you– arghhh!”

The crow who cursed at him screamed when Trevor ripped his mouth with just a flick of his hand.

“You’re not Princess Neoma,” Trevor said coldly, his purple eyes glowing menacingly while looking at the crows inside the treasury room. “You do not have the right to curse at me.”

He may act like a fool for Princess Neoma, but he hadn’t forgotten who he was.

[I’m Trevor Kesser– the Devil’s Grimoire, and the genius Sorcere1r.]

“Kill him!”


It only took Trevor a snap of his fingers to make everyone explode.


The entire room was filled with agonizing screams from the enemies before they died.

Of course, something like that was only possible because it was him.

When he closed the door earlier, he filled the entire armory-slash treasury room with his Mana. The crow bastards didn’t realize that his Mana was slowly entering their bodies. It was similar to inhaling poison.

Hence, he was able to make the crow bastards explode according to his will.

[And now it’s messy.]

Blood, severed human limbs, and crushed organs were everywhere.

Everywhere except on the spot where Trevor stood. He created a barrier to protect himself from the disgusting aftermath, after all.

[I’m glad my Moon Princess isn’t here to see this side of me.]

Ah, maybe he should have turned the crow bastards into dust instead of making them explode.

[Yeah, I should do that next time.]

His thoughts were interrupted when the iron door opened.

“Lord Jasper will be disappointed,” Gin, in his human form, said while shaking his head. “He hates dirty things.”


Trevor shrugged. “Just clean it up then.”

Of course, it would be easy for him to clean it up.

[But I don’t want to~ Princess Neoma only told me to make sure Gin and Tate are safe. She didn’t say anything about cleaning up after my own mess~]

“Mr. Gin, I’ll clean up here,” Tate, Jasper Hawthorne’s cousin-slash-aide, said. Then he turned to Trevor and bowed. “Thank you for your help, Lord Trevor. The crows used some powerful stealth magic. If you weren’t here, we wouldn’t even realize that the crows are aiming for the treasury room.”

When he arrived at the Hawthorne Estate, he was wondering why Gin and Tate said that they had already taken care of the enemies when he could still feel the crow bastards’ presence.

Apparently, Gin and Tate didn’t notice that the crows were in the treasury room.

“They’ve stolen a lot of gold bars, high-quality weapons, and rare jewelry pieces already,” Trevor said while pointing at the empty aisle on his left side. “Sorry for your loss.”

He couldn’t do anything about it because the group that looted the treasury room first was already gone by the time he arrived.

[Since the treasury room is big, the thieves grouped themselves into several groups.]

“The Hawthorne Estate won’t go bankrupt just because they stole some gold bars, weapons, and jewels.”


[The amount stolen from the Hawthornes just now is large enough to make a viscount family poor overnight. But Tate, Jasper Hawthorne’s representative, didn’t even bat an eye.]

They were rich RICH.

[Heh. I sounded like Princess Neoma just now, didn’t I?]

“The most important thing is we managed to protect the deed of ownership over the mines we own, especially the diamond mines,” Tate added, relieved. “They tried to steal them. I should have realized sooner that they were also aiming for the treasury room.”

“Trevor, is Lord Jasper alright?” Gin asked worriedly. “Why didn’t he come with you?”

“Princess Neoma sent Jasper Hawthorne on a mission.”

“But Lord Jasper is okay, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. He looks okay.”

[In fact, that suspicious Jasper Hawthorne looks TOO happy to be reunited with my Moon Princess.]

Gin let out a sigh of relief.

“Anyway, you can clean up the mess here, can’t you?” Trevor asked, already casting a teleportation spell to leave the estate even before Gin or Tate could respond. “I have to report this matter to Princess Neoma.”

There could only be one reason why the crows, who had accumulated wealth, would steal from a rich nobleman like Jasper Hawthorne.

[Princess Neoma is so gonna be pissed.]


NEOMA was fuming.

She received two pieces of news that morning: one good, one bad.

The good news was the Hazelden Kingdom was safe now.

Her children and her Papa Boss’ Paladins dealt with the people sent by the crows to infiltrate Hazelden easily. Fortunately, Uncle Glenn agreed to step back and just watch them do all the work.

[Good job, Juri and Jeno. Let’s arrange your marriage soon.]

The bad news was Jasper Hawthorne was robbed by the crow bastards.

“How dare those bastards steal from Jasper oppa,” Neoma said, fuming. She clenched her hands tight until her already white knuckles turn paler. “And the amount they stole is big enough to make a viscount family dirt poor overnight if it was stolen from them?”

She touched the back of her neck when she felt her blood pressure increase.

“Tate said the amount stolen from the Hawthornes wouldn’t put a dent in their wealth.”

It was Trevor.

Yep, the demon boy arrived at the hotel this morning to deliver the bad news to her personally.

Now, she couldn’t taste her breakfast because her mood was already ruined.

She was having breakfast with Trevor on the balcony of her room as she listened to his report.

The others were having breakfast inside the room.

“But the amount is not the issue,” Trevor said calmly, then he sipped his coffee before he looked at her knowingly. “And you know that, Princess Neoma.”

“If the crows are stealing from our allies, it only means they’re preparing for a war,” Neoma said, still pissed as hell. “The crows are already rich. But the fact that they need more funds could only mean they’re preparing for something big.”

And she had a feeling it had something to do with her return.

[Since the crows know they can’t kill me easily because I have strong allies unlike the previous royal princesses they killed, they’re trying to use their brain this time.]

Neoma clicked her tongue in annoyance. “They will probably steal from the Royal Treasury next because they know I’m about to kick them out of the Royal Palace now that I’m back.”

“It won’t be easy to rob the Royal Treasury since only the legitimate heir chosen by the throne has access to it,” the demon boy said. “But I guess it’s possible since Calyx Dalton has Prince Nero wrapped around his finger at the moment.”

“Nero isn’t the only “legitimate” heir to the throne here, my friend.”


Neoma smiled, her pretty ash-gray eyes sparkling in delight. “Trevor, let’s rob the Royal Treasury before the crows do.”

Trevor looked shocked at first, then he laughed out loud. “Princess Neoma, stealing is bad!”


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