Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 238: The Coward

Chapter 238: The Coward

After finishing his passionate speech of why he was worthy, Jack caught Shol and Master Huali exchange a glance, but he couldnt read its meaning.

And what if I decline? Master Huali asked.

Then I will still cultivate as hard as possible, he replied immediately. I will sneak into the Animal Kingdom and fight them wherever I can. According to what I know, that should be the fastest way to cultivate. In the process, I will also look for more powerful allies to help me reclaim my planet. If I dont find any, then I will visit the planet at the end of the grace period, destroy all teleporters, and challenge the C-Grade planetary overseer. Win or losethat will be my fate.

She gazed at him deeply. You are determined, she said.

I am a fist. Forward is the only path I know.

She cracked a smile. Jack spotted it. She saw him spot it.

What do you think, Shol? she asked.

I think Jack is a horse to bet on, Shol replied confidently. He is a brilliant cultivator blessed with unstoppable drive, desperate circumstances, and the luck to get great Titles. If he doesnt perish mid-way, I believe he has good chances of reaching the C-Grade in his lifetime.

And what if he does perish? Master Huali retorted. He is desperate and reckless. He just described assaulting the Animal Kingdom as an early D-Grade. If he survives, maybe he will reach farbut will he survive? Or will he risk his life time and time again until something goes wrong?

Cultivators can only bloom on the knifes edge, master. You know that. With our faction backing him, he will have great chances of surviving and prospering. It is the correct investment to make. If the unfortunate still happens Well, we can only blame our luck.

Master Huali fell quiet for a few moments, contemplating. Jack held his breath. Finally, she said, Okay. Lets do that. Jack Rust, starting today, you will join our faction as an inner disciple and enjoy all the benefits that correspond to your position. Your brorilla will also join as an outer disciple. Furthermore, you will be my personal disciple, like Shol, and enjoy all the benefits of that position as well. As for your planet

Jacks breath caught on his throat, but he neednt worry.

While I had received orders from the Grand Elder to stay uninvolved, your strength and potential are simply incomparable to back then. Additionally, the Grand Elder passed away a month ago. Therefore, I see no problem with overruling that order. When the grace period is over, the Exploding Sun will send people to oversee the planet poaching of Earth-387, and if the Animal Kingdom has an issue with that, they can take it up with me. However, there are three conditions: One, you will survive until then. Two, you will not cripple yourself and ruin your future prospects. Three While I absolutely intend to save your planet, I will not harm my faction for it. I reserve the right to take back this promise in case of extraordinary circumstances. Are you in agreement?

Jack didnt think about it twice. This was a dream come true. Of course I am! he replied, bowing his head deeply, as he had when Shol had accepted him as a disciple. Thank you, master.

Master Huali, finally true to her title, nodded. She smiled. If there is nothing else

Actually, master, Jack said, looking forward to what was coming, there is one thing I forgot to mention.

Her gaze sharpened. Jack felt like he was trapped in the heart of a burning sun, doomed to melt away in eternity. Sweat formed on his brow, and he hurried to speak before they misunderstood completely. Its a good thing, I promise!

The pressure disappeared. Then, speak, Master Huali ordered.

About Trial Planet I didnt actually stop at Garden Ring. I conquered the Final Ring as well.

Silence. Both Shol and Master Huali looked at him like hed said he was a cat. What?

It is true.

That is impossible, Master Huali said, frowning.

Jack! Shol cried out. There is no need to lie to the master, let alone such a blatant lie! Master, I apologize, I dont know what

Scan me, was all Jack said. System, display my Ninth Ring Conqueror title. Hed hidden all his titles beforeanyone could do it.

Their gazes bore into him and the screen that appeared as they scanned him. In the next moment, their eyes went wide.

But Thats Shol was lost for words. Is that true!?

Absolutely, brother Shol, Jack replied with a grin. Seeing their shocked expressions, even of the high and mighty Master Huali, he couldnt help feeling smug. Next to him, Brock was standing with his chest puffed out, chin raised, and a triumphant glint in his eyes.

By the System Master Huali muttered, barely maintaining her composure. How?

By defeating the Final Guardian.

Her gaze burned him. I know that, Jack. Im asking, how did you achieve it?

I reached the apex of strength as an E-Grade, then got lucky.

He wasnt going to tell them about the Life Drop. That was a secret much more dangerous than his conquest of Trial Planet.

Master Huali narrowed her eyes, considering him fully for the first time. Everything up to now had been a regular day at the office for her. Now, things got serious.

Master! Shol exclaimed from the side. He conquered Trial Planet! My disciple conquered Trial Planet!

I thought I was your brother now, Jack joked.

Hush! You were still an E-Grade when you did it, so you were still my disciple. You cannot take that honor away from me!

Jack laughed freely. Though he still revered Master Huali, he felt more comfortable after impressing her like that.

This is terrific news, she said, nodding deeply at Jack. You were wise not to spread that information. I can take care of that. But Again, this is terrific news! If I didnt see the System title, I would never believe you Ive spent seven thousand years hearing how impossible the Final Guardian is. I faced him myself, once upon a time, and lost decisively. She shook her head. It appears you werent lying. Your potential really is impressive.

By the side, Brock puffed his chest out as much as he physically could. My bro, he said, as if that explained everything.

I want to hear it, Master Huali said. She was still reeling, but gradually pulling her composure back under control. Her eyes were filled with genuine curiosity and wonder. Your experiences in Trial Planet, what led you to the apex of strength, and how you defeated the Final Guardian. I had another appointment five minutes ago, but it can wait. Tell me everything.

And so, Jack did. He told them about his fourth Dao Root in the cave, his fight against the Final Guardian, and his breakthrough inside the Final Ring. The only things he hid were the Life Drop and the tribulationas he felt that the two were connected.

He also hid his title again.

Master Hualis eyes narrowed. You are hiding something.

I am not, master.

There have been people with four Dao Roots. None of them defeated the Final Guardian.

It was a terrible battleand I only won through a trick. The Final Guardian fell for a very desperate feint, and I was able to strike him with a full-power blow in the face. That is the only reason why I won.

And his Dao Domain? Did he not use it?

He did, but only at the very end. I countered it by expelling my Dao wildly for a few moments.

She stared at him with narrowed eyes. Once again, Jack felt naked before her sight but comforted himself with the fact that it was only an illusion. She couldnt read his thoughtsif she did, he could hide nothing, anyway.

Very well, she finally replied. Whether or not she believed him, she chose not to press the issue, for which Jack was very glad. Perhaps her excitement from recruiting the first conqueror of Trial Planet played a part. Taking you as a disciple is my pleasure, Jack. I look forward to seeing the heights you will reach. Now, if you would, please return to your accommodations. I have many meetings to hold and only limited timeand keep your achievement private for now, please. It can be used strategically to the benefit of all of us.

Of course, Master.

And rest well, Jack; your training starts tomorrow. Shol will see to it.

Yes, Master, Shol replied.

Goodbye, Brock said, waving at Master Huali. Being silent for so long had taken its toll on him. She nodded slightly in return.

As Jack was leaving the room, he didnt forget to hide his titles again. A moment later, a blue screen appeared before his face.

You have been invited to join the Exploding Sun (B-Grade). Do you accept?


Yes, he thought, still unable to believe he was finally here. Had he just saved Earth? Could it really be that simple?

Or, as always, would there be a catch eventually? Master Huali had mentioned extraordinary circumstances, and with Jacks luck, he felt half-certain they would somehow occur.

I will cultivate as hard as I possibly can, he thought, reaffirming his resolve. No matter what happens, I will be strong enough to handle it And now, I will have the resources of a B-Grade faction on my back. Even if she goes back on her word, I will still profit until then. He smiled. Woohoo.


Back on Earth-387, the professor was eating lunch when a blue screen suddenly appeared before her face.

Congratulations! Your faction leader has joined the Exploding Sun (B-Grade.) The Bare Fist Brotherhood is now a subordinate faction of the Exploding Sun (B-Grade.)

She paused, spoon half inside her mouth. What?

Is everything alright, professor? her assistant asked.

Yes, yes. Its just Her eyes glowed with moisture. My son is such a great man


Vivi was pacing up and down her throne room, getting a debriefing. As everyone on Earth leveled up, the remaining F-Grade dungeons were falling faster. The war had acceleratedand, along with speed, it had also become much more brutal.

We estimate there are only six hundred F-Grade dungeons left, Shemarke, a former lieutenant general and her main advisor, reported. At this point, we have to consider the pros and cons of sending E-Grades to conquer the dungeons. We lose out on the rewards, but we can claim resources faster and get ahead of the Ice Peak.

Vivi considered it. It had only been two days since she broke throughpushed to the brink by Edgar and Alexanders duel. After hearing news of her enemys victory and E-Grade status, the pressure had been enough to light the spark inside her. Now, she was the second E-Grade of their alliance.

Sending E-Grades will only lower Earths power in the long run, she said. We shouldnt ruin our future, if we can help it. Send a message to Alexander. Tell him we should sign a treaty that E-Grades are not allowed inside F-Grade dungeons. He will agree.

Commander! Shemarke exclaimed. This is the best time to push. We have two E-Grades to their one. We hold a temporary advantage.

We do not have two E-Grades, Vivi replied calmly. Edgar will not fight. Plus, his assault on the Ice Peak headquarters impacted their F-Grade forces. We can take them now. That is where our advantage lies, Shemarke, not the E-Grade. Not yet, anyway.

I understand, commander, but if the Coward can be convinced, our alliance can

You will not insult my brother in arms, she cut him off, glaring into his eyes. Shemarke held it for a moment, then looked aside.

It is not just me, commander. Everyone calls him that after the duel. It is his new moniker.

I dont care. You will not mention that in my presence. You will not mention it to any of our soldiers, either, and you will ensure that anyone who calls him that is punished. That will be your first task after leaving this room. Understood?

...Yes, commander.

Vivi sighed. You dont understand, Shemarke. You are not at the E-Grade yet, so how could you? Edgar is not choosing to stay cooped up in his forest. He is forced to. In fact, hes in the worst position of us all Her eyes went hazy for a moment before refocusing. But, lets return to the matter at hand. The professor has made me responsible for the dungeons, and I will not fail her.

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