Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 530


[HIS ROYAL Highness did it.]

Rufus was still in disbelief after all the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families signed the law that would allow the Royal Family to regain the Emperor’s Decree. It was the tool that the previous emperors had abused in the past. However, Emperor Nikolai had to give it up when His Majesty ascended the throne by force in the past.

[The Emperor’s Decree was the emperor’s right to pass a law without needing the Twelve Golden Families’ approval. Since Emperor Nikolai lost it, the Royal Family’s power over the nobles greatly weakened.]

He couldn’t believe that Prince Nero retrieved the Emperor’s Decree this fast.

But he could see how the young prince managed to do that.

[I don’t know how, but Prince Nero has Lord Calyx wrapped around his finger. As far as I know, it was Lord Calyx who convinced Marquis Lennox to give the Emperor’s Decree back to the Royal Family. As for Duke Winchester...]

The greedy smile on Duke Arman Winchester said it all.


[His Grace truly believes that Prince Nero will use the Emperor’s Decree to change our government from being a monarchy into a constitutional monarchy. He probably thinks that Prince Nero will appoint him as the Prime Minister once that happens.]

Since Duke Winchester agreed with it, the other members of the Noble Faction followed suit.

As for the Neutral Faction...

[They didn’t put up a fight. I sometimes wonder what the Neutral Faction’s goal is.]

“Duke Quinzel, are you listening?”


Rufus snapped out of his trance and turned to Prince Nero who was about to board the royal carriage. “Yes, Your Royal Highness?”

“Clearly, you weren’t listening,” Prince Nero said. “I just told Your Grace to pick up Hanna after school later. I won’t return to the palace tonight.” The royal prince snapped his fingers. “Ah, you can take Lewis with you. I don’t need him.”

His eyes went wide. “Prince Nero, where are you going alone?”

“I won’t be alone,” the royal prince said. “I’ll meet up with the Fletcher Twins later.”


“Do I need to tell you, Your Grace?”

“Of course, Your Royal Highness,” he said firmly. “His Majesty specifically asked Sir Geoffrey Kinsley to guard you. But you sent Sir Kinsley on an errand, and you only bring Lewis with you. And now you also want Lewis gone from your side.”

“Your Grace.”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness?”

“Why do I need to be protected by people weaker than me?” Prince Nero asked. “I can protect myself.”

The royal prince wasn’t wrong, but...

“Even so, Your Royal Highness must let his people do their jobs,” he said sternly. “At least tell us where you’re meeting the Fletcher Twins, Prince Nero.”

“To the East Continent?”

Rufus’ eyes went wide. “Prince Nero, you can’t leave the palace and go that far unattended!”

“I can,” Prince Nero said, smirking. “I’ll bring home some souvenirs for you and Hanna, Your Grace.”


“ARGH,” Neoma groaned when she felt a shiver down her spine, then she sipped her hot chocolate before she spoke. “I feel like Nero is bullying someone this early.”

She was having breakfast with her parents right now.

Unfortunately, her children declined politely when she asked them to have breakfast with her family. Since she knew how stiff her Papa Boss with around other people, she decided to spare her children the awkwardness.

Her Mama Boss looked pleasantly surprised by what she heard. “You can tell things like that, Baby Muffin?”

“I might be exaggerating a bit, Mama Boss,” she admitted. “But there are only a few things that give me goosebumps. More often than not, it happens when Nero is up to no good. Our bond is pretty deep like that.”

[I mean, if we can feel each other when we’re in pain, I guess it’s only natural that we also feel it when the other is doing crazy shit.]

“That’s pretty interesting,” her Mama Boss said. “I wonder who our Baby Pumpkin is bullying this early.”

“Probably my oldest son,” she said, then she sighed. “Once we return to the palace, I’ll take Lewis with me. It’s time for Nero to bring his own “children” to the palace anyway.”

“You’ll be recognized as the one and only royal princess of the empire once we returned to the palace, Neoma,” her Papa Boss said. “What do you plan to do by then?”

“Dismantle the patriarchy,” she said casually. “And oh, I’ll start looking for Lord Yule’s eyes for real this time.”

Her parents looked surprised by her announcement.

“I mean, it’s been so long since I made a contract with Lord Yule,” she said. “I’ve been busy surviving and pretending as Nero, so I didn’t have the time to look for his eyes. But now that Nero is back, and I’ve grown stronger than before, it’s about time for me to fulfill my long-overdue duty.”

And there was also the thing that Grandma Roxana asked of her. She needed to find a way to free Kingston- the White Lion- from Calyx Dalton’s grasp.

[Gosh, I’ll be so busy soon.]

“Are you going to leave the palace?” her Papa Boss said, frowning. “But it hasn’t been that long since your mother returned. We ought to spend more time as a family first, Neoma.”

“Papa Boss, I understand where you’re coming from,” she said softly. “But I’m doing this so we can spend more time together later. Once I’m free from my duties, I’ll become a lady of leisure. Once that happens, I’ll stick to you and Mama Boss until you get tired of me.”

“We will never get tired of you, Baby Muffin,” her Mama Boss said, and her Papa Boss nodded in agreement. “Don’t say that.”

She just smiled and nodded, but deep inside, she knew that her parents wouldn’t say that once they were in their honeymoon phase.

By that, she meant the ‘official’ honeymoon phase that the two would have soon.

[Mama Boss and Papa Boss will get married this time, right?]

“Neoma, I’ll ask you the same thing that I often hear you tell your “children,”” her Papa Boss said seriously. “If it gets too dangerous, run away and come back to us- alive and well. No duty is worth dying for, even if it’s a duty you need to fulfill to save the world.”

“I know, Papa Boss,” she said, smiling. “I know that my life is more important than the safety of the world.”

Because as long as she was alive, the world wouldn’t perish as well.

“Neoma, baby, you’re not leaving as soon as we return to the empire, are you?” her Mama Boss asked. “I’d like to teach you my techniques as a Summoner before you embark on your journey. Would that be alright?”

“Of course, Mama Boss,” she said excitedly. “Gosh, who in their right mind would refuse to become THE Mona Roseheart’s disciple?”

Her mother laughed. “Our Baby Pumpkin already turned me down when I told him I’d teach him everything I know as a Roseheart.”

“Mama Boss, Nero is not in his right mind,” she said, but she was curious. “Did Nero say why he declined your offer?”

“Your twin brother said he already learned everything he needed to learn as a Roseheart when he was staying at the Spirit World,” her mother said. “And...”

She tilted her head to one side. “And...?”

Her Mama Boss sighed. “Nero said I should teach you my technique so you could catch up to him as a Roseheart.”

She shut her eyes tight while clenching her teeth. “Nero Roseheart de Moonasterio...”

Her pride was hurt.

However, she couldn’t really say anything back since her twin brother was indeed the better Roseheart. Heck, even Queen Tara and the Spirit World itself had acknowledged Nero’s skills back when he was still in a comatose state.

[Well, Nero is the boy who has everything.]

She knew that Nero said those things on purpose to awaken her competitive side. And it worked. It worked so damn well.

“Neoma, baby, don’t be upset with your twin brother,” her Mama Boss said worriedly. “Nero probably only said that to motivate you...”

“It’s alright, Mama Boss,” she said, then she opened her eyes and smiled. “A healthy sibling rivalry won’t hurt. Plus, this kind of thing is more natural between siblings.”

[I mean, Nero’s obsession with me is unhealthy. So I’d rather he act like a superior brother who looks down on his inferior sister for motivation than act like he worships me. I guess he’s slowly growing out of his obsession with me.]

“As long as you and Nero don’t fight for real, then it’s fine to compete with each other from time to time,” her Papa Boss said. “And-”

Her father suddenly stopped talking, so Neoma and her Mama Boss turned to him.

Papa Boss groaned and shut his eyes tight while pinching the bridge of his nose.

[Oh, Papa Boss is communicating with his Soul Beasts.]

That was the face that her father would make when talking to his Soul Beasts mentally, if her hunch was right.

“Nikolai?” Mama Boss asked, then she gently touched Papa Boss’s arm. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for worrying about me,” Papa Boss said to Mama Boss when he opened his eyes. Then he turned to Neoma. “Nero used his Soul Beast to send a message to me through my Soul Beasts.”

Argh, so complicated.

[Why didn’t Nero just send a message to Papa Boss directly?]

“Nero has succeeded,” Papa Boss declared, and he sounded happy. “Neoma, you’ll be added to the Royal Household Registry soon. Moreover, you’ll now have the right to inherit the throne. Of course, the women in the empire will also receive the right to inherit their family titles.”

She smiled at the good news. “As expected of Nero. He probably terrorized and traumatized the poor nobles of the Twelve Goldie Families or whatever to get what he wants.”

“It’s Twelve ‘Golden’ Families, Neoma,” her father corrected her.


“Hmm, that makes me wonder, Papa Boss,” she said. “What made them ‘Golden,’ and why are they important? They practically have the same power as the Royal Family...” She trailed off, then she shook her head. “Ah, please forget it, Papa Boss. I’m sure I’ll only feel the urge to dismantle the Twelve Golden Families if I hear the story behind their founding. And I don’t have time to spare for that.”

Mama Boss laughed softly. “Our Baby Muffin is like a bee- always so busy.”

Papa Boss nodded in agreement, then he snapped his fingers as if he remembered something. “Ah, right,” he said. “Nero said there’s one more thing that he gained from the Twelve Golden Families. But he wants to share it with us in person, so he’s urging us to return to the empire as soon as possible.”

“Oh, I might not return to the empire with you, dear parents,” Neoma said, surprising her Mama Boss and Papa Boss. “I have something else to do here first.”

[I call it ‘Operation: Obliterate Rubin Drayton.’]


“XION has improved his stalking- er, detective skills,” Neoma complimented her son while fixing the robe that she just wore over her suit. “It seems like the Fletcher Twins had been good to him.”

It had only been two days since she sent Xion to investigate Rubin Drayton, and her son had already found out where the little piece of shit was. Moreover, Xion had already discovered the bastard’s whole itinerary.

“The Fletcher Twins traumatized him, Princess Neoma,” Juri said, laughing. “Xion is usually a reserved person. But the first time we regrouped after our individual training, he complained a lot about the Fletcher Twins while we were drinking. He called them ‘demons’ when he got drunk.”

She laughed because it sounded funny. “Now I wanted to grow up quickly and drink with you. I used to have a high tolerance for alcohol, you know?”

“Then Your Royal Highness must wait for a little while,” Paige said. “You still have five years before you’re legally allowed to drink, Princess Neoma.”

She grinned. “‘Legally.'”

Juri and Paige looked horrified at what she implied.

“Just kidding!” she said playfully. “I won’t drink until I’m legally allowed to do so.”

[I just have to find a country that allows minors as young as sixteen years old to drink, you know?]

Juri and Paige looked at her suspiciously.

[Oops. My daughters know me so well.]

“Anyway, let’s go,” Neoma said, changing the topic. “We can’t let Nero wait for long.”

[Yep, Nero sent me a message earlier.]


PRESTON was beyond thrilled.

He would finally meet his master in the flesh!

For the past few years, he had only ‘seen’ and ‘talked’ to him through his dreams. But, this time, his master finally said he would come and meet him in person. Thus, as soon as his master arranged their meet up, he didn’t hesitate to sneak into the Cyran Temple.

After all, his master asked him to meet in the portal room.

It was risky since the de Moonasterion Royal Family was staying in the temple. However, he took the risk since he wanted to greet his master, who literally crossed seas to meet him.

[I should calm down.]

Preston took a deep breath after he entered the portal room, then he whispered in the dark. Yes, it was dark in the room. However, he could feel the presence of someone else. “Master, I have arrived.”

“Ah, you’re there.”

He felt his heart skip a beat when he heard his master’s familiar voice.

Then, in just a few moments, he finally appeared- Prince Nero Roseheart (de Moonasterio).

The first male Roseheart born after a long while.

The son of THE Mona Roseheart.

And the only one who deserved to inherit the Spirit World.

“Wow,” Preston whispered in disbelief while looking at how pretty Prince Nero was. “You’re really pretty, Prince Nero.”

He wasn’t sure if calling Prince Nero ‘pretty’ was correct.

But that was the first thing that entered his mind. To be honest, the Crown Prince looked androgynous. It was hard to tell his gender even though he was wearing a suit that most young lords in their empire wore.

“I hope Your Royal Highness wasn’t offended,” Preston said worriedly. “I’m sure most boys don’t like being called ‘pretty.'”

“Don’t worry about it, Lord Preston- Nero doesn’t have a fragile masculinity.”


Why did Prince Nero speak like he was a different person...

He trailed off when the realization hit him.


His hunch was confirmed when “Prince Nero” was suddenly engulfed by a blinding white light- forcing him to close her eyes for a moment. Then, when the blinding light disappeared and he opened his eyes again, the “Prince Nero” that he saw earlier had disappeared.

Princess Neoma was now standing in front of her while combing her long hair with her fingers.

[I knew it.]

“I was wondering why Nero allowed me to go to the East Continent even though he knows that Ruto is here,” Princess Neoma said, but it sounded like she was talking to herself. “Now I know why.” She clicked her tongue. “Nero is all grown up now, huh? He has the nerve to manipulate his noona now.”


[What does it mean?]

“So, Preston Willows,” Princess Neoma said, then she looked at him with glowing red eyes. “Are you one of Nero’s “children?””

Ah, he was already busted.

“You’re correct, Princess Neoma,” Preston confirmed, then he put a hand over his chest as he bowed to the royal princess. “I am Preston Willows, the youngest “child” of Prince Nero.”


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