Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 352: Challenged

Chapter 352: Challenged

The new bro army was hanging out at the fields around Jacks cabin. Some of them had brought drinks, others carried snacks, while a few more spent their time meditating.

To C-Grades, who could live for up to ten thousand years, a couple months was nothing. Jacks two-month breakthrough passed in a flash, just another party. The notable exception was Brock, whod gotten a meditation mat from someone and spent his days cross-legged in the middle of his bros, cultivating.

On this day, Brocks eyes snapped open. Hed almost reached the peak D-Grade, but that wasnt the reason ho woke up. He glanced at the shut cabin.

A few others noticed as well. Did you feel that? someone asked.

Yeah, a woman responded. The Dao shook a little.

Why would that happen?

Could it be Everyones gazes swiveled at the cabin. Its door remained shut, its windows blocked by perception-stopping curtains. Nothing had changed. Yet, as they stared over, they couldnt stop a feeling of dread from rising. It was like looking at an active volcano, the open maw of a beast. Unease and fear crept up their spines, but also an unexpected emotionexcitement.

This wasnt the excitement of their big bro breaking through. It stemmed from deep within their souls, from where they connected to the grand Dao of the universe.

What the hell is that? a man asked, grabbing his chest. Why do I feel so

His words were lost. Without warning, the cabin door flew open, the curtains rose to the wind. A bang resounded as a large quantity of Dao left the cabin, soaring to the void between galaxies. Waves of energy spread out, inciting more and more energy to move. The fabric of existence shuddered for hundreds of miles around them. The darkness shone purple, and the Dao cried out in joy as if welcoming its messiah.

The crowd jumped upright, abandoning their food and drinks. Even Brock slowly stood, his eyes shining with expectant light.

What the hell!? someone asked. Is this really the result of breaking into the C-Grade?

Their own breakthroughs had been far less spectacular.

Brock smiled proudly. Yes. Big Bro has the respect of the universe.

As they were lost for words, a man stepped out of the cabin. Deep purple robes fell over his body, while he had short dark hair and brown eyes as piercing as arrows. He was like a god walking the earth. He radiated absolute power. The moment he appeared, the already-thousandfold gravity seemed to intensify as a heavy pressure landed on everyone present. The weakest people stumbled, then paled.

A man thought, Hes at the same cultivation as me, and Im a genius, but he can pressure me with just his aura??

Jacks piercing gaze turned at them, further intensifying the pressure before he realized what he was doing. Suddenly, that oppressive sense of absolute power disappeared like it was never there, and Jacks titanic presence gave way to a relaxed attitude.

Hey guys, he said. What are you doing here? Did you sense my breakthrough and come to see?

We waited, Brock replied for everyone.

Oh? Yeah, I guess thats okay. How long did it take me?

Two months.

Two months!?

Jacks eyes widened. He had felt months passing as he battled the Fist Jack on the endless grassfield, but hed assumed it was an illusion. Turns out, it was real. Hed just spent two months sitting cross-leggedhe wasnt even numb.

Wait, he said. Youve been waiting here for two months?

I cultivated, Brock replied, shrugging. Another personOsmu Sosmustepped forward to add, We are C-Grades. Two months really isnt that long.

As for Dorman, he simply said, I was homeless anyway, so I might as well wait here.

Jack was stunned. Two months werent much to these C-Grades, but they were a long time for other peopleinfants, for example. His children must have grown a lot by now. In the blink of an eye, it had been three months since he last saw them. He ought to pay a visit.

He took another look at the small crowd. Suddenly, warm feelings welled up inside him.

These people waited two months for me Damn.

The Cathedral was a place that encouraged growth through competition. A lot of cultivators here were arrogant, ruthless, aggressive, or just plain assholes. However, there were also many people that were pure of heart. Jack was one of them, as was Brock. And these thirty people, whod abandoned their arrogance to support him, were also great.

Jack spoke up. I will remember your kindness, everyone. Two months may not be a lot to you, but you still spent it for me, and I can sense that your souls are pure. I, Jack Rust, am ruthless to my enemies but good to my friends. Since you want to follow me, lets walk together.

The crowd cheered. Brock grinned widely. Dorman looked around in surprise, and Jack himself smiled warmly, admiring how, in all the darkness of the Cathedral, good people had a tendency to group together.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

Or, maybe, they didnt. He glanced at Brock, realizing that the brorilla was not as simple as he appeared. Suddenly, his gaze flickered.

Brock! Did you reach the peak D-Grade?

Almost, Brock responded.

Thats great! Youve grown so much!

Age-wise, Brock wasnt even two years old. If the surrounding people knew that a two-year-old had almost reached the C-Grade, they might tear out their own hair in disbelief.

In a way, Brock was even more impressive than Jack.

What are you going to do now, big bro? Osmu Sosmu asked.

Take a trip to my home planet, Jack replied. I wont stay long, but I need to see my family.

Oh So, no Globe run to demonstrate your strength?

Jack laughed. Everything will come in time, Osmu. I also want to test myself, but

His words were cut short. A terrifying aura swept over the crowd, making them pale. The weakest people stepped back, while the strongest frowned as they looked at the distance.

A new cultivator flew in. That was already a terrible signnot many people could fly freely in the Cathedral. He wore pristine white robes, had clear eyes, and carried a slender sword. His gaze was sharp, like being pierced by a blade.

As this cultivator landed across Jack, his robes flapped, and his gait was steady. It was as if he didnt even feel the gravity.

You finally dared to exit seclusion, he said, staring at Jack. Ive been waiting a long time to face you.

Jack looked at this man for a long time. Finally, he tilted his head and asked, Do I know you?

The swordsman paused. His sharp brows furrowed. Mind tricks are useless against me, but Ill humor you. Of course you know me. I am Marcus William! Three months ago, you insulted my wifes honor. I was in a critical point of my cultivation then, so I couldnt be interrupted, but now I have come to restore our honor.

Oh. Yeah, right. I totally remember you.

Jack had a faint memory of this man. Along with Ley Vice, he was one of the two first people Jack had met on the Cathedrala couple whod snubbed him for being a D-Grade. Soon after, when the Head Envoy changed Jacks ranking to 950, the woman of that couple had challenged him to a duel and used her Dao of Truth to pressure him into admitting she was attractive, thereby weakening his Dao.

Jack had admitted he wouldnt touch her with a nine-foot-pole and punched her in the face.

He had almost forgotten about that, but come to think of it, the Sage had told him her husband was a high-ranked man known for being petty. It was him who had originally set Don Cranxiao after Jack.

That man was precisely Marcus William.

Remembering all that, Jacks gaze hardened a little. Now I remember you, he said. Youre the little shit that paid Cranxiao to bully me.

The surrounding crowd gasped. For better or for worse, Marcus William was ranked 281st. He was a six-fruit C-Grade. That was an entire five boundaries above Jack! Speaking to him like that was tantamount to suicide.

At this point, a woman walked into view from behind some cabins, her beautiful face marred by a cruel smile. She was Ley Vice, who had come to enjoy the show.

Marcus laughed coldly. Good, very good. Your mouth is as dirty as I was told. Do you dare to back up your claims?

Why wouldnt I dare? Ive already kicked the ass of many assholesyoure just the next in line.

Marcus laughed again. His aura swept out, a sharp wind that could slice through everything. As soon as the crowd sensed that, they got goosebumps, and they had to utilize their own Dao to avoid being cut by the aura itself.

Excellent, Jack Rust! Marcus said. I wont have people say I bullied you. A month from now, when youll have stabilized your cultivation in the C-Grade, we will fight with our honor as stakes.

Jack raised a brow. A month from now? Honor as stakes?

Do you not dare?

Actually, Marcus wasnt feeling too well at the moment. The reason hed been in seclusion for the past three months was to form his seventh Dao Fruit and break into the late C-Grade, but hed failed. Part of that was due to Jack beating up Marcuss wife, an insult he couldnt stomach easily. Bitterness ate at him from the inside.

On the path of cultivation, if ones thoughts werent smooth, progressing was near impossible. That was especially so for swordsmen, whose modus operandi was to cut through all.

Finally, Marcus accepted that he needed to wash away this shame first and exited seclusion without breaking through. He had then waited a week for Jack to finish his own breakthrough so he could come and challenge him.

In truth, Marcus wasnt completely certain he could win. If Jack could reach a ranking of 675 as a D-Grade, there was no telling how high his strength would rise as a C-Grade. He might even be stronger than Marcus himself.

Therefore, as silly as it sounded to be wary of someone five fruits below him, he still decided to be cautious. He rushed here as soon as Jack left seclusion to challenge him, and even gave him only one month to prepare. That was already a bit disgraceful, but Marcus was forced to do it; he simply didnt think he could defeat Jack in another year or two. As for just one month, he had over ninety percent confidence. If he lost to a mere one-fruit C-Grade, he might as well abandon cultivation and go retire at his home planet.

Hearing this proposition, Jack scratched his head. I dont know about one month, he said.

Marcus frowned. If you dont dare in one month, we can make it two. However, matters like this should be resolved as quickly as possible. Honor waits for no one!

Thats not what I meant. I may not be here in one month, nor do I want to wait. Lets fight right now and be done with it.

Hearing that, Marcus couldnt believe his luck. Still, he had to act gracefully. You want to fight me right now? he asked. As much as I want to humiliate you, you should think about this better. I am a six-fruit C-Grade. Even after one month, defeating me will be difficult. Right now, when youve just broken through and your strength is unstable, our duel will just be a joke.

Let me judge whether it is a joke or not, Jack replied with a lazy smile. As for who will be humiliated Dont count your eggs before they hatch. In any case, I dont need any preparation to deal with trash like you. Unless, of course, you want the extra month to re-attempt that breakthrough you failed. In that case, I will reluctantly accept to wait. I wouldnt want to win too easily.

Protected in the crowds anonymity, a few people couldnt help but snicker. Marcuss gaze sharpened further, and his face darkened into a scowl. What nonsense is that? Youre giving me no face at all. Youre courting death, kid!

Respect is earned, Jack said, clenching his fists. A heavy oppressive aura rolled out, clashing against Marcuss and creating sparks in the air. The sound was like two glass tables grinding against each other. Make your move.

The crowd hurried to make some distance. Almost none of them believed Jack could win, but they still expected him to last a few moves, and a battle between high-rankers was not something they wanted to be near.

Marcuss aura evolved. His Dao deepened and sharpened, becoming like an unsheathed blade. He did not draw his sword. Instead, he crossed his arms behind his back, seeming imperious. Since you are so confident, he said, how about we add some extra stakes to our duel?

Jack raised a brow. This guy just wanted to lose everything. Im listening.

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