Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 545



That was the formal name of the ‘Lawless Jungle’- the jungle on the isolated island that stood exactly between where the different colors of water of the Unholy Sea met.

The locals named it as such because the sea had different colors.

From where she stood, the seawater on the left side of the island had a murky color, while the seawater on the right side was clear. The locals believed that the murky side was the territory of the demons, while the clear side of the seawater was the side protected by the Sun Goddess.

Of course, Neoma could explain that the ocean color depended on how light interacted with the materials in the water. But who was she to act like a know-it-all in a foreign land? Moreover, gods and goddesses literally existed in this world.

Hence, the locals’ beliefs might be true.

[Not everything has to be explained by science.]


Especially not when the blood of the Moon God, an existence that science can neither affirm nor deny, flowed in her veins.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the boat- similar to a modern yacht- that she bought at the port town earlier finally docked at the Leoflor Island. While standing on the deck of the yacht, she looked up and flinched a little.

[It’s worse than expected.]

There was a gigantic piece of black cloud suspended right above the jungle in the middle of the island. Of course, that wasn’t “cloud.”

[That thing is pure Darkness.]

“Paige,” Neoma said, calling her daughter. “Did you finish the things that we made together?”

“Yes, Princess Neoma,” Paige, who was standing on her right side, said politely. “Should I bring them out now?”

“Later,” she said, then she jumped off the yacht. “Everyone, stay there until I say so.”

As soon as her feet landed on the sand, she felt her body become so heavy that she almost stumbled.

“Princess Neoma!”

Of course, all her children cried her name immediately.

“Stop,” she said, raising her hand. Even without looking back, she knew that her children were about to jump off the yacht in order to help her. However, she didn’t need help since her body was starting to get light again. “I’m fine, so don’t come near me.”

She wasn’t lying- she was really fine.

Her body felt light, though.

[So light that it’s actually worrying now.]

Soon, she realized why her body suddenly felt light. The moment she saw the bluish balls of light leave her body, she finally figured out what was happening to her.

Her Moonglow, the source of her divine power, was escaping her body.

She was losing the holy blessing that she had received since birth.

And as a result...

She heard a collective gasp from behind her.

Ah, her children must have been shocked when her hair changed color. Yep, her hair that was originally white because it signified the purity of her divine power changed after her Moonglow disappeared.

Now, her hair had turned FULL PINK.

“You’re pretty even if your hair turned pink, my Moon Princess.”

The voice was deeper and huskier than she remembered, but she was certain the voice that came from behind belonged to Trevor.

[He’s the only one who calls me ‘Moon Princess,’ after all.]

“Skewer,” Neoma said, opening her right hand. “Come out.”

She grabbed Skewer, the Death Scythe that she “dyed” hot pink, as soon as it materialized in the air. Then she turned around and swung her weapon. However, she immediately stopped herself from attacking the demon boy.

[Oh, wow. Trevor is so hot.]

If she remembered it correctly, when Trevor changed into his child form years ago, he chose to have the physical body of a boy the same age as her.

Since she was thirteen years old now, the demon boy was the same.

However, he was two inches taller than her.

[And his hair is long...]

Trevor even tied his hair into a half-ponytail, and it looked so damned good on him. It should be illegal for a “young” boy like him to be that handsome already!

[I can’t imagine how handsome he’d be in the next few years...]

“Ah, I’m glad,” Trevor said, smirking lazily at her. His face was pale, and he looked like he’d faint anytime. Moreover, he was out of breath as if he had just finished running a marathon. And yet, his dark eyes were sparkling with joy. “I’m glad that Princess Neoma still likes my face. Thank goodness I was born handsome.”

Well, she couldn’t deny that.

[I really like Trevor’s face.]

But that wasn’t the reason why she stopped attacking Trevor earlier. She may be vain, but she wasn’t THAT shallow.


“What happened to you?” she asked, knitting her eyebrows. “Why are you so out of breath?”

“Well, I’m not you,” Trevor asked. Then, in just the blink of an eye, he was already standing in front of her- his cold hands cupping her small (and beautiful) face. After that, the demon boy had the audacity to close his eyes and lean down, as if he was going to kiss her. “Princess Neoma, I need you to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on me...”

“Wow,” Neoma said in disbelief, looking at Trevor coldly. “Tteokbokki, burn this pervert.”

And that was how Trevor got barbecued for real.

[Demon barbecue, anyone?]


NERO clicked his tongue as soon as Lewis entered his office.

He summoned the fox boy because he had a very important mission for him. However, his heart was protesting. If it weren’t an emergency, he wouldn’t be forced to send Lewis to that place.

Again, he clicked his tongue.

Lewis, who was standing in front of his desk with his hands behind his back, also clicked his tongue in a response to him. “If you’re just going to click your tongue at me, then should I just leave? I’d rather stare at the wall than deal with your tantrum.”

Nero glared at the fox boy. “You deal with Neoma’s tantrum just fine, though?”

“Princess Neoma is adorable- you’re not.”

Well, the fox boy was right, so he couldn’t really complain.

[After all, Neoma is cute whatever she does. Even if she burns the entire world to ashes, I’d still find her lovely.]

Imagining his twin sister’s beautiful face put his heart at ease.

“Here,” Nero said calmly, placing a clear vial filled with some glowing blue liquid on the desk. Then he pushed it towards Lewis. “Deliver that to Neoma.”

Lewis beamed instantly. “Then does it mean-”

“Yes, I’m sending you to the East Continent to regroup with your team members,” he said, cutting off the fox boy. “You must deliver that vial to Neoma as fast as you can.”

The excitement in the fox boy’s face suddenly turned into worry. “That’s your Moonglow, right?”

“Correct,” he said grimly, sighing. “Neoma has entered an island that nullifies any kind of divine power or energy. It is a land that doesn’t reach the blessings of the gods. Hence, I’m pretty sure that my twin sister can’t use her Moonglow right now.”

“It’s fine, though,” the fox boy said. “Princess Neoma can use her Roseheart Blood. Moreover, she also has Darkness attribute.”

“You’re being na?ve,” he said, shaking his head. “Neoma is Neoma because she has the Moonglow, the Roseheart Blood, and the mysterious Darkness attribute in her body. She can’t afford to lose any of those three when she’s in a place where she needs to use her purification ability. If it wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t send you to where Neoma is. After all, I love picking on you by blatantly separating you from my twin sister.”

Lewis glared at him. “Petty.”

He just smirked at the fox boy’s rude remark. “Anyway, you must leave now before I change my mind.”

“How do I get to where Princess Neoma is?”

“Ah, right,” he said, then he clicked his tongue again because there was one more person that he summoned to the palace. “You’ll be leaving with Duke Jasper Hawthorne.”

He had no choice but to summon the young duke.

After all, Jasper Hawthorne knew all the illegal portals that could bring him and Lewis to the East Continent in the fastest way.

It wasn’t like he could ask the Cyran Temple to open its portal for Lewis. Hence, he had no choice but to rely on Jasper Hawthorne. It didn’t matter if the young duke would need to use illegal portals.

As long as Lewis and Jasper Hawthorne delivered the vial to Neoma, he’d take responsibility.

[If I could go to Neoma right now, I would.]

However, he had to clean up the mess in the palace first.

Lewis clicked his tongue. “I don’t like Jasper Hawthorne.”


“Neither do I,” Nero agreed with the fox boy bitterly. “I hate the fact that Neoma calls the young duke ‘oppa.'”


“NO,” Dahlia whispered to herself while inspecting Queen Brigitte’s condition. The queen suddenly fainted. And when Her Majesty lost consciousness, the barrier gave way to her as if it understood the situation. Hence, she was able to enter it and check on the queen. She didn’t have the time to marvel at the flexibility of Princess Neoma’s barrier, though. “Your Majesty, hang in there.”

Queen Brigitte, who was so pale, just let out a deep sigh, her eyebrows knitted as if she was still in pain even though she was already unconscious.

[This is bad.]

But there was a bigger problem than the queen fainting.

“You can’t come out yet,” Dahlia said, then she put her hand over Queen Brigitte’s baby bump. She could feel the fetus inside kicking the queen’s stomach. “It’s not yet time, Your Holiness.”


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