Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 638 - 638 WARM HUGS


NEOMA couldn’t help but smile like a fool while looking up at Lewis.

Her neck didn’t hurt much because she wasn’t that much shorter than him. Moreover, she wouldn’t even notice such trivial things when she was THIS happy seeing her “son” in the flesh after five years.

Of course, it was a given that Lewis grew up as a handsome young man.

But the most important thing was that her “son” was healthy.

[At least, he’s not as sad and lonely as I thought he’d be for the last five years. Adopting other kids for Lewis to have siblings was the best decision I made in this lifetime.]

“I’m sorry, Princess Neoma,” Lewis said apologetically. “Did you get hurt?”

“Pfft. As if falling on the sand would hurt me,” Neoma said haughtily, putting her hands on her waist. “It wasn’t like you crashed me with your weight, either. I am NOT frail.”

He looked relieved by that.

“I’m the one who’s actually worried,” she said. “Are you okay, Lewis? I know you don’t like physical touch…”


“Yeah, I hate it.”


“Princess Neoma and Lady Hanna are the only exception.”


[Hanna? Hmm. Well, I guess they grew closer over the years.]


Okay, she momentarily forgot about her other children because Lewis, her most precious first “son,” greeted her energetically.

[Now I feel like a horrible mother.]

When Lewis stepped aside to give way for his “siblings,” Neoma finally saw her other “children.”

And the first child she saw…

“Greko,” Neoma said, a little surprised. Of course, she had seen Greko during their weekly meetings. But her “son” was often seated, so she was surprised to see him now. “You’re so tall now, maknae-ah.”

Greko smiled widely while approaching her. “Eomma is still taller than me, though?”


She had a slight complex with her height because she was taller than most boys her age back in Korea. But she didn’t have to worry about that in this world because the people in the empire were naturally taller than the average Koreans.

“You’re still young, so you’ll still grow taller,” she said while cupping Greko’s face with her hands. “I’m sorry for making you wait, Greko. Now that I’m back, I’ll raise you to become the best Healer in the world. We will build a hospital in your name.”

Greko smiled and nodded. “Thank you, eomma. But, to be honest, I don’t need a hospital in my name. I just want to be with you, eomma.”

“You’re my “son,” Greko. You should be greedier.”

Greko just laughed at what she said.

[I’m serious, though.]

After giving Greko a hug, it was Xion Redgrave who greeted her next.

[Oh, my children are lining up? How cute.]

Xion bowed to her politely. “It’s been a while, Princess Neoma. I’m glad you came back safely.”

Neoma’s height complex hit her again when she realized that she was almost as tall as Xion now. But she ignored it since this wasn’t the time to think about useless stuff. “I feel the most apologetic to you since I left most of the dirty works to you, Xion. Now that I’m back, let’s share the burden.”

“I exist to lessen your burden, Princess Neoma.”

She chuckled while shaking her head. “Hearing that only makes me want to give you a more normal life, you silly assassin.”

After giving Xion a hug, it was Paige Avery’s turn to greet her.

[Ah, the “child” I’m most grateful to.]

“We’ve been talking a lot through the communication device for the last five years, Princess Neoma,” Paige said, smiling at her warmly. “But nothing beats seeing Your Royal Highness’ beauty in person. Welcome back, our future empress.”

“No words can describe how much I’m grateful to you for keeping our family intact, Paige,” Neoma praised the mage. After all, it was Paige who carried out most of her orders since her power as a mage was really helpful to them. “You did a good job.”

“Thank you, Princess Neoma.”

She hugged Paige and whispered in her ear. “I met Dion, and he’s safe now. I’ll give you the other pair of the communication device that I left him so you could talk later.”

Paige let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you again, Princess Neoma. I mean it.”

She just nodded before letting go of the mage.

And now, it was Juri Wisteria and Jeno Dankworth’s turn to greet her. The couple were holding each other’s hands.

[Oh? They’re affectionate now, huh? They used to bicker a lot in the past.]

“Welcome back, Princess Neoma,” Juri said cheerfully. “We’ve missed you a lot. And god, you’ve grown into such a beautiful young lady.”

Of course, that made Neoma grin. “I know, right? My beauty is also popular back in the other world.”

Juri laughed softly.

Jeno, on the other hand, nodded in agreement with what Neoma said. “I feel the urge to protect you from the male gazes you receive, Princess Neoma. We have to work harder to protect you from the pests around you.”

And the Marksman gave Trevor a meaningful look.

The shameless demon boy just shrugged.


Neoma cleared her throat. “Juri, Jeno, I’m sorry for making you wait. Now that I’m here, let’s plan your wedding.”

Juri and Jeno delayed their wedding because they wanted her to attend the ceremony.

[They no longer need to marry each other after running away from their families to hide. But the fact that they still wanted to get married only means they’re doing it for love and not for duty now.]

Juri and Jeno, who both suddenly looked shy, nodded at what she said.

[Aww… they’re already acting like newlyweds.]

Neoma gave Juri and Jeno a big hug.

After the couple, it was finally her favorite cousin’s turn.

“Pfft,” Neoma said, holding back her laughter while literally looking down at Hanna. “Gosh, you’re so tiny. I want to put you in my pocket, Hanna.”

Lewis, who was standing behind Neoma, stifled his laughter.

Hanna huffed, still cute even though she was slightly upset. “I am not THAT tiny, Neoma. You’re just tall.”

“Aw, the short queen is mad,” Neoma teased her cousin, then she hugged her tight. “You’re the perfect size for cuddles, Hanna. I’m sorry, don’t be upset.”

“Fine, I’ll let it slide this time,” Hanna said playfully, then she finally smiled at her. “Welcome home, Neoma.”

“Thank you.”

After letting go of Hanna, Neoma finally faced the Griffiths.

Brigitte unnie and King Glenn hadn’t remembered her yet. Even so, the royal couple looked emotional while looking back at her as if they had missed her.

Neoma was about to greet the queen and the king when three little minions “attacked” her.

The little “minions” were Monik, Skylus, and Claude.

[Oh. The second prince doesn’t know me since he wasn’t born a saint like Skylus. Even so, Monik and Skylus would sometimes let Claude join our meeting. And Claude is good at keeping secrets because he thought it was a game.]

“It’s the goddess on the screen!” Claude gushed while looking up at her with sparkling eyes. “You’re more beautiful in person, goddess!”

Neoma smirked haughtily. “Of course, kids don’t lie.”

Claude just giggled.

“We kept our promise!” Skylus exclaimed proudly. “We used our visions to guide your people, Princess Neoma.”

“Princess Neoma, we were attacked by the bad crows!” Monik reported right away. “Please punish them!”

“Yes, I will punish those bad crows later,” Neoma promised the young princess. Then she looked at Skylus and Monik with a smile on her face. “Thank you for guiding my people for the past five years. And now that I’m back, I promise to protect you and put you back in your rightful places.”

Skylus and Monik who understood her words well nodded firmly as if they were saying that they trusted her.

[And I don’t break promises, especially the ones I made with children.]

Finally, Neoma faced Brigitte unnie and Uncle Glenn while the three precious minions were still clinging on her. “It’s been a while, Brigitte unnie and Uncle Glenn. I know that you don’t remember me, but don’t worry.” She pointed at Trevor. “He will help you retrieve your missing memories.”


NEOMA FELT refreshed after taking a long bath and sleeping for hours.

When she woke up after a whole day of resting, she finally got ready to face Brigitte unnie and Uncle Glenn again.


Time was running, hence they had to hurry.

[We can’t leave the Hazelden Kingdom alone because Delwyn can’t protect it alone for a long time. Moreover, I left my traces here and there so the crows definitely know I’m back. I have to greet the enemies properly, right?]

“Princess Neoma…”

The way Brigitte unnie and Uncle Glenn looked at her with warmth in their eyes told her that the royal couple had finally retrieved their memories. They looked so happy to see her.

[Damn, your boy Trevor is really a genius.]

“Brigitte unnie, Uncle Glenn, thank you for remembering me. I know you have a lot of questions, and I’m ready to answer them now,” Neoma said, smiling. “I’ll tell you what happened five years ago.”


[FIVE years ago…]


Neoma, who lived in Korea in her second life, knew that they were sent to that world as soon as she saw the surroundings.

They were in a modern hospital.

Neoma, Papa Boss, and Mama Boss were currently inside a private room where a young lady was confined.

[It’s Nabi…]


And the woman who looked so shocked upon seeing her was none other than her eomma.

Neoma instantly got emotional. “Eomma…”

She wanted to run to her Korean mother, but she belatedly remembered that Papa Boss and Mama Boss were with her.

[And they look confused.]

Just when Neoma was about to explain, the door suddenly burst open.

A skinny and weak man wearing a patient’s clothes entered. Several hospital people were running after the man who obviously escaped from his room.

Neoma gasped softly. “Appa…”

It was Gavin Quinzel who was back in Won-shik appa’s body.

Then Neoma heard a growl behind her.

The next thing she knew, Papa Boss was already lunging at Won-shik appa.

“Nikolai!” Mama Boss yelled. “Calm down!”

Neoma felt a splitting headache coming.



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