Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 601 - 601 SEASON 4 FINALE


“YOUR MAJESTY, do you expect me to believe that the Juliet who returned to us is a fake?”

“I know it’s hard to believe, Marquis Lennox,” Nikolai said in a serious tone. “That’s why I told you the way to check whether the granddaughter who returned to you is a fake or not.”

It was a matter of great importance.

Hence, he summoned the marquis even though it was already an ungodly hour for the emperor to meet his subject privately. He told the marquis to test the fake Juliet using the method that the real Juliet– now Monik– taught him before leaving.

[But we need to expose the fake Juliet as soon as possible.]

Thus, he risked everything even if he knew that the marquis would be offended.

“Your Majesty, I hope you’re not doing this just because you can’t accept that Juliet has returned to us alive,” Marquis Lennox said firmly, the frown on his face a clear indication that he wasn’t happy with his “accusation.” “I will do what Your Majesty told me to do because I’m a loyal subject. However, if Your Majesty’s little “game” doesn’t prove anything, I’ll take it as an insult to House Lennox.”

The marquis was saying he would retaliate against the royal family if that happened.

[In a normal situation, I would have punished Marquis Lennox for threatening the crown. But I understand him, so I’ll just let it slide.]


“You can file a formal complaint against the royal family if, and only if, I turned out to be wrong,” he said. “Marquis Lennox, Juliet is a dear friend of mine. Hence, I won’t let a fake steal her identity.”

Marquis Lennox clenched his jaws, but he didn’t say anything.

The marquis just bowed and left his office.


He let out a sigh.

It was already past midnight, but he still couldn’t sleep. How could he do that when Mona and their children were risking their lives at the moment?

[I feel useless.]

And stuffy.

Hence, he stood and headed to the window to open it.

He stared at the bright full moon while trying to enjoy the fresh air. However, the serene moment didn’t last long.

The moon that he was admiring was suddenly obscured by dark clouds.

And then it happened.

The entire office was suddenly trapped inside someone else’s Domain. Hence, even though he felt Geoffrey Kinsley and the Fletcher Twins used their power to open the office, the Paladins weren’t able to burst through the barrier.

Nikolai, on the other hand, tried to summon his Soul Beasts.

However, he failed to do so as if his power was suddenly void.

He also found himself unable to move while silver chains that appeared out of nowhere wrapped themselves around his body.

[Silver chains…?]

In the history of the Royal Family, only one person was known to have wielded silver chains during his reign.

“How are you, Nikolai de Moonasterio?”

Nikolai knitted his eyebrows when he noticed the person who appeared in front of him. “Arche de Moonasterio?”

“I’m glad you recognize your ancestors,” Arche said, then he looked at him with pity in his eyes. “It pains me to say this, but your time as the emperor will end tonight.”

He didn’t have any attachment to the throne, so he didn’t really care.


“My children still need me as the emperor of this land,” Nikolai said, frowning. “And who are you to dismiss me anyway? With all due respect, I don’t think a dead ancestor has the power to oust me.”

“This world is already rejecting Neoma de Moonasterio’s existence.”

He knitted his eyebrows. “And what do you mean by that?”

“This world is trying to kill your daughter.”


“The World doesn’t want the gods to fight over Neoma de Moonasterio, so the World decided to reject your daughter’s existence,” the old monarch said. “But the World also knows that eliminating Neoma would gain the wrath of the gods in the Upper World. Hence, Aruna gave a suggestion: to open up a new Door that leads to the other world.”

He scoffed after hearing that. “Are you saying that Aruna can talk to the “World?” How do you even talk to the “World” in the first place?”

“Strictly speaking, you don’t “talk” to the world verbally,” Arche said as if he was explaining to a child. “A person’s grand action that could potentially change the World is what does it. Hence, by finding a Door that leads to the other world, Aruna let the World know that she wants to bring Neoma de Moonasterio to that place. If the World wanted that to happen, then the World will help my twin sister with her plan tonight.”

He turned to the window where he could see the full moon turning black.

This time, it wasn’t because of the dark clouds.

The moon itself was turning black as if it was getting poisoned.

“Is Aruna de Moonasterio the reason behind that?” Nikolai asked, turning to Arche de Moonasterio with a glare. “I won’t let you bring my daughter anywhere without her consent.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not for you or Neoma de Moonasterio to decide,” Arche de Moonasterio said, snapping his fingers. “This time, we will all follow Aruna’s will.”


“THIS IS Lord Novak’s blood…” Mona whispered to herself while floating above the water that looked like blood– and it was. “Who killed you, Lord Novak?”

The large sparkling sphere that looked like a diamond in her hand was a part of the new saint’s divine power. She safely retrieved it while William slew the sea monsters. Now, different sea monsters were floating in the sea– all dead.

Although she was able to retrieve the new saint’s divine power, she didn’t feel like celebrating her victory.

[What happened, Lord Novak?]

Novak was the Ancient Spirit that took the form of a unicorn. It was also the Ancient Spirit who helped her and Neoma go over to the world in the past.


She looked up to see William flying towards her in a hurry.

But the Grand Spirit soon disappeared from her sight.

A woman with white hair, ash-gray eyes, and pale skin appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of her.

Just like Mona, the woman was also floating above the sea.


“Mona Roseheart.”

She prepared to fight as soon as the woman mentioned her name.

However, she suddenly felt like all her abilities and power were taken away from her. The next thing she knew, her body was already wrapped in silver chains.

[Silver chains?]

In the history of the Royal Family, only one person used silver chains for a weapon. It was Arche de Moonasterio. However, the person in front of her was a woman.

[But the former emperor had a twin sister…]

“Aruna de Moonasterio?” Mona asked carefully. “Am I right?”

“Yes, you are. I am Aruna de Moonasterio,” the old monarch confirmed. “Mona Roseheart, I’m sending you back to Earth. To be precise, the world where you wanted to raise Neoma in the past.”

To be honest, she was confused.

She had so many questions for Aruna de Moonasterio. However, the former royal princess’ offer was too tempting.

[I don’t feel any hostility from her anyway.]


“I’m not leaving this world without my family,” Mona said firmly. “Especially without their consent.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t need your consent– you, Neoma, and Nikolai de Moonasterio have to leave this world now.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “How about Nero?”

“The throne can’t be abandoned completely, and you know that,” Aruna said sternly. “Nero de Moonasterio has to be abandoned.”

Just like how she chose Neoma over Nero in the past.

“No, I won’t make the same mistake that I did back then. I won’t abandon Nero this time,” she said firmly while shaking her head. “William!”

William appeared beside Aruna.

But the Grand Spirit didn’t look like he was going to help her.

“What are you doing, William?” Mona asked, her voice full of resentment. “Are you going to betray me?”

“I killed Juliet Sloane.”


Did she hear it right?


[William killed Juliet?]

“I didn’t kill her directly,” William confessed to her in a weak voice. “However, I left her to die. I could have saved her from getting trapped in the dimension where the Soul Beasts live, but I didn’t. I did that because of the prophecy that said only one among the three flowers of Nikolai de Moonasterio could live. I wanted it to be you, so I let the former empress die.”

To say that she was shocked to hear that would be an understatement.

“William!” she yelled, her voice full of anger. “How dare you face Juliet after what you did to her?!”

“I know I committed an unforgivable sin,” William said. “That’s why I begged for Juliet Sloane’s forgiveness. To atone for the unspeakable act I made in the past, she told me that I must send you back to the other world with Neoma and Nikolai de Moonasterio.”

Now it made sense why Juliet summoned William privately before the former empress left the empire to go to the Hazelden Kingdom.

[Could it be…?]

“A prophecy,” Mona whispered in disbelief. “Did Juliet…” she stopped, then she shook her head. “Did Monik reveal a prophecy to you back then? If Monik ordered you to send me back to the other world with Neoma and Nikolai, that only means she already saw what the future holds.”

She took the Grand Spirit’s silence as a ‘yes.’

“Mona Roseheart, the crows have already performed a ritual using the ability that they stole from Dahlia, the Black Witch,” Aruna explained to her. “The entire world will soon forget about Neoma de Moonasterio– including the gods of the Upper World.”

“What?” Mona asked in disbelief. “This world will forget about my daughter?”

That was alarming, of course.

However, she hadn’t forgotten about the first issue that she had earlier.

“If the entire world is going to forget about Neoma, then the more we have to bring Nero with us,” Mona said firmly. “We won’t abandon our son!”

“I’m sorry,” Aruna said, clapping her hands– and that gesture made Mona sleepy on the spot. “But we have to leave Nero de Moonasterio.”

Mona wanted to fight, but her drowsiness was too heavy to resist.

[Nero… my Baby Pumpkin…]

“Mona, I swear on my life that I will protect Nero,” William promised in a whisper. “Please leave this world with Neoma and Nikolai de Moonasterio.”


<“PRINCESS NEOMA will soon be erased from this world.”>

<“We don’t have enough power to protect your memories, but we will use all our remaining divine send you the person who can do it.”>

To say that Paige was confused would be an understatement.

When she and her “siblings” arrived in the Hazelden Kingdom, they were greeted by the king and the queen…

… along with two babies.

The first one was Prince Skylus, the newly-born saint.

And the other one was the baby they found on Leoflor Island. She introduced herself as ‘Monik’ this time.

The two babies were speaking to them using telepathy while floating in the air.

[Prince Skylus and Monik are holding hands, too.]

It was a cute sight, but the babies’ words were frightening.

“The entire world will forget about Princess Neoma?” Paige asked, confused. “But who can protect our memories if you two can’t do it?”

<“Brother Ruto,”> Prince Skylus and Monik said at the same time. <“Only he can do it.”>


<“I’M SORRY, Mother, Father– we can’t protect our memories.”>

It was Skylus who apologized to Brigitte and Glenn after sending Princess Neoma’s “children” to where Ruto was.

<“Moreover, it will be dangerous for us and the entire kingdom to remember Princess Neoma. Until it’s time her return this world, we must relinquish our memories of her. That’s only way can do support future empress.”>

That was what Monik said.

Brigitte was scared of the world without Princess Neoma in it.

However, she gained courage when Glenn held her hand and squeezed it gently.

“Us forgetting Princess Neoma is only temporary,” Glenn said, then he turned to Brigitte with a warm look on his face. Of course, her husband looked worried for the entire royal family. However, he was acting brave for her. “Brigitte, my queen, I’m sure that once Princess Neoma returns, we will remember her. And even if we don’t, I’m certain we’ll still end up loving our charming royal princess.”

That was all she needed to put her heart at ease.

“You’re right, Glenn,” Brigitte said, finally smiling. “Princess Neoma is our future empress, after all.”




When Neoma thought she was going to die from heart attack while suspended in the air, an “angel” fell from the sky. “Nabi-ya?”

It was Nabi, the soul of Go Areum’s real daughter.

Nabi fell from the sky, so despite her pain, Neoma still opened her arms to catch her out of reflex.

Since Nabi was only a soul, she didn’t weigh a thing.

“Unnie, the Cosmic Tree sent me here to help you,” Nabi said cheerfully, then she placed a hand on the cylinder-like barrier where she was currently trapped. “The Cosmic Tree received the message that you sent through Lord Kingston.”

Ah, that was right.

Neoma asked Kingston, the White Lion, to send a message to the Cosmic Tree.

[“It’s time for you to pay me back for my service, Grandma Cosmic Tree.”]

That was the message that she sent.

Neoma’s thoughts were interrupted when the cylinder-like barrier suddenly broke into tiny pieces. “Nabi-ya, did you do that?” she asked, surprised. “You’re strong.”

“I’m not strong, unnie,” Nabi said while shaking her head. “The Cosmic Tree only lent me her strength because she couldn’t come down to personally help you. Moreover, Princess Aruna asked the Cosmic Tree to send me here because it’s time for us to go home.”

“What– ah!”

She was surprised when she suddenly fell from the sky as soon as the barrier that trapped her disappeared.

But she didn’t have to call Tteokbokki.

Ruto caught her in his arms smoothly.


“Are you alright, Neoma?” Ruto asked worriedly while putting her down. “You’re not hurt anymore?”

“I’m fine,” Neoma said, then she put Nabi down carefully. “Thank you for catching me, Ruto…”

She trailed off when people she didn’t expect suddenly arrived.

First, it was Arche de Moonasterio with Papa Boss.

Then Aruna de Moonasterio arrived with Mama Boss.

Both her parents were unconscious!

Papa Boss was draped over Arche’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes, while Mama Boss was sleeping in Aruna’s arms like a princess.

[No way…]

“Mama Boss, Papa Boss…” Neoma whispered in disbelief. Then she turned to the ancient royal twins with knitted eyebrows. “Are you saying that you’re sending me to Korea with Mama Boss and Papa Boss?”

“Nikolai de Moonasterio’s reign as the emperor had ended already,” Arche explained. “The crows will kill him if we let him stay in this world.”

“And we can’t separate Mona from you,” Aruna added. “Hence, your entire family has to leave this world.”

“Entire family? What are you talking about?” Neoma growled at the ancient twins. “Where’s Nero?”

“Nero de Moonasterio can’t leave this world,” Aruna said coldly. “You must abandon the Crown Prince.”

“No!” Neoma yelled angrily. “I will not abandon Nero in this world!”

The look that Arche and Aruna gave her told her that they wouldn’t change their mind.

Frustrated, Neoma turned to Ruto and grabbed him in the arm. “Ruto, let’s bring Nero.”

“Neoma, they are right,” Ruto said in a solemn voice. “Nero can’t leave this world. The de Moonasterion throne needs him.”

“Are you telling me to abandon my twin brother?!” Neoma snapped, glaring at Ruto. “I won’t leave this world without Nero!”

“Neoma, you must go.”

It was Hanna.

She turned to her cousin, calming down in an instant. And she calmed down because she realized one thing.

[I have to leave them, too…?]

“If this world is trying to eliminate you, then you have to leave for now,” Hanna said, her eyes brimming with tears. “I will protect Nero until you return.”

Neoma almost choked on her tears. “Hanna…”

“Princess Neoma.”

She broke down when Lewis called her.

[Do I have to separate from Lewis when we just got reunited?]

“Go,” Lewis said in a cracked voice, then he put a hand over his chest. “I will wait for you no matter how long it takes, Princess Neoma.”


Neoma couldn’t stop herself from running and hugging Lewis even though her “son” was uncomfortable with skinship. “I don’t want to leave like this… Lewis, I don’t want to leave you alone in this world…”

“I won’t be alone in this world, Princess Neoma,” Lewis assured her, then he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “And even if the whole world forgets about you, I promise that I won’t.”

She sobbed harder. “Lewis…”

“Please go, Princess Neoma.”

“Do you really want me to leave, Lewis?”

“No, but I’d rather get separated from you temporarily than lose you forever.”

Her “son” was right.

But it was still hard to leave him.

“Princess Neoma,” Lewis said firmly, then he pulled away from her embrace. After that, he put her hands on his shoulders. “You must return to us all costs.”

Then, much to her surprise, Lewis pushed her gently.

Neoma’s back hit a familiar chest.

“Neoma, I’ll take care of everything,” Ruto promised her while holding her shoulders. “I won’t let your people forget you.”

Neoma turned around and faced Ruto, looking up at him with a glare while grabbing his collar again. “You better not forget me, Ruto.”

Ruto just smiled at her, then he wrapped his arms around her tight.

He hugged her and buried his face against her neck.

“Why are you not answering me, Ruto?” Neoma asked nervously. “You’re not going to forget me, are you?”



Ruto pulled away from her, then he held her shoulders tight and looked at her straight in the eye. “I love you, Neoma,” he whispered softly. “Saranghae, jagiya.”


He just said ‘I love you, sweetheart’ in the Korean language.


Neoma was about to ask Ruto where he learned those Korean words, but she was frozen on the spot because of what he did next.

Ruto leaned down and kissed her at the corner of her mouth, barely touching her lips.

And then she felt sleepy.

That was when Neoma realized that Ruto put a sleeping spell in his kiss.

“Ruto, I won’t say ‘I love you’ until I punish you for doing this to me…” Neoma warned Ruto lightly, her eyelids and entire body feeling heavy at the moment. When she closed her eyes, she was pretty sure that tears rolled down her cheeks. “Nero, my baby brother…”


“NOW THAT everyone is here, let’s begin.”

Ruto, who didn’t have the time to grieve for having to let Neoma go again, addressed everyone with his sharp gaze.

Hanna Quinzel.

Lewis Crevan.

Paige Avery.

Juri Wisteria.

Jeno Dankworth.

Xion Redgrave.


Everyone looked devastated.

Hanna hadn’t stopped crying ever since Neoma left.

Arche, Aruna, Nichole, Trevor, and Dominic Zavaroni used all their powers to send Neoma, Lady Roseheart, Emperor Nikolai, Gavin Quinzel, and Nabi to the other world. The Door was the cave itself.

The cave disappeared after that.

And the Devil’s side also vanished into thin air.

That was when Neoma’s “children” appeared. Apparently, the new saint and saintess sent them to him to protect their memories.

Because only Ruto could do that.

<“If you protect all those people’s memories, then you’ll lose more than half of your power,”> the Ancient Devil said excitedly. <“And if that happens, then I’ll be free to eat your emotions all at once.”>

Ruto just ignored the Ancient Devil.

After all, no matter how dangerous or risky it was, he would still do it for Neoma.

[She will return, and she needs people who will protect her once she’s back.]

He didn’t know what would happen to him in the near future, but as long as Neoma’s “children” were here, his heart would be at ease.

[As long as Hanna and Lewis will lead these children, everything will be fine.]

“You of all people can’t forget Neoma,” Ruto said to Neoma’s people indifferently. “Neoma will return, hence you must stay alive until then.”


CALYX FINALLY got what he wanted.

He hugged Nero, who was unconscious in his arms, tightly and buried his face against his neck.

“You’re finally mine, Nero.”

Making the entire world forget about Neoma de Moonasterio, except for the high-ranking people in the cult, was a huge gamble.

The gods in the Upper World would forget about her, after all.

However, it would also work to their advantage.

The gods wanted Neoma dead, but the crows needed her alive. Hence, making everyone forget about her would benefit the crows more.

[We just have to catch her soon.]

And now that everyone had forgotten about her, no one could protect her anymore.

That was their goal.

“Neoma de Moonasterio, I will steal the love and loyalty of the people who have forgotten you,” Calyx said, smiling while staring at Nero’s perfect face. “And I’ll start by making Nero love me to death.”


[Somewhere in Korea…]

“YOUNG LADY, are you interested in becoming an idol?”

“She has the face of an actress, so she’s more suited to be an actress instead of an idol!”

“Hey, I spotted her first!”

“No, I did!”

“What are you all talking about? I’ve been scouting her for an entire year already!”

“So what? It’s not like she already signed a contract with your agency!”

SHE sighed while watching those men and women fight over her.


Her classmates and schoolmates, who were already used to seeing talent scouts from big and small agencies fight over her, teased her.

“Our school idol is at it again~”

“Dal High School will be so boring without you, so please don’t sign with any of them!”

“Sunbae-nim, just stay with us forever!”

She laughed softly at the kids teasing her.

“If you want me to stay as your “school idol” forever, then you better take care of me well!” she teased her schoolmates, then she flipped her hair when she faced the talent scouts who looked smitten by her beauty. “Unnies, oppas, I’m sorry but I’m too lazy to become an idol.”

Occupation: Student/Lady of Leisure

Nickname: Nation’s Prettiest Teen

Age: 19 (Korean age), 18 (international age)

Name: Neoma Ramsay

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