Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 319.5: Sparman

Chapter 319.5: Sparman

The moment Copy Jack heard about fun, he instantly became obedient. He followed Jack to the center of his soul world, where his Dao Tree stood tall on a fist-shaped foundation of five Daos. Now that hed reached the peak of the D-Grade, his tree had also matured fullyits crown was fully shaped, reaching a total height of nine feet, while leaves and flower buds had appeared on its branches. The next step would be to make this tree bloom. That was the so-called Dao Blooming, and when he achieved it, he would reach the C-Grade.

Unfortunately, that felt a ways away still. Though hed reached the peak of the D-Grade and consolidated his strength, he felt nowhere near ready to advance again. He would need to defeat the overseer like this.

He could only hope he was enough.

The Life Drop remained buried under the trees roots, supplying it with infinite vitality. However, what Jack had come here to see was neither the tree itself nor the Life Drop. It was the door-shaped pattern on the trees bark, which had grown increasingly clear with each level-up. Now that hed reached the peak of the D-Grade, the door was complete, and he had the feeling that, if he just reached for the doorknob, he could open it.

He took a deep breath. It couldnt beright? he asked himself. Its only bark. Dao Trees dont have doors. Its ridiculous.

Under Copy Jacks watchful gaze, he reached for the doorknob-shaped outcropping as he had many times before. Of course, all the previous times, it was nothing but bark. This time, Jack grabbed it and, to his absolute shock, twisted until he heard a click. The bark itself grew alive. The door detached from the rest of the tree and swung open with a creak, revealing a dark, starless space behind it, infused with a hint of green.

Jack gaped. Keeping the door open with one hand, he poked his head through it, meeting a vast expanse that felt nothing like his soul. It felt real. At the same time, he realized that while this space seemed boundless, there was something in its center. It looked like a green ball, though it was so far away that he couldnt discern its dimensions. It might as well be a distant star.

What the fuck? he muttered.

He pulled his head back and slowly let go of the door. It remained in place, wide open, inviting him to enter. It didnt seem like it would close by itself.

Jack looked between the tree, the door, and the dark expanse behind it. He glanced at Copy Jack. Should I

Of course! the copy responded. Its your tree, right? Go explore! It might be fun! Ill be right here to cheer you on.

How encouraging Jack muttered, turning back to look at the door.

It couldnt be dangerous, right? He was inside his own soul, and this wasnt his real body, just a projection. How badly could this go?

And, at the end of the day, what was he? A coward?

Hell no!

Mama didnt raise no bitch!

Jack flew through the door, entering the dark space. He felt his body grow cold. With no stars here, this was even colder than regular space, almost like standing directly in the ice dragons frozen breath. Even he could barely stand it.

Shit, he said.

The door slammed shut behind him. As he turned, all he saw was endless darkness. Where the opening used to stand, there was now nothing.

Shit, he said again.

What are you doing here? a heavy, old voice rang through the cosmos. Jack went pale. The mere undulations of that voice were enough to shake his entire body. Peering into the darkness, he barely made out the outline of what seemed like a turtle far, far away. The creature approached quickly, until Jack could see it had a green shell and a sharp face, like an actual sharp-jaw turtle, except it was the size of an elephant and was floating through this empty expanse freely as if it didnt even notice the temperature.

For some reason, it also seemed furious.

I, uh, sorry, he replied. Im Jack. What is your name?

The turtle snorted. You are not ready, it said. Begone.

Jack was about to reply when he realized there was a colossal force heading his way. It was the turtles snort. That mere action had been enough to unleash a literal torrent of Dao so massive he could barely even fathom it. It was like a planet was flying his way.

He instantly entered fight or flight mode. His Dao Domain erupted instinctively, shielding him as well as it could, and he roared as he smashed out a Meteor Punch.

The snort collided with his meteor and blew it away like it was nothing. It rammed into his Dao Domain and shattered it completely. Only a fraction of its power had dissipated by now. The rest of the snort hit Jack straight in the chest, crushing and destroying his extremely durable body. The last thing he experienced was terrible storms of power invading his insides and tearing him apart. He didnt even have time to feel pain.

Next thing he knew, his eyes snapped open, and he drew a sharp breath. He was alive. Snow and cracked earth surrounded him on all sides, while he was bent forward, clutching his head which fluttered with confusion. He had died. Yet, he was here. What the hell had happened?

What was that place? That dark, starless expanse with the green ball of light and the monstrous turtle. Was it part of the Life Drop? Another of its odd effects? Or was it a consequence of his perfect foundation?

Or both?

And how strong was that fucking turtle!? He was at the very peak of the D-Grade, and it had absolutely slaughtered him with a snort!

Just when Jacks thoughts were lost in all these questions, something crashed on the ground next to him. Youre awake! Shol exclaimed, seeming as furious as the turtle. What the hell were you doing? What happened!?


There is no time, goddammit. We need to go now! Youve been meditating for days!

Jacks eyes widened. All other thoughts gave way to onethe battle!

It was time to destroy the planetary overseer.


Jack teleported before the Forest of the Strong. The sight was nostalgic. This was where everything began, the starting point of his journey. It was only a year, but it felt like so long ago.

How far Ive come he thought with a faint smile. He then blinked it away. There was no time. He had to get Sparman and rush to the battle. Thanks to the teleportation abilities of their starship, this small detour would only take a minute.

Besides Shol, Dordok, and Jack himself, Sparman the robot was the only D-Grade of their forces. However, his strict programming made him unable to join the battle. His orders were to guard the Forest of the Strong, and that is all he would do.

Unless Jack, who had been rewarded Sparman as a bodyguard after winning the Integration Tournament, ordered otherwise. That was exactly why he was here.

Jack flew stealthily into the forest, easily dodging all the F-Grades on watch. His Dao perception noticed Sparman at the same time that the robot noticed him. Yet, Sparman did not move, so Jack rushed there.

He arrived at a small clearing. It was the forest gym, where hed met and dueled Harambe a long time ago. Only a few gymonkeys were currently here, all injured from one battle or another. Harambe must have been resting elsewhere.

Sparman sat on the ground, leaning against the bananarm tree. And he looked like shit.

Jacks eyes widened. His mouth gaped. He struggled to believe this. The all-powerful D-Grade robot was almost in shambles. Broken wires stretched out of his limbs, while burnt circuits were visible from several spots where his plating had been torn away. Sparks fizzled around him, his head was permanently bent to the side, and his eyes changed colors randomly.

Sparman! Jack exclaimed, both joyed at their reunion and saddened by the sorry state of his friend.

Hello, master. Did you miss me? the robot replied in a thankfully normal voice. I assume you did, because Im very lovable.

What the hell happened to you? Jack asked.

Sparman forced his mechanical mouth into a smile. Nothing happened, he replied.

What do you mean nothing happened? You look like shit!

Always the charmer, master. No wonder all the female humans swoon over you.

Sparman! Jack exclaimed. However, it seemed that the sarcastic robot would give no answer. Why? he thought. What happened? Sparman is at the D-Grade! Nobody on Earth could hurt him!

Then, his eyes lit up. He understood. Sparman may have been the strongest creature on the planet during the one year grace periodafter the overseerbut the Ice Peak had many E-Grades, even some peak ones. Sparman had been ordered to protect the forest; who knows how many assaults he had endured? Dozens? Hundreds? Unable to step outside the forest due to his strict programming, all he could do was defend and hope he didnt take too much of a beating.

Over the months, the assaults must have grown in power. Sparman was always here to defend, even in rain or snow, even against insurmountable numbers. His wires had been pulled out, but he still fought. His plating was torn away and his insides burnt or frozen, but he still fought.

Jack felt guilt. He was the one who ordered Sparman to protect the Forest of the Strong, not thinking about the long-term consequences. Due to him, Sparman was now almost broken, a mere shell of the proud robot he used to be. At his current state, Jack doubted the robot could even stand!

And nobody on this planet had the means to repair a D-Grade robot.

Jack understood everything in an instant. Sparmans eyes remained calm, not wanting to reveal his pain and make him feel bad, but Jack already knew. Warmth filled his heart. He shook his head. He had come here to bring Sparman to the battle, but that would not happen. The robot had already given it his allhe would rest, and Jack would handle everything.

Thank you, he said from his heart. For everything. Without you, many of our friends would be gone.

Dont mention it. For a robot as handsome as myself, this was nothing. Speaking of, when was the last time you took a bath?

Jack fought back the urge to smile. You have no nose, he said.

I possess many gifts. Specifically, there is a nose compartment stuffed at the back of my neck. I breathe through tiny holes in my right armpit.

Jack couldnt tell whether this was true or false, but he laughed. It was nice to see you, Sparman. Rest well.

I can still fight, the robot insisted, but Jack shook his head.

You have already done enough. Leave the rest to us.

But I

Before Sparman could finish his sentence, Jack flew awayhe still had a battle to catch, after all. The robot was left mid-sentence, with his half-working mouth still open to speak. Watching Jack fly away, he slowly closed it. Thanks, he whispered, then leaned back and let his energy levels drop to the minimum. Like that, he could survive another few days.

He really had run out of steam. Now, it was all up to Jack and everyone else. Sparman only hoped they survived.

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