Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 247: The Art of Courting Death

Chapter 247: The Art of Courting Death

Stripe City looked just as its name indicated. A thin stripe of architecture shoved in between two mountains, extending for at least five miles in length and maybe one in width. It was nowhere near the size of the bustling metropolises of Outer Planet, but it remained a respectably sized city.

Wow, Jack said, gazing at it from afar. Transportation must be hell there.

Its alright. There are great lanes for E-Grades to run on, letting them reach anywhere they want pretty quickly.

Jack did a double-take. Indeed, the city was filled with streets just like the ones on Earth, except there were no cars. People just ran from one place to the other, their speeds varying between that of a normal human at full sprint and a motorcycle. There were many cultivators flying, too; both E-Grades with flying abilities and immortals.

I guess he replied, still shocked. It will never cease to surprise me.


The things cultivators do. Where I come from, we ride mechanical, uh, chariots from place to place. Running would just exhaust us and make us smell bad.

That sounds terribly inconvenient. What if someone steals your chariot?

It can happen. Then, you have to use the public chariots.

It must be fascinating to be so weak.

Thats not the word I would use, but its certainly different.

They slowly glided through the clouds, approaching the entrance of Stripe City. Both mountains that surrounded it were lush with greenery, while the buildings were short and colorful, painted in all colors of the rainbow. It was strong enough a sight to be almost disorienting, but Jack didnt mind. He couldnt ask for everything in the universe to adapt to his aesthetical sensibilities.

Perhaps this multicolorism was inspired by the solar gasses that filled the sky of this place, shining like a full starry night.

By the way, Auburn said as they landed, Im glad to hear you sent your brorilla to the outer planet. He will have a more fruitful time there.

I sure hope so. Your suggestion helped me do it.

Do you miss him?

Very. Jack felt a wave of nostalgia rise in his chest. Wait. Are you trying to get under my skin again?

She chuckled. We arent going to fight this time. Im just curious.


Their feet finally touched the ground before the city gates, large arches of blue stone. A thin crowd surrounded them on all sides, filled with people at the E and D-Grades. Jack did not expect to make much of an impression.

The moment they landed, however, whispers began to spread.

Isnt that Auburn? The disciple of Elder Huali?

What is she doing here?

Will there be a fight?

Is that a new disciple?

Jack raised a brow as his ears caught some of the whispers. What is all this about? he asked Auburn.

I told you, the Grand Elder succession is all everyone talks about nowadays. Its even reached the point where people memorize the faces of each elders disciples, hoping to not miss any gossip. If you ask me, they would be better off investing that effort in their cultivation.

I thought you said we would be fine.

We should be. Even if there is some trouble, its not like it will matter much. Besides, what else are we going to do? Stay in the estate like scared mice?

I guess not. Jack raised his head, meeting a few eyes and making them turn away. Whatever. Let them stare.

Thats the spirit. Now, lets go; the earlier we start, the earlier well finish, and we can grab some food after.

They paced into the city. As they were on the move, whispers still rose around them, but much sparserby the time more people noticed their presence, Jack and Auburn were already gone.

They walked down a central avenue, then turned into another. Colorful buildings and shops of all kinds surrounded them, but Auburn was focused on something specific. En route, they did not rush; they strolled along casually, talking about this and that. Auburn explained some things about the planet to Jack, while he shared some of his adventuresminus the sensitive parts.

Its incredible that you won the Garden Assault, Auburn admitted, sighing. I participated five years ago as the Lady of the Exploding Sun, but I lost to a man from Dragon Valley. Well, jokes on himI think hes still a E-Grade.

You were a Lady? So you also have three Dao Roots?

Of course. What did you think, that I was some weakling? Most personal disciples of our master have three roots. That is why your strength is so impressivewe are elites, but you can jump an entire tier to fight us.

What can I say? My fist is just too strong.

Whatever, smart guy. Here we are; the apothecary.

A large building shaped as a cauldron stood before them. It rose multiple stories high and covered an entire building block. Jack had to crane his neck backward to see its top.

I didnt know you practiced medicine, he told her.

We call it alchemy; but yes, I do dabble a bit. Its a nice pastime. I brew wine, too.

Really? I have a cellar.

Thats great. When we get back, Ill gift you a barrelIm making them faster than I can drink them.

Jack wondered how a barrel of wine would interact with his Dao Magnet but did not voice his question. They entered the shop and spent over two hours thereit housed a thousand different kinds of herbs, along with medicine, manuals, equipment, pills, experience balls, and anything apothecary-related Jack could and couldnt imagine. It was so large that it housed many smaller shops inside it, like a mini shopping mall devoted solely to apothecary.

Jack got a Disguise Potion, just in case.

Auburn toured everything. She was overflowing with enthusiasm, not staying silent for a moment as she explained the properties of many different plants to Jack, who was more absent-minded than listening to her. The exhaustion of the past two weeks was getting to him.

Maybe I should have stayed home and slept he considered but did his best to remain pleasant. Two hours later, they finally exited the Cauldron Mallas it was aptly namedwith Jack carrying four large bags full of herbs. Auburn was prancing ahead of him.

Thank you for keeping me company, she said, smiling widely. Shed loosened up quite a bit during their shopping tour. Lets go get food now. My treat.

Are you sure?

Of course! Its my thanks for coming all the way out hereplus, you can consider it an initiation gift from your big sister.

There is nothing big about you. Since Im stronger than you, Im the senior here.

Dream on, Jack. Lets go!

This time, they didnt walk. Jack had had enough, so they simply flew to the terrace of the tallest building in town, which housed a restaurant. They sat on a table by the edge, letting Stripe City stretch under them as Auburn ordered a bunch of stuff Jack had never heard before. She also got them some wineand, from the careful questions she asked the waiter, she really did sound like a sommelier.

Soon after they were done ordering, two people arrived and sat at the table next to them. One was a bare-chested, muscular mountain of a man. The other was a lithe woman with long dark hair and a sharp nose. Both looked to be in their fortiesthough, since they were immortals, their actual age was probably far greater.

Auburn did not react visibly to their appearance. However, the moment they sat down, her voice rang in Jacks mind.

Be careful! These people are disciples of Elder Monsoon. Since they sat next to us, theyll probably look for an excuse to cause trouble. We should eat fast and leave.

Jack snuck another glance at them, inspecting them.

Human (Earth-44), Level 181

Faction: Exploding Sun (B-Grade)

Title: Eighth Ring Conqueror

Human (Earth-44), Level 165

Faction: Exploding Sun (B-Grade)

Title: Seventh Ring Conqueror

The man held the highest level between the two. Still, Jack estimated that he and this man were on roughly the same level of power, even if he had the Eighth Ring Conqueror title that not many people boasted.

Even the fact that they displayed these titles spoke volumes about them. It was bragging. Most people chose to hide theirs.

Jack snorted. Why should we eat fast and leave? he replied mentally. If they want to cause trouble, let them.

That is not a good idea.

Yeah, for them.

Auburn didnt reply. They kept on chatting about irrelevant things. Jack caught the bare-chested man sneak glances their way but pretended to see nothing.

Eventually, their food arriveda set of large platters containing everything from cheese, to meat, to salad. It was made from materials suitable for immortalseven a whiff of its fragrance made Jack salivate. He couldnt wait to eat.

As the food arrived, however, the bare-chested man from the other table started laughing loudly. Jack looked over to realize that the man was staring at them, as if mocking them.

Is there a problem? he asked.

A problem? Of course not, the man replied. His voice was deep and aggressive, and his smile was predatory as he spoke. I was just wondering why great immortals such as yourselves would order something so cheap.

There were dozens of people in this restaurant, all of them D-Grades. As the man spoke, everyone went silent and turned to look. Jack felt their gazes. He couldnt care less; all he cared about was the other mans challenge.

We can eat whatever we want, he replied. We dont have to flaunt our wealth like you flaunt your titles.

Oh? Do you mean my Eighth Ring Conqueror? the man shot back, laughing rowdily. I am proud of it, so I display it. Whats the issue? If you arent embarrassed, how about your display yours, too? As a disciple of the renowned Elder Huali, you will not have something worse than me, right?

Jack frowned. This guy wasnt even bothering to hide his intentions at all. Jack even got the urge to display his Ninth Ring Conqueror title and make this guy eat his words, but that was a secrethe wouldnt reveal it just over some childish taunt.

However, since he couldnt display that title, he had no good way of refuting the insult.

What am I, a circus animal? he replied with a snort. You think that I will do something just because you told me to?

I thought you would protect your honor. Then again, your cheap meal makes it clear that you dont care about appearancesunless, of course, you are just not willing to spend a lot for the average-looking woman sitting beside you.

The man pushed as far he could go. Since Jack didnt display his title, the muscular man naturally assumed that it was inferior to his, which gave him the high ground. He felt certain he would succeed in humiliating Jack right here, which was undoubtedly his entire reason for coming.

Jack frowned deeply. The other man had pulled all stops and deeply insulted both of them. He was just itching for a fight, at this pointand Jack was inclined to give him one. After all, if he backed down after such heavy insults, people would say that the disciples of Huali were cowards.

Auburn, he asked mentally, will something bad happen if I escalate?

Only if you lose, she replied quickly. But be careful. Hes strong.

Dont worry. So am I.

You are going too far, he said, glaring dismissively at the man. How about you shut the fuck up before bad things happen to you?

Oho. What bold words, my fellow cultivator. I was just pointing out some truths; how come you got angry?

Truths? All you were doing was pointing out your own flaws. You just told everyone that not only do you have terrible taste in women, but you are also vain enough to flaunt your wealth at someone you like, as you have no other way to impress them, and cheap enough to try and save money when dining with someone you dont like too much. These things make it pretty clear that you are a loser; and the woman beside you, a prostitute.

The entire restaurant had gone so silent you could hear a pin drop. People stared with their jaws hanging; a couple broke into snickering. The muscular man had gone pale as a sheet, while the sharp-nosed woman next to him was glaring at Jack so intensely that, if he wasnt an immortal, he would have gotten a headache.

Then, the man finally registered the extent of Jacks insults, and his entire face turned red with anger. He seemed ready to jump and come to blows.

You said too much, kid, he growled.

Oho. What bold words, my fellow cultivator. I was just pointing out some truths; how come you got angry?

Jack shot the mans previous back at him. More people snickered around the restaurant. This man had come here to create trouble, but he was the one getting demolished instead, while Jack just stood there with an innocent expression.

The surrounding snickers were the final straw to break the camels back. A brutal, explosive aura suddenly radiated from the muscular man, filled with explosive anger. Every snicker disappeared instantly.

The man stared deeply into Jacks eyes. Then, emphasizing every word with his barely contained anger, he said, You are courting death.

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