Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 340: Entering the Life Drop

Chapter 340: Entering the Life Drop

Kid! What the hell do you think youre doing!?

The turtles roar echoed through the green-tinged void, rumbling space itself. Jack flew backward, cupping his ears to protect them. His teeth were chattering.

When the sound died down, he could finally raise his head again. The large turtle stared him down, its beady eyes exuding menace.

Jacks Dao perception spread out.

Last time he was here, this turtle had only been a vague shape in the distance. He hadnt had time to take a good look. This time, things were different. He could clearly make out the interconnected plates on its shell, its sharp teeth, its shrunk neck about to whip at him.

This creature looked like a normal snapping turtle, except the size of an elephant.

And its aura was gigantic. Just probing it with his perception made Jack nauseous. It tussled and turned like a sun trapped in a tiny body, a bastion of inestimably deep power. The turtles aura alone felt like a living creature, so grand was its strength, and Jack was nothing but a leaf waiting to be blown in the storm.

His legs went jelly. Luckily, he was floating in the void, so he didnt need them. He also wasnt afraid of death. Realizing that this creature could do whatever it wanted with him, he raised his head, unafraid of staring it down.

A shadow of approval flickered within those beady eyes, then disappeared.

I ask you again, kid, the turtle spoke, this time in a normal, somewhat old and grating voice instead of an apocalyptic one. What the hell do you think youre doing? How did you consume so much energy so quickly?

I was using the power of the Life Drop to make life stones, Jack replied. In the face of absolute power, he was calm. He could die, but he could not cower.

What the hell is a life stone?

A device of my creation, esteemed elder. I pour life energy into an empty Dao stone, then sell it to people who lack self-regeneration. If theyre injured, they can absorb the energy in the stone to quickly heal themselves.

It was his tensest elevator pitch ever. Yet, the turtle only revealed a stunned look. You are using the Supreme Blood to create low-level trinkets?

And sell them, Jack couldnt help adding. I have found myself in need of resources.

The turtle remained stunned for a good half minute. Jack was beginning to wonder if it died on the spot when it finally reacted, erupting with a fierce shout. How dare you!

The shout rumbled across space much harder than the previous one had. Jack tried to defend, but it was useless. His body shattered like glass. He opened his eyes in the real world, rising so fast that the top of his head crashed into Brocks jaw.

Bro! the brorilla shouted, cupping his chin. You back!


Jack barely had time to glimpse at his cabin, where he apparently lay on the floor, before a furious voice echoed in his ears. Get back here!

Once again, he fell backward inside a well, watching the world get farther and farther away until he was once again floating in the green voice, faced with a furious, incomparably powerful turtle. His body was intact.

What the hell? was all he managed to say before the turtle began a huge tantrum.

Insolence, blasphemy! it shouted, rocking the void. It took everything Jack had to prevent his body from shattering again. How the hell did some punk like you pass the trial? I should break your soul and fly off into the void. Even inhabiting a random space monster would be better than wasting divine gifts on party tricks and road-side begging!

Esteemed elder, please, just stop shouting!

Jack was about to go crazy. The turtles tantrum was vibrating all of the Dao inside him, his very Dao Tree. It was like hed smoked expired mushrooms.

Finally, the turtle stopped erupting, though it still looked pissed.

Give me a good reason not to destroy you right now, it said. Go on. You have one breath.

Jacks mind raced. The turtle had offered him a chancehe just had to find the right words.

I was in dire need of resources, he explained. I am striving to reach the top, and I thought I should use all means at my disposal. These life stones may be party tricks to you, but they are essential to me. I didnt think the Life Drop would mind a tiny bit of missing life energy.

Hmph! Whether it minds or doesnt mind, thats up to me to decide, not you.

Naturally. I would have asked if I could, but I was unable to enter this world again after that one time.

Of course you were unable! Youre just a tiny mortal. If you want to come in here, you have to prove your worth first!

So, since Im here, does that mean I proved it? Jack regretted his words the moment he spoke them. Seeing that the turtle was about to fly into another round of apoplectic rage, he quickly raised his hands and said, Please calm down, senior. I had no intention to offend you. I am just confused from flying between worlds like a kite on a windmill.

The turtle snorted. Its mood softened a bit. You better be. In any case, no more life stones or anything like that. Understood?

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

Jack was about to agree. However, cultivators know to respect their instincts. Right now, his intuition told him that, as much as this turtle liked to make a fuss, it wouldnt actually act against him. He had room to negotiate.

Of course, it could end terribly, but he would never reach the top by skipping the opportunities that presented themselves. If he missed this chance, who knew when hed get another?

Senior, please show some generosity. I really am struggling out there. If I limit my consumption of energy, cant I make just a few life stones a day?

The turtles eyes flashed. Youre treading on dangerous waters, kid. One wrong word and Ill eat you alive.

I understand, but I would still like to speak. If I cant take risks, what right do I have to call myself a cultivator?

The turtles aggressiveness did not abate in the slightest, but it also didnt strike out at him. Sensing this tacit agreement, Jack made his case.

This Life Drop, or the Supreme Blood, as you called it, has chosen me for a reason. I braved many hurdles and surpassed many obstacles to reach this point. I have already proven my worth, at least to a degree. I do not know what goals you and the Supreme Blood have, but I believe I am part of them. If you want to find someone else, it is possible, but it will also be a huge hassle for you, since the Ancient Trial I passed to acquire the Supreme Blood is many galaxies away. Weve already cooperated this long. Thus, we should work together.

The turtle remained silent for a moment. Its anger persisted, a shimmering coal in the depths of its aura, but it also seemed willing to listen to Jack.

I already know all those, it replied. Dont try to school me. Just tell me what you want.

A few life stones a day. Thats all.

Using the Supreme Blood for such a mortal reason like money is an affront to everything we stand for. Why should I let you do it?

Because I am a mortal, esteemed elder, and I need Dao stones to cultivate. Moreover, there are enemies after my life. If I die before I reach the peak, that will also set you back.

If you die, it just means you were too weak.

But what if I am delayed? What if the problems of today harm my potential and we have to spend millennia just to reach the C-Grade? Wouldnt that be a great loss to you?

The turtle snorted. You guess correctly. Your rise to power is indeed aligned with my and the Supreme Bloods interests, but that doesnt mean we will help you more than necessary. That crude use of the Supreme Blood you have discovered is already a major boon to you. If you cannot reach the apex with that, then Hmph! You may as well retire and leave a mortal life.

Jacks ears perked up. The turtle was referring to his four-armed form, but The crude use I have discovered? Are you implying there are more ways to use the Supreme Blood, esteemed elder?

Naturally. The Supreme Blood is a divine artifact; a mere battle form is nothing.


If you want something, go earn it. Dont ask me for free advice. I am not your father, though I may as well be your daddy.

Jack was taken aback. Finally, he mustered himself to say, I did find another way to use the Supreme Blood, esteemed elderbut you are stopping me. Since thats the case, how about you recommend another way to make up for the one you take away from me? Or do you plan to just take without giving?

This tone was borderline disrespectful, but it seemed to be working so far.

The turtle snorted. And here I thought you were just a muscleheadbut look at that wily tongue. You sure can speak, kid, even if all you say is bullshit. Fine. Whatever.

Jacks eyes shone. Then

I will give you a hint. Not because you deserve it, but because I like your gutsy attitude. Not many would have the courage to stand up to me and the composure to make it worth it. The turtles beady eyes gazed deeply into Jacks own, finding just the right mixture of respect and bravery. Life energy is the energy of the body. Instead of just letting it rampage like a gung-ho barbarian, you can try to control it and nourish yourself for long-term benefits. That is the foundational function of the Supreme Blood.

I see! Jack said.

So I can push the life energy into my body to nourish it Wait a moment. Isnt that exactly what Dorman did?

But wouldnt that just make me fat? he asked.

Only if you do it wrong, the turtle replied with a snort. But dont look at me. If you cant figure even that out by yourself, you really dont have the qualifications to use the Supreme Blood.

Alright. I will certainly figure it out. Thank you, esteemed elder, you have been a great help.

The turtle scoffed. And stop with esteemed elder this and esteemed elder that. You may call me Venerable Saint Thousand Shell.

Jack nodded. Absolutely! he replied, while inwardly thinking, What a mouthful Thank you for your guidance, Venerable Saint Thousand Shell. Since Im herewhat exactly are you? Where is here? Are we inside the Supreme Blood?

Of course we are inside the Supreme Blood. What are you, stupid? Nevermind, dont answerI dont want to know. As for the rest of your questions When the time comes for you to know, you will naturally know. For now, just assume I am the caretaker of the Supreme Blood.


Jack didnt mind. This turtle still felt way above his paygrade, though the benefits it could offer were sweet. If he could form a good relation with it

As if it saw through his thoughts, the turtle snorted yet again, rocking the void. As for those life stones you mentioned it said, sounding thoughtful. While I find such a use of the Supreme Blood debasing, I understand that certain concessions must be made for yourmundane circumstances. You may create one life stone per seven days. That would match the Supreme Bloods current regeneration rate. If you can use it well, even that tiny amount of energy would be invaluable to someone of your cultivation.

Jacks gaze brightened. This turtle wasnt so bad after all!

Thank you, Venerable Saint Thousand Shell. Youre awesome!

Of course I am, but that is not for you to judge. Now, if that is all

Jack smiled wryly. Just one more thing. If, in the future, I need to contact you again to make sure Im not misusing the Supreme Blood in another wayhow could I reach out?

The turtle stared at him. How stupid can you be, kid? Did I not create a door on your Dao Tree? Do you not know how to use doors?

I tried opening it, but it would not budge

Because its locked, you idiot! If you want to see me, just knock! Ill hear you. But if you disturb me for unimportant reasons, I will take away your benefits. Am I clear?

Crystal clear, sir.

I am not sir. I am Venerable Saint Thousand Shell.

Absolutely, Venerable Saint Thousand Shell.

Very well. Now begoneand try to get stronger quickly, or I might reconsider your status as the Supreme Bloods holder.

Jack looked around. He saw a vast, dark void glimmering with faint green mist. So, uh That door you mentioned, would you mind showing me?

For the first time, the turtle grinned. It was almost terrifying on its face. Oh, Ill show you alright, it replied, then snorted with power.

The shockwave was unstoppable. Once again, Jacks entire body shattered like glass, and he found himself gasping on the hard bed of his cabin on the Cathedral.

Jack! Big Bro! Dorman and Brock exclaimed, sitting next to him. Are you okay? What happened?

Uh Jack thought back to the turtle, its nonsensical attitude, and the benefits hed reaped. With a smile on his face, he replied, I actually dont have the slightest idea.

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