Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 560


IT WAS true that the Cosmic Tree had asked Neoma to help Kingston, the White Lion, be freed from Calyx Dalton.

However, nobody told her she was supposed to save the entire Lion Tribe.

[Dear Cosmic Tree, is it too much to ask for a heads-up?]

“What’s wrong, Princess Neoma?” Sharon asked worriedly. “Am I mistaken?”

“No, not at all,” Neoma said, flashing her business smile. It wasn’t like she was being fake. She was just trying to hide her irritation at the Cosmic Tree because she didn’t want to lash out at Sharon, or anyone else for that matter. “Miss Sharon, I’m deeply grateful to you. I will repay your kindness whatever happens.”

Sharon looked relieved by what she said.

Saving people wasn’t a big deal to her.


However, she hated how the celestial beings around her treated her as if she was a delivery person who would always “deliver” their “food” at their behest.


[No wonder I set the world on fire during my first life.]

“Miss Sharon, I’d like to continue our conversation later,” Neoma said carefully. “For now, may I see Xion?”

“Of course, Your Royal Highness,” Sharon said politely. “Please follow me.”


NEOMA knew that Xion was alive.

Hence, she was relieved initially. But seeing Xion’s current condition almost made her snap. If she knew her “son” wasn’t one hundred percent fine, then she wouldn’t have wasted her time fighting with Dilan Crowell.

[Those bastards...]

“I’m fine, Princess Neoma,” Xion, who was bedridden and couldn’t move without help, assured her in a weak voice. “I survived.”

That was true.

However, there were black patches all over Xion’s face and body.

Those weren’t mere patches, at that.

She could tell that those were remnants of Darkness that were slowly sipping Xion’s Mana and LIFE FORCE. It seemed like the divine energy in the room was slowing down the process. If it weren’t for the protection in the room, her “son” would have died already.

[I suddenly crave violence.]

She hated it when people were hurt, especially if it was because of her. To think that the people who hurt her “son” were the people that she should have killed before...

“R-Red eyes!”

“The royal princess’s eyes turned glowing red like magic...”

“Only gods and their descendants have red eyes.”

She snapped out of it when she noticed the three young boys (probably eight or ten years old) at the foot of the bed.

Neoma wanted to see Xion alone, so she asked Sharon and her “children” to wait outside.

She didn’t expect that her “son” wasn’t alone. Moreover, the children’s voices were familiar.

“Ah,” Neoma said, then she smiled. “You’re the lions who brought us here.”

She couldn’t believe that those lions were just kids!

The three boys suddenly stood properly, then they bowed to her as they introduced themselves one by one.

“Greetings, Princess Neoma,” the boy with light brown hair, orangey eyes, and freckles said. “My name is Sam.”

“I’m Mac!” the boy with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes said. “Princess Neoma, you’re so pretty!”

“That’s true,” the boy with chocolate brown hair that matched his eyes said shyly. “My name is Ben, Your Royal Highness.”

Aww... how cute!

She almost had the urge to adopt the kids, but she scolded and reminded herself that people weren’t P*kemons that she should be collecting.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sam, Mac, and Ben,” Neoma said, smiling at the kids. “I heard you three were the ones who rescued Xion and Gin when they were being attacked by the crows.”

“We hate the crows, so we saved the people they were trying to kill,” Sam, the calmest out of all three children, explained. “But we’re happy that the people we saved are your people, Princess Neoma.”

Mac and Ben nodded their heads in agreement.

Neoma already heard about what happened from Sharon while they were on the way to Xion’s room.

Apparently, the three children came to the “surface” to find food for the Lion Tribe.

That was when Sam, Mac, and Ben saw Xion and Gin getting attacked by the crows. For some reason, Gin- the demon cat- mentioned her name. When the lion kids heard her name, they decided to rescue the two from the crows.

[It seems like every lion in this tribe knows about the “prophecy” of “Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio” saving their tribe.]

Anyway, she still wanted to hear Xion’s side of the story.

“Kids, I’ll give you a token of my appreciation later,” Neoma said to the kids gently. “For now, can you give me and Xion some privacy?”

Sam, Mac, and Ben looked at each other before they turned to her and nodded with a smile.

“Thank you,” she said to the kids. “And please ask someone to bring the black cat here.”

Sam, Mac, and Ben looked thrilled to receive an order for her. They even bowed deep to her. “As Your Royal Highness wishes.”

After that, the kids left the room.

Now only Neoma and Xion were there.

“Princess Neoma, I’m sorry,” Xion said, avoiding her gaze as if he was afraid of her. “I followed Rubin Drayton to the mansion in the middle of the forest as Your Royal Highness ordered. And when I was about to retreat, I found Trevor and Gin. I had a little squabble with them when Trevor said he was here to kidnap Your Royal Highness.”

Neoma rolled her eyes. [That dumbass...]

“That was how the crows found us,” Xion continued with his report, then he finally had the courage to look at her. “The crows ambushed as by attacking us with Darkness. I inhaled most of it, but...” He paused as if he didn’t want to continue with his report. But, in the end, he did. “Gin and Trevor protected me, Princess Neoma. Trevor took most of the Darkness for me and Gin while making face masks for us. But unlike Trevor, Gin and I were almost knocked out. That was when the lions came. We thought the lions were going to attack us, so Gin and I asked Trevor to leave since he was already losing his breath.”

Ah, so that was how she found Trevor alone when she and her “children” came to the island.

“The lions took care of me and Gin while we were here,” Xion said, but it seemed like he was guilty. “Miss Sharon and the kids told me about the Cosmic Tree’s prophecy. I was carried away by their hospitality and warmth. I’ve let down my guard and I began talking about Your Royal Highness without verifying whether the lions were telling the truth or not. I’m really sorry about my carelessness, Princess Neoma.”

In retrospect, she could see why Xion was apologizing to her.

However, deep in her heart, she had complete faith in her “son.” Xion was the most cautious out of all her “children.” The fact that he let his guard down only meant that the lions were trustworthy people.

[But it was still wrong for Xion to mention my name carelessly.]

“I’ll punish you later,” Neoma said because she knew that Xion would feel more comfortable if she punished him. “For now, let me treat you.”

Xion bowed his head. “Thank you, Princess Neoma.”

Their conversation was interrupted when they heard a knock on the door.

Then it burst open and Trevor entered the room with an unconscious black cat in his arms. It was probably Gin. And even in that form, the black cat needed to wear a face mask.

[Oh, Trevor is already up.]

“It’s not visible because Gin has a black coat, but he also has patches of Darkness all over his body,” Trevor reported when he stood in front of her. “Are you going to treat Gin too even though you know that we’re here to kidnap you?”

“You protected Xion,” Neoma said bluntly. She wasn’t taking light of Trevor’s threat. It was just that she didn’t care about that at the moment. “As Xion’s “mother,” it’s my duty to repay his debt to you. So, I’ll treat you and Gin.”

“Me?” Trevor asked. “I’m already fine, though.”

“We need to make sure that you don’t have a single drop of Darkness in your body,” she said, then she pointed to the bed. “Lay down before I change my mind.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Trevor said, then he put Gin, still in his cat form, next to Xion. Then Trevor also lay down next to Gin. “I will still kidnap Your Royal Highness after this, though.”

Xion glared at Trevor.

Neoma, on the other hand, just sighed. “Whatevs.”


IT WAS thanks to the divine energy inside the room that allowed Neoma’s Moonglow and divine power to temporarily return to her.

Hence, purifying the Darkness in Xion, Gin, and Trevor came easy.

She used her breath to purify Darkness.

As a result, the room was now filled with bonsai trees that only reached her hips. The trees absorbed the Darkness in the men’s bodies. Hence, the healthy trees that her breath produced had turned completely black.

“You’re all as good as new now,” Neoma said while stretching her arms. “Can you get up?”

Xion and Trevor got up at the same time.

Gin was a little late because he transformed back into his human form...


... naked.

Thankfully, Neoma’s eyes were spared because Trevor immediately threw a blanket to cover the lower part of Gin’s body.

Xion, on the other hand, covered Gin’s torso with a pillow.

[Gosh, they’re so overprotective.]


“THE FOX is here.”

Regina didn’t want to admit it, but the fact that the fox had arrived as reinforcement was a huge relief. “Where is she now?”

Dilan, who was now using Rubin Drayton’s body, let out a sigh. “Unfortunately, she encountered Lewis Crevan and the young duke.”

The young duke?

“Jasper Hawthorne?” she asked, confused. “If Lewis Crevan came with Jasper Hawthorne... could it be because of Princess Neoma?”

But it wasn’t like Princess Neoma came to the island knowing that one of the crows’ biggest branches was there.

As far as she knew, the royal princess was only there to follow Rubin Drayton.

[And confirm whether I’m alive or not, perhaps.]

“I don’t think so,” Dilan said. “Princess Neoma isn’t the only young monarch that we should be wary of.”

Ah, right.

[Prince Nero is just as cunning as Princess Neoma.]

Well, thanks to the royal prince, a brilliant idea just occurred to her.

“Send a word to the fox,” Regina said, smiling. “Tell her to bring Lewis Crevan to us alive. We need the boy’s Seeds to revive the Silver Fox Clan, after all.”

Dilan laughed while shaking his head. “As you wish, my dear sister.”


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