Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 648 - 648 FIVE YEARS AGO (10)


<NEOMA, 13 years old…>

A FULL month after Neoma settled in Korea with her family, she finally secured a stable communication line with her people.

First, she got in touch with Lewis.

Ruto gave her people communication devices connected to her world. Her man and Trevor worked together to create those communication devices.

To be honest, even though Trevor often claimed that he hated the “damned chef,” the two of them actually had a rapport.

[Their dynamics are so good that I get jealous sometimes.]

How dare Trevor monopolize Ruto every time the two talked about magic and other stuff that Neoma couldn’t understand?


“Did you find the island that Grandma Roxana gifted to me?” Neoma asked Lewis. She was ‘face-timing’ her “son” using Trevor’s communication device which looked like a smartphone. “Is it a safe place to live in?”


<“… Yes.”>

She waited for her “son” to talk more, but he just stared at her face with those pretty golden eyes of his.

As expected, Lewis wasn’t the best person to give her a report.

“Lewis, I’d love to look at your pretty face all day. But for now, please pass the communication device to Paige.”



<“Yes, Princess Neoma.”>

A few seconds later, Paige’s beautiful face occupied the screen.

<“We’ve arrived at the hidden island, Princess Neoma,”> Paige reported right away. <“Thanks to the coordinates that Lady Roxana gave, I was able create a portal leading island. Fortunately, it’s inhabitable. We have villa here only needs some cleaning. The problem is our neighbors.”>

She knitted her eyebrows. “Neighbors? I thought it was an isolated island.”

<“The mermaids live near us.”>

“Oh, I see. Are they pretty?”

Paige chuckled while nodding. <“Not as pretty you are, Princess Neoma.”>

See? That was the only correct answer.

[And that is why Paige is the vice-commander!]

“Gosh, you flatter me,” Neoma said, her head getting bigger than it already was. “If you can, try to be friendly with the mermaids. It won’t hurt if we make them our allies. But if you can’t be friendly with them, then dominate them with your strength. You need to be the kings and queens of the Southern Sea and protect the Evedane Duchy.”

Evedane Duchy was the Quinzels’ territory, and they ruled the empire’s South Region for generations now.

<“As you wish, Princess Neoma.”>

“My dear children, I want you to live quietly,” Neoma said in a serious tone. “Stay put for now and gain more power.”



“Yes, a shopping mall,” Neoma said while standing in front of a PPT presentation displayed on the projector. She was talking to Jasper and Hanna on the split screen on the wall in front of her. It was Trevor who improved the communication device that he made before. “I want you to swallow up all the trendy shops that cater to the nobles, then build a shopping mall to put all those stores in.”

<“That’s a new concept that hasn’t existed yet in this world,”> Jasper oppa said, nodding. <“I like it, Princess Neoma.”>

<“And swallowing up trendy shops in the Grandiose Avenue won’t be difficult for us,”> Hanna, arguably the richest noble lady in the empire, said confidently. <“Moreover, you told me about the future trends that would occur in empire soon.”>

Neoma may not have lived as a royal princess during her first life. But she was still a part of the high society back then. Moreover, Duchess Amber had good fashion sense. Hence, they would always start the new trend among the noble ladies before.

<“We will also buy the land that you told us to buy, Neoma.”>

Jasper oppa clasped his hands together as if he was praying to her. <“Princess Neoma, thank you very much.”>

The places that she told Hanna and Jasper about were the locations where the biggest diamond and Mana Stone mines would be discovered in the future.

During her first life, the diamond mine was discovered by Duke Arman Winchester.

[Yep, the old man who leads the Noble Faction.]

She had bad blood with the old duke, so she didn’t feel bad about ‘stealing’ it from House Winchester this time.

“I’m giving you the information about the diamond mine because I know you’d use it well, Jasper oppa.”

Jasper oppa put a hand over his chest. <“I won’t let you down, Princess Neoma.”>

On the other hand…

“It was Regina who discovered the Mana Stone mine in the past,” Neoma said bitterly. “She shared the location of the mine with Duchess Amber. After that, discussions of Regina’s adoption began. Apparently, Regina was Duchess Amber’s ‘lucky charm.'”

It had been a long time since it happened, so she almost forgot.

Fortunately, she remembered the location of the Mana Stone mine before it was discovered. The Mana Stones in that mine were the highest-grade on the entire continent. Hence, it would bring huge profits later.

[And Hanna deserves to have that mine.]

Hanna’s gaze turned sharp. “Don’t worry, Neoma. This time, I’ll ‘discover’ the Mana Stone mine first.”

Neoma smiled at Hanna and Jasper oppa. “Fighting.”


<NEOMA, 14 years old…>

RAMSAY Flower Café.

Neoma smiled while looking around the business that Mama Boss and Areum eomma opened together.

[I’m glad to see that my two mothers are now BFFs.]

After Areum eomma officially retired as a reporter, she decided to open a coffee shop because it had always been her dream to have one.

[And eomma is a coffee addict. Plus, she’s into baking these days.]

In fact, Areum eomma created a channel where she would often post her baking videos. Her eomma already had a million subscribers. Hence, her videos were now monetized.

[On the other hand, Mama Boss has a green thumb.]

It was probably because Mama Boss was close to nature. All the flowers and plants that her mother touched grew healthy. That was why her Mama Boss decided to open a flower shop.

[Surprisingly, after just a few months, our flower shop became famous because of the quality of our flowers. Plus, Mama Boss is really good at flower arrangements. Every time our clients post Mama Boss’ flower arrangement on the internet, it would go viral. And since Areum eomma has some celebrity friends, even famous people order flowers in our shop.]

But most of their clients were celebrity fans overseas that would often send flowers and coffee trucks to their favorite Korean artists.

[Long live overseas fans! Thank you for supporting our small business. <3]< p>

“Thug princess, what do you think?”

“It’s disgusting to see you in a form older than me,” Neoma said, frowning at Tteokbokki. “How dare you transform into an eighteen-year-old boy when I’m only fourteen?”

Tteokbokki smirked at her, then he gestured at the barista uniform that he was wearing at the moment. “I need to be at least eighteen years old to work here as a part-timer. And I already got my certificate to become a barista. I’ll make the best coffee in town.” Then he whispered the next thing he said: “And I go by ‘Tan’ in this world, you dummy thug princess.”

She was about to bully Tteokbokki more when her Mama Boss.

“Baby Muffin, you’re here?”

Her Mama Boss’ bright smile almost made Neoma cry.

“Mama Boss, I’m really, really tired today,” Neoma complained lightly. “Grandma Aruna beat me to a pulp during our training last night. I almost died! Then I also had to practice with Trevor to change the color of my Hellgate. And it’s not easy to use my Darkness attribute.”

“Aww, it must have been hard, baby,” Mama Boss said, cupping her face between her hands. “So, I’ll be lenient today and just let you train for three hours.”

She gasped. “We’re still going to train?”

Mama Boss smiled ‘sweetly’ at her. “Of course, Baby Muffin.”

Three hours.

Her Mama Boss was going to flatten her to the ground for three hours again. Gosh, she couldn’t even scratch that huge goddess’ hand that her mother would often summon.

[It’s because I’m not allowed to summon Tteokbokki and Skewer.]

She could only use her Spirits every time she would train with her Mama Boss.

“Neoma, you use your Soul Beast and Death Scythe too much,” Mama Boss scolded her lightly. “You should also use your Roseheart Blood more.”

She only groaned as a complaint.

Tteokbokki, on the other hand, snickered. “Hehe. Good luck, thug princess.”

Neoma groaned again when Mama Boss held her hands.

That entire year was the worst year of Neoma’s third life yet because she realized how weak she was compared to her elders.


[At least, I’m still the prettiest. :>]


“WHAT A fucking bitch,” Neoma growled after hearing Hanna’s report. “Regina Crowell is back and claimed that she’s Gavin Quinzel’s daughter?”

<“It seems like the crows erased my parents’ memories of Regina Crowell. Father and Mother don’t remember that wench tried to kill me. Hence, I was forced pretend didn’t incident, too.”>

She let out a sigh.

Fortunately, Hanna looked calm.

<“Don’t worry, Neoma. I can protect myself from Regina Crowell,”> Hanna assured her confidently. <“Moreover, I’ll be having my formal society debut soon. By that time, I’m sure I already dominate the high society– both as Crown Princess and Quinzel Heiress.”>

“That’s right, Hanna. You should be very important to the point that the crows won’t be able to touch you,” Neoma said, smiling. “But if things get dangerous, just run to Lewis. I already asked my “son” to keep an eye on you.”


“OMO, why are you here, Grandpa?” Neoma asked, shocked when Arche de Moonasterio appeared in her room instead of Aruna de Moonasterio. “Where is Grandma?”

“It’s Aruna’s turn to keep the Door protected,” Arche de Moonasterio said. “That’s why I’m here in her place.”

That was right.

Aruna and Arche de Moonasterio had a Door that only the two of them could use.

[It’s the Door that only the dead could use, so I cannot use it to return to the other world.]

But wait.

Neoma knitted her eyebrows. “Grandpa Arche, what do you mean you’re here in place of Grandma Aruna?”

Arche de Moonasterio smiled ‘sweetly’ at her. “Neoma de Moonasterio, it’s my turn to train you.”



<NEOMA, 15 years old…>

“HELLO, babies!” Neoma greeted the baby prince and baby princess cheerfully. “How are you?”

She was talking to Monik who was carrying the two-year-old baby Skylus in her arms.

The young prince could talk now, but he preferred talking using telepathy. After all, as a baby, he couldn’t talk properly yet.

On the other hand, Monik could talk properly now.

In the first place, it wasn’t that hard to talk to the children.

[All the saints and saintesses were born mature, just like how the de Moonasterions were also born with a developed mind.]

<“Hello, Princess Neoma. It’s an honor to meet you.”>

It was Monik who greeted her politely.

Baby Skylus waved her small hand to her, then he talked using his thoughts. <“Princess Neoma, can you connect me to your “children?” They have know that the crows are planning dominate Southern Sea in an attempt claim Quinzels’ Evedane Duchy.”>

She was grateful that Skylus gave them a warning.

On the other hand, she was pissed.

“Those crow bastards…” Neoma cursed under her breath. “I should ask Lewis to become a pirate in order to sabotage their plans.”


NEOMA clapped her hands after hearing Papa Boss and Won-shik appa’s plan to build their own entertainment agency.

For years, Papa Boss found success in investing in Won-shik appa’s works.

Hence, this time, Won-shik appa decided to part ways to his old entertainment agency to help Papa Boss build his own company.

Mama Boss and Areum eomma both agreed to the plan, too.

“I like it,” Neoma said, smiling at Papa Boss and Won-shik appa. “I’ll support you, Papa Boss and Won-shik appa.”

Later, they named the company ‘Raon Entertainment.’


<NEOMA, 16 years old…>

DURING this year, Neoma succeeded in leveling up her current “stats.”

She inherited both Aruna and Arche de Moonasterio’s techniques.

She also finally learned how to defend herself from Mama Boss’ ruthless attacks. Well, she couldn’t beat her mother in a one-on-one fight yet using only their Spirits. But, at least, her Spirits grew stronger.

But her greatest accomplishment?

[My Hellgate finally turned pink!]

“Kekeke,” Neoma laughed like the villainess that she was aiming to be. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the pink Hellgate in front of her. “It’s so pretty.”

“Are you that happy, Princess Neoma?”

It was Trevor.

Right now, the two of them were inside the demon boy’s territory. That was the place where they would often train.

“Yes, I’m happy,” Neoma said, then she turned to Trevor. “You look sad, though. Is it because your experiment has failed again?”

Trevor was busy these days because of three things.

First, he was trying to open the Door that would bring them back to the empire.

Second, he was doing experiments to turn Aunt Nichole and Uncle Dominic into normal people.

And third…

“You’re already busy as it is,” Neoma said while clicking her tongue. “Did you really have to sign a modeling contract?”

Trevor pointed at his face. “The world deserves to see this face. And it’s one way to put my uselessly long legs to good use.” His face beamed. “Princess Neoma, this world is amazing. I earn a lot of money just because I’m handsome and tall.”

“That’s called ‘pretty privilege.'”

“Right,” he agreed while nodding. “By the way, how’s your love life? It seems like the damned chef barely calls you these days.”

“Good try to make me feel down,” she said, smirking. “But I’m sorry because Ruto and I already made a love contract.”

Trevor knitted his eyebrows. “Love contract?”

“It’s just between me and Ruto,” Neoma said cheerfully. “Don’t worry too much because what Neoma wants, Neoma gets~”


<NEOMA, 17 years old…>

“YOU HAVE a rival, Princess Neoma,” Trevor teased her. “I have a co-model who’s dubbed as the ‘prettiest high school girl in Korea’ in her area.”

Neoma raised an eyebrow. “Really? Do I know her?”

“You’ve probably heard her name before. I’m talking about Lee Minju.”

Ah, Lee Minju.

She nodded in approval.

“That child is really pretty. I actually buy all the things she endorses because I like her face,” Neoma said, happy that her rival was worth the title. “I feel bad for Lee Minju, though. If I didn’t exist in this world, she would have been the legitimate most beautiful high school girl in Korea.”

Trevor just laughed at what she said. “I have good news, Princess Neoma.”

“What is it?”

“My hard work has finally paid off,” the demon boy said, grinning at her. “I’m almost done fixing the door.”

She clapped her hands together. “Really?”

He nodded. “I believe we can return to our world before your coming-of-age ceremony.”

“You must really be a genius, Trevor.”

“Did you only realize that now, my Moon Princess?”

“Nope. I just don’t want to acknowledge it because you annoy me most of the time.”

Trevor laughed out loud. “I will only use my genius mind for you, Princess Neoma,” he said, putting a hand over his chest. “I’m a simp for you and only for you, my Moon Princess.”

Neoma laughed at Trevor’s choice of words. “You’re talking memes now, Trevor.”


<NEOMA, 18 years old…>

“OF COURSE, it’s a duck,” Neoma said, smirking while looking at the duck in Jasper oppa’s arms. “I’m Neoma, I’m always right.”

<“Wow, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my life! And wow again, you smell like old money! This kid is rich RICH. Aside from money and expensive jewels, I also all types of riches her. hit jackpot!”>

Jasper oppa frowned while listening to the duck. “Princess Neoma, this duck is saying–”

“Yes, I’m pretty and rich, but you’d better think twice about scamming me, you funny duck. You can’t scam a legendary scammer like me,” she said smugly, shocking Jasper oppa and the duck. “What’s with the reaction?”

Jasper oppa asked in disbelief: “Princess Neoma, you can understand the duck?”

<“Impossible!” > the duck complained. <“Only the people I allow could hear my speaking voice!”>

“I don’t need your permission to hear your voice,” she said indifferently. “I don’t need any Spirit’s permission since I was born with the right to hear your voices.”

Well, that and she really worked hard to gain that ability.

The duck gasped as if it belatedly realized WHAT Neoma was. <“A Master Summoner!”>

“Yep,” Neoma said proudly. “So, should we reintroduce ourselves to each other, Fourth Elemental Guardian?”


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