Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 223 - The Noticeable Aura

He came over as soon as his men watching Rose told him she ran to the company's head quarter. He sent a text to them but none of them was free enough to read his text.

The receptionist soon noticed that the girl was getting the attention of a lot from people passing by including employees.

She also stared at the girl and moved her gaze around to discover Mr. Jefferson was also staring at the girl.

Rose tapped her foot on the tiles and inhaled deeply. She glanced at the door to see Jace walk in with some of his guards.

At least she was not the only person who believed the article had truth in it.

Liam on a normal day will never take such an article seriously but for him to come to work the following Monday concludes that he does.

She hurried over to Jace and a guard blocked her path with his huge muscled frame.

She frowned feeling a strong urge to kick the guy but stopped when she noticed people were looking at her.

"Jace," she called hoping the guy does not take his anger and beef with her and his brother to a whole other level by snobbing her.

"Let her," Jace's voice came from behind the bulky guard.

The guard stepped aside and she walked to him and began walking with him when he continued towards the elevator.

"Did you believe the article?" she asked him when a guard from Liam's company led them into the VIP elevator.

The receptionist took a deep breath and exhaled with her hand on her chest as she thanked her stars that she did not offend the princess because for her to walk with the Hart family's heir, she had to be of a high position in the society.

"What article?"

"Don't act like you don't know because worry is written all over your face. I tried not to take it seriously but when I heard the news carried the fact that he came to work today, I felt like something was wrong."

". . ." Jace maintained his obtained cold countenance.

"We will be able to figure it all out because after all, no one could pretend to his wife and brother," Rose encouraged herself with a serious and sigh.

"I only came here for a business meeting," Jace coldly replied after a short while and stepped out of the elevator.

She glared at his departing back and scoffed. She knew very well that the two companies were said to not do any business at all with each other.

A secretary welcomed them on the top floor where the boss's office was and when she recognized the person beside her boss' brother, she froze and bowed stiffly.

Their minds were too occupied with Jace wondering why his brother suddenly wanted to do business with them and Rose looked around looking for Liam's office.

"The boss is in the conference room on the floor below, he will be back soon. You don't mind waiting, right?" the secretary asked smiling sweetly at Jace.

Jace inhaled deeply and nodded.

"Please come with me," the secretary invited them.

Rose was not having any of that. She had already been seen coming into the company and that was enough for people to talk and imagine things.

Getting seen by his employees did not make any difference. She left the secretary, Jace and his guards to try to find her way to the floor they said he was.

When she got to the floor through the stairs, she found the conference which was easy considering the sign above.

She opened the door quietly and peeped in. The room was dimly lit by the light that came from a large screen and a young man was making a presentation in front of some of people.

That young man was not her husband and she tried to fish him out among the dozens of  formally dressed men and women.

She soon found him where he sat down in the middle row just next to the passage. She swallowed as heart began to race.

He looked like the real boss among the many executives and high positioned people in the hall.

It was not bright enough for her to see his face well but the aura that sorrounded him was not hard to be noticed.

She was anxious for the meeting to come to an end. She closed the door quietly and waited beside the door not caring about the people that passed by.

When she wanted to use the restroom, she left. When she saw her reflection on the large mirror, she was taken aback.

She looked tired and her hair was out of the style they spent a good time of the morning trying to style it.

She rubbed it down and pushed back a few strands that had gotten out of the style and applied a lip gloss on her lips.

She adjusted her blouse before she left the washroom. Getting to the conference room, the door was opened and Liam stepped out of the door followed directly behind by two bulky men in black suit and then by the other executives.

"Liam," she called him quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

As soon as his grey eyes met hers, she felt her body freeze like a block of eyes and her heart raced fast.

This was her husband. She smiled and continued towards him. "I called you multiple times but you were too busy to pick my call," she told him seriously.

"I am sorry," he apologized.

Hearing their boss apologize, those who had stepped out of the conference room, tried all they could to see who must have earned an apology from the boss and when they saw who it was, they turned away and pretended not to see.

Liam led her to the top floor and waved off the secretary who came to tell him his brother was around.

Inside his office, the warmth in his eyes disappeared and she felt the hairs on her body rise.. She swallowed as she felt a strong temptation to run away.

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