Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 604 - 604 THE QUINZEL PRINCESS



Regina couldn’t believe that more than half of the shopping district in Grandiose Avenue– the high-end part of the Royal Capital– belonged to one person.

Only the higher nobles could afford the shops in this district.

“To think that Hanna Quinzel owned more than half of the shops here,” Regina whispered to herself while looking outside the window of the carriage she was currently using. “What a greedy little wench.”

House Quinzel was arguably the richest noble household in the empire. But their main source of income was limited to the chains of luxury hotels that they owned all over the continent.

However, this was the first time in history that the Quinzels bought more than half of the shopping district in Auberon– the official name of the Royal Capital.

These days, the Quinzels were involved in almost all the thriving fields in the empire: high fashion, jewelry stores, restaurants, hospitals, and a lot more. Heck, the Quinzels even invested in coffee shops. The majority still preferred tea, but after the Quinzels invested in the coffee industry, more and more people were choosing coffee over tea.

[The rise of cafés all over the empire is staggering.]

Aside from getting wealthier, the Quinzels also earned more prestige after they built and opened a school for commoners.


[Eranthis Academy.]

It was the name of the school that the Quinzels built.

[And in the empire, the eranthis flowers (which the school is named after) symbolized hope and new beginnings. Hence, the meaning touched the commoners who finally got the chance to get educated in a proper school. Moreover, despite being a private institution, Eranthis Academy is free for commoners.]

It was like the Quinzels were bragging about their wealth.

Some of the nobles were offended.

However, most of the nobles supported the Quinzels by donating money to Eranthis Academy.

[But even though I say ‘Quinzels,’ the only person who owns all the businesses that the family has is Hanna Quinzel. After the law that allows women to inherit noble titles, the women of the empire also gained the right to own businesses under their names.]

Most of the Quinzels’ assets were legally owned by Hanna Quinzel now.

[Except for Eranthis Academy. The founder of the academy is Duke Rufus Quinzel, and an unnamed business partner. If I remember correctly, the duke’s secret business partner is a philanthropist who refuses to be named.]

When the crows tracked the philanthropist, they found out that the business partner was none other than the former Emperor Nikolai. But other than the academy, the former emperor wasn’t involved in the Quinzels’ businesses.

Hence, the crows concluded that Eranthis Academy was the last project that the former emperor worked with Duke Quinzel.

Since the crows couldn’t touch the Quinzels, they just let them be for now.

[Five years ago, the former emperor disappeared along with Mona Roseheart and Neoma de Moonasterio.]

However, they made sure that the people connected to the former royal family, especially the missing royal princess, hadn’t made contact with the missing Neoma de Moonasterio. That was how the crows found out that there were people who weren’t affected by the spell that Calyx made five years ago.

Lewis Crevan.

Paige Avery.

Juri Wisteria.

Jeno Dankworth.

That pipsqueak called ‘Greko.’

Those five people disappeared the day the royal family did.

The crows had been monitoring House Wisteria and House Dankworth since then because of Juri and Jeno, respectively. But both families had also been looking for their children and came up with the conclusion that Juri and Jeno had eloped.

[We concluded House Wisteria and House Dankworth really have no idea about Juri and Jeno’s whereabouts.]

The crows also kept an eye on Dion Skelton– the current High Priest of Astello Temple because he was Paige Avery’s lover. But upon checking Dion Skelton’s memories, they had confirmed that his memories of Neoma de Moonasterio, along with the people connected to the royal princess, were wiped off.

Hence, Dion Skelton thought he became the High Priest because of the former emperor’s order.

[Well, the High Priest won’t be a problem since he’s already under our control.]

The crows also monitored Marcus, the former emperor’s Healing Sage. After all, the old man was a mentor to Greko. But for the past five years, the child never tried to contact his former teacher.

[But to make sure that Marcus isn’t going to be a problem, we kicked him out of the palace.]

Lewis didn’t have any family or friends, hence they had no one to investigate.

[The former emperor’s Paladins disappeared, though.]

When the crows took over the Royal Palace when Prince Nero fell into a comatose state briefly, they arrested the Paladins using Calyx’s authority. They accused the Paladins of helping the former emperor abandon his duties.

But Geoffrey Kinsley, Jeanne Audley, and the Fletcher Twins disappeared a few days later after getting locked up.

And the crows could only think of one person who could free the Paladins easily.

Ruston Solfrid Stroganoff.

[Lord Ruto also disappeared five years ago. But the crows can’t touch his father who was left in the Royal Palace. After all, we don’t want to make an enemy out of the Solfrids– the monarchs of the East Continent.]

Fortunately, the Solfrids had forgotten about Neoma de Moonasterio, too.

[It seems like Lord Ruto isn’t using the Solfrids anyway.]

In conclusion, the crows had successfully taken over the empire.

Regina’s thoughts were interrupted when the carriage stopped when she arrived at her destination.

The door opened, and a Quinzel knight escorted her as she stepped out of the carriage.

She was supposed to head to the fancy restaurant in front of her, but she stopped when the huge building across the street distracted her.

The entire building occupied an eight-hectare of land.

It wasn’t completed yet, but it was already the talk of the town. After all, every piece of land sold in the Grandoise Avenue cost a fortune. The fact that a single person purchased an eight-hectare land to build a strange building shook the entire continent.

And it wasn’t the Quinzels this time.

[Speak of the devil…]

Regina greeted the nobleman who got out of the carriage next to hers. “Greetings, Lord Hawthorne.”

Jasper Hawthorne– still the youngest duke in the empire.

The young duke was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Moreover, His Grace was intimidating. He rarely appeared in social gatherings, so everyone was surprised when he suddenly bought eight hectares of land in the most expensive part of the Royal Capital.

[Since Duke Hawthorne has a connection to Neoma de Moonasterio, we checked if he has really forgotten about the royal princess. And based on our investigation, the spell also worked on him. Hence, the young duke reverted back to hating the royal family that caused the death of his parents.]

Jasper just looked at Regina with a blank look on his face, then he tried to walk past her without saying anything.

“Your Grace, I heard the business that you’re building on the eight-hectare land that you bought is called a ‘mall,'” Regina said, smiling charmingly at the young duke. “I’d love to hear more about your new business venture, Duke Hawthorne. This is the first time I’ve heard of a mall–”

“And why would I share my business plans with a mere servant like you?”


Regina was used to being looked down on ever since she posed as a servant in House Drayton during her younger years.

However, for some reason, the duke’s disgusted gaze made her feel humiliated.

“Your Grace, with all due respect, I’m not a servant–”

“Aren’t you the maid who’s always trailing behind Lady Hanna?”


Now she was really insulted.

[Duke Hawthorne calls Hanna Quinzel with respect, and yet he treats me like I’m a bug.]

“I don’t know if it’s because Your Grace doesn’t appear in high society that much, but I am actually Lady Hanna’s cousin,” Regina said as calmly as she could. “Duke Quinzel already confirmed that I am the late Commander Gavin Quinzel’s illegitimate daughter–”

“An illegitimate daughter of a traitor, huh?” Duke Hawthorne said, cutting off her again. “Even though I don’t attend social gatherings that much, I know all the nobles in the empire. And I’m pretty sure that you’re not yet officially a Quinzel.”

She clenched her hands tight.

What the young duke said was correct.

[Although I go around attending banquets while introducing myself as a Quinzel, the duke and duchess are yet to adopt me.]

“Moreover, even if you get adopted by the Quinzels officially, I don’t think you have what it takes to be a real noble lady– considering that you don’t even know proper etiquette at your age,” Duke Hawthorne scoffed, walking past by her. “Even commoners know that a lowly noble should not approach a higher noble carelessly.”

And just like that, the young duke left Regina humiliated.

[I’ll kill that arrogant bastard later!]

“Regina, why haven’t you come in yet?”

She was too absorbed in hating Jasper Hawthorne internally that she didn’t notice HIM approach her.

Ah, would you look at that?

Rubin Drayton’s unbelievably handsome face melted Regina’s anger.

The boy had always been handsome. But now that he was in his twenties, Rubin’s face had reached new heights. No wonder he was the most-sought after bachelor in the entire empire.


[Rubin’s face is lethal.]

“What’s wrong, Regina?” Rubin asked worriedly. “I saw you talking to Duke Hawthorne earlier. Did he say something rude to you?”

“If I said that Duke Hawthorne humiliated me, what would you do?” Regina asked, forcing tears to come out of her eyes. It worked, and now she was speaking between sobs. “Rubin, will you help me sabotage Duke Hawthorne’s new business if I tell you I wanted to pay him back for the humiliation I suffered at his hands?”


“REGINA, you’re early. I thought you were having lunch with Lord Rubin… oh, why are your eyes puffy?”

[Ah, so noisy.]

Duchess Amber Quinzel greeted her as soon as she returned to the mansion.

Regina smiled at Duchess Amber Quinzel anyway.

Of course, she made sure that her smile was sad to gain the duchess’ sympathy.

“It’s nothing, Aunt Amber,” Regina said softly, trying to look and sound pitiful. “Rubin and I just had a small argument.”

Duchess Amber held her hands, her face full of concern. “Is it because Duke Drayton is still opposed to your relationship with Lord Rubin?”

Well, that was the excuse that she was using to make Duchess Amber pity her. But, to be honest, it was the truth.

Even now, Duke Drayton still didn’t like her for Rubin.

[After all, the duke still looks down on me since the Quinzels haven’t adopted me officially yet.]

Regina smiled sadly and nodded. “Even though I’m the daughter of Gavin Quinzel, I’m nothing but an illegitimate child of a traitor. Uncle Rufus and Aunt Amber have taken good care of me. However, other people don’t recognize me as a Quinzel. Some even think I’m Lady Hanna’s servant.”

The duchess looked horrified by what she said.

And that was Regina’s goal since Duchess Amber was easier to manipulate than the kind yet guarded Duke Rufus.

[Yes, Duchess Amber. You should feel guilty. Why don’t you hurry and adopt me already?]

Once Regina became a Quinzel officially, then she would have the right to inherit House Quinzel and all the assets that currently belong to Hanna.

“Aunt Amber, isn’t Lady Hanna going to be the Crown Princess soon?” Regina asked carefully. “Once Lady Hanna becomes the Crown Princess, she can’t inherit the duke’s title. Who’s going to become your successor when that happens?”

And that was when the realization hit Duchess Amber.

[Yes, you need to name me as your successor– I need to be the real Quinzel Princess.]


“AH, YOU’RE still alive,” Regina whispered while looking at the sleeping Hanna Quinzel on the bed. “Thank you for working hard to make the Quinzels richer and more powerful. Now let me harvest the fruits of your hard work.”

At first, the crows doubted it if Hanna Quinzel really lost her memories of Neoma de Moonasterio.

After all, the Quinzel Princess was with the royal princess before the latter disappeared.

But Hanna returned alone to the royal capital after the ordeal.

Regina and the other crows personally examined Hanna and her memories. They had confirmed that she had no recollection of Neoma de Moonasterio.

The crows thought about killing Hanna Quinzel since Regina was supposed to take over House Quinzel. However, the crows changed their minds because out of all the noble ladies in the empire, Hanna Quinzel was suited to be Prince Nero’s wife the best.

[The crows care about the future generations, so we must select the Crown Princess carefully.]

And it was a good decision because Hanna Quinzel turned out to be a genius merchant.

However, the future Crown Princess shouldn’t have too much power or wealth.

Hence, just last year, Regina began poisoning Hanna Quinzel little by little. They wouldn’t kill her until she gave birth to Prince Nero’s successor. However, the crows would make sure that the Crown Princess would be a fragile lady who couldn’t leave her bedroom on her own.

“Don’t worry, my dear cousin,” Regina said while caressing Hanna’s cheek with the back of her hand. “I will use the wealth you accumulated well.”


WHEN HANNA opened her eyes, the first person who greeted her was her cousin.

“Regina,” Hanna said, smiling at her cousin. “You’re already here?”

“Of course. I miss you, after all,” Regina said while helping her get up, then she down next to her and touched her forehead. Then she knitted her eyebrows with worry. “Oh. You still have a mild fever, Lady Hanna.”

“I told you to just address me by my name,” she said. “You’re older than me, after all.”

Her cousin smiled shyly. “How can I call the Quinzel Princess by her name?”

“But you’re also a Quinzel, Regina.”

“Not officially, though,” her cousin said in a sad voice. “That’s why Duke Drayton cannot accept me as Lord Rubin’s partner yet.”

Ah, that was sad.

Everyone in the empire knew that Regina and Lord Rubin loved each other. However, everyone also knew that Duke Drayton was opposed to the two’s relationship because of Regina’s vague social status.

“Oh, no,” she said, then she consoled her cousin. “Don’t worry, Regina. I will convince Mother and Father to adopt you. I’m sure that’s what Uncle Gavin would want us to do– to take care of his daughter well.”

Regina looked relieved by what she said. “Thank you, Lady Hanna. I don’t really care about the Quinzel name. But I want people to recognize me as a part of our family.”

“You are family, Regina.”

Her cousin hugged her tight.

“Thank you, Lady Hanna,” Regina said in a cracked voice, embracing her tighter. “Your words mean a lot to me.”

Really now?

As soon as Hanna hugged back Regina, her expression hardened. Her smile fell, and her eyes turned glowing green as the anger in her heart ablaze silently.

All of this disgusted her, but she had to endure.

[Regina Crowell, you’re a good actress. But I’m sorry to tell you this: I am better than you since I was trained by the ‘Scammer Queen’ herself– Neoma.]

Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio, the one and only royal princess of the Great Moonasterion Empire.

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