Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 282: Visions of the Past

Chapter 282: Visions of the Past

An underwater cave was not the best place to house four grown men for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, Jack and his companions were determined to make do.

To Shol and Dordok, both multiple centuries old, a few months were nothing.

Jack and the Sage, on the other hand, had only been Integrated for five months. For them, this was a long stretch of their System lives, so they approached it with seriousness. Jack trained diligently, both in body and spiritas for the Sage, he just kind of hung around. When he closed his eyes, no one knew whether he was meditating or randomly falling asleep, a habit he claimed originated from his homeless days on Earth.

Two days after they settled down in the cave, the Sage took Jack and headed deeper into the ocean. Eventually, they reached a second, smaller sea cave, where they could discuss without anyone else overhearing.

What is it, Sage? Jack asked, looking around. This cave was pretty cramped. Not a love confession, I hope.

Have you considered my offer at all, Jack? the Sage asked with interest, jumping straight to the matter at hand.

You mean the offer to join the Black Hole Church. Icant say I have. Time was always pressing.

Would be willing to consider it now?

Always have been.

And? What do you think?

Jack took some time to think this through. The world calls you terrorists. You have been kind to me, but I still hesitate to join an organization I know almost nothing about. My answer remains the same. I need more information.

The Sage nodded as if expecting this. You know, he began, we dont invite just anybody. The Black Hole Church is an organization as old as the System itself, and only the strongest of each age can join our ranks. You could call us a gathering of elites, as well as a cradle of poweryou cannot imagine the resources the Church pours into its recruits.

Resources like my Life Drop?

The Sages smile turned wry. Even we do not possess resources like thatnot routinely, at least. The Life Drop is one reason I extended an invitation to you back in Trial Planet.

You knew? Jacks eyes widened.

I suspected. The Church was aware of the Ancient Trial you located. When someone succeeded, we were notified, and connecting the dots wasnt too hard afterward.

Why didnt you say anything?

I couldnt casually reveal my organizations reach.

But you can now? Jack asked. What changed?

The Sage drew a deep breath. Your value, my friend. I was already considering inviting you on Earth, after you defeated Rufus Emberheart. We are picky but always in need of extreme talent. When I met you again in Trial Planet, your rapid increase in power and the Life Drop inside you cemented my decision, which is why I extended an invitation. Now The more you grow, the more miracles you seem able to create. You are firmly positioned against the Hand of God, who is also our enemy, and you keep rising in power prodigiously. Your value has increased in the eyes of the Church, so I can divulge more information to help you make a decision.

Well, divulge it then, Jack said, letting some rare haste show. Tell me what the hell is going on. Whats the deal with the Black Hole Church? Are you really trying to revive an Old One? Why? What is your real goal? Whats the deal with the Old Ones, and why is the System, which was created by the Immortals, seeking to eradicate any sign of the Ancients?

All these suppressed questions sprang up in Jacks mind at once. Back in Trial Planet, he and Nauja had ran into the ruins of an Ancient outpost. The door depicted twelve Old Ones, each representing one element of the worldmost of which Jack could not decipherand to enter, the walls of the outpost warned them several times not to inspect anything, as if not trusting the System. The Ancient voice in the trial had said the same, as well as some other cryptic warnings, and even Naujas father had warned Jack not to trust the System.

The moment he was lost in the trial and Nauja started scanning things, the System had informed them that the Hand of God was on its way to eradicate any sign of the Ancients.

None of those made sense. According to what Jack knew, the Ancients were the universes first civilization. They created the Immortals, an army of Dao-wielding robots, but were destroyed by the Old Onesthe Gods of the Universe. The Immortals, who were made to protect the Ancients, swore revenge. They constructed the System to help the various species cultivate, then gathered the strongest warriors of the universe and unleashed a crusade against the Old Ones, eventually pushing them out of System space.

In the end, the Old Ones sealed their strongest memberEnas, the God of Lifein a black hole for eternity, as punishment for giving the Dao to the Ancients, which was what started this whole thing.

It was exactly this Old One, Enas, that the Black Hole Church worshiped and tried to revive.

Clearly, Jack had witnessed things that contradicted the version of the story he knew. Something was wrong. Hed put away such thoughts previously, as they were far above his paygrade, but now he finally had access to someone who seemed to know thingsthe Sage.

The Sage gave Jack an encouraging smile, the kind a professor would give to a hard-working student.

I will not tell you the answers to these questions, he said, but I will do something better: I will show you. Keep your mind reined; do not scan what Im about to reveal.

Reaching inside his worn-out jacket, he revealed a piece of green jade shaped as a scroll. Jack didnt focus too hard on it, lest he activate the Systems scanning function, but he couldnt stop himself from sensing the jade scrolls aura; a feeling so ancient it seemed to defy time itself.

Grab on, the Sage said, extending the piece of jade. Lets embark on a magical journey together.

Thats creepy, but okay.

Jack grabbed the other end of the jade. The scroll did not unfurlinstead, Jack felt something projected inside his mind. A scenery from times long past. Suddenly, he was both here and there, experiencing both realities at once.

Let it happen, the Sage instructed him. The Ancients viewed the robbing of agency as taboo. Contrary to the Systems visions, this jade scroll will let you maintain complete control in the real world so you can act out or break the vision at a moments notice.

Jack could understand why the System did what it did. This sensation was confusing, like watching two movies playing on top of each other. Still, he appreciated the jade scrolls attempts to maintain his agency. As he let himself experience the vision, his brain got gradually used to the sensation, letting him understand what he was seeing.

He was in a small room. The walls were made of living stone, coiling around to fulfill its owners needs. Jack himself was a ghost floating bodilessly in the middle of the room, right above a green jade scroll which looked exactly like the one he was holding, only far less ancient.

To his surprise, Jack realized he still had complete control over his body and could even turn around to watch thingshe was not watching a movie, like the Dao Visions hed experienced before, but participating in it.

Though, as a ghost, he couldnt actually affect anything.

The Sage was next to him, also in ghost form. How are you feeling? he asked. Are you adjusted yet?

Almost. Im trying.

Good, cause its about to start.

Suddenly, a mans voice echoed inside the room. My name is Norax Erudite. The voice wasnt deep or aggressiveit was soft yet steady, like an experienced scholars. Jack turned around to discover they shared the room with a person who, save for his clothes, looked exactly like a normal human.

He had round, spirited eyes and a bald head, while he wore long green robes that reached the floor. His nose was sharp and his lips thin. The robes hid his limbs, but Jack could make out smooth, slender fingers. His most striking feature, however, was his aura. He gave Jack the feeling of a kind old man, very similar to the old professors who loved research and teaching.

There was no hint of the Dao, however. Jack could not inspect the man, but he felt like a normal human.

The end is near, said the man, exuding a despair that contradicted his calm exterior. Our end, to be precise. And we only have ourselves to blame. He shook his head. It is already too late to hope for victory. All we can do is spread our children as far as possible, hide them in the crevices of the universe, and hope that someone survives. As for me I have no children. I can only record the events that will transpire here today, letting future generations see through the lies that, undoubtedly, the victors of this war will weave.

Though there was no aura to this person, his words had gravity. Jacks attention was fully captured.

Whats happening? he asked the Sage, who smiled bitterly in response. It was the first time Jack saw him sad.

Youll see, he replied.

Suddenly, the room shook. The living rock around them made a sound as if crying. It then withdrew, opening a wall to reveal the expanse of space outside.

It was not empty.

A planet stretched under the mans starship, covered in bustling cities and lush, vivid nature. At a glance, it seemed like paradise. Or rather, it would, if not for the columns of smoke rising from everywhere on the planet.

Do you recognize that planet? the Sage asked. Jack looked at it again.

How could I He stopped. His jaw dropped. He did recognize the planet, because hed seen it from this angle before. It was not Earth.

It was Trial Planet.

How!? he blurted out, getting no response.

The starship they rode was one of many. A proud fleet flew before Jacks eyes, visible through the gap in the wall. As if sensing his desire to see more, the man moved the jade scrolland the two ghosts with itto the very edge. He was completely unaffected by the vacuum of space.

Take a good look, he said with sadness, stubbornly ignoring the laws of nature to speak in space. Bear witness to the greatest grief of the universe so farbut not, I suspect, the last. I am sorry, descendant. On behalf of the Ancients, I apologize.

Jack tried to respond, but the man could not perceive himhe was only a ghost watching a vision he could not alter.

The man flew out of the starship. Suddenly, his aura flared. Jack had thought him a normal human before, but it was he that was blind; the mans Dao eclipsed the sun and moon, filling the vacuum like air inside a balloon. The very Dao of the universe bowed to him.

Jack had never experienced such a complete sense of power. He couldnt imagine anything closer to God.

Is he at the B-Grade? he asked breathlessly.

The Sage shook his head. No.

The mans aura kept expanding. It was a visible green light covering an area larger than Jack could perceive. From his viewpoint, he had no idea how far it stretched. He did, however, see that aura envelop every starship nearby. More people streamed outsome were dressed as wizards and some as warriors, wielding swords and staves alike. Most were human, but Jack caught glimpses of many other species as well, all completely unknown.

All these people were covered by the mans aura, which shone around them like an extra suit of armor. May life live, he uttered sadly, yet with conviction.

Suddenly, a second aura rose. Jack could not see its origin, but he could perceive it through his Dao sense. It was proud, hard, metallic.


A figure darted past the starship to stand next to the scholara knight in silver armor, wielding a mace and exuding the aura of a thousand kings. Though his face looked younger than Jack remembered, he recognized this person. It was Old Man Spirit.

Its an honor to die fighting by your side, Norax, said Old Man Spirit, laughing with the power of youth.

I say the same, brother Jericho, the scholarly man responded, clapping his hands together and separating them again. When he did, a green rod appeared between them, first transparent and then solid. The manNoraxgrabbed it in one hand, his mere existence dominating heaven and earth. Lets protect our people.

Jericho laughed again. His voice was amplified, crossing the void of space to resound all over the assembled cultivators and the planet beneath. Listen up, my warriors! They want to purge us? Bullshit! Lets show them that the Ancients should not be underestimated. And to the allies who chose to fight by our side His face split into a wide grin. We will remember you for eternity.

The gathered cultivatorsover a hundred of themshouted out together. Jack glimpsed at their aurasevery single one was clearly weaker than their two leaders, but also vastly stronger than anyone hed ever met, including Master Huali.

The soldiers of this army were B-Grades.

As his shocked eyes passed over the army, Jack suddenly caught sight of a half-monkey half-man wearing a suit of living stone and wielding a familiar staffBrocks Staff of Stone.

Just what enemies could make such an army feel hopeless? Jack managed to utter, struggling to even form words.

Beside him, the Sage smiled againhalf in sadness and half in pride. Raise your eyes and see, son of the Ancients.

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