Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 226: Goodbye, Trial Planet

Chapter 226: Goodbye, Trial Planet

Edgar was preparing for a celebration, hoisting little lights on trees, when the professor came running out of her house. Edgar! she shouted, frantic with joy. Look at the faction screen! Look at the faction screen!

Perplexed, he obliged.

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (D-Grade)

Leader: Jack Rust

Supervisor: Margaret Rust

Members: 793

Capital: Milky Way galaxy, Milky Way sector, Animal Kingdom constellation, Earth-387 planet, Forest of the Strong dungeon area.

D-Grade!? he exclaimed. Professor! Then, Jack

He broke through! she squealed in a way that didnt at all befit a woman of her age. Somewhere out there, he became an immortal!

Hah. Perhaps now he can buy the telepathy function, Edgar replied, laughing.

This is no joke, Edgar. We must celebrate! We must let the world know! Then, maybe

Suddenly, a shiver ran through them, like they were stared at by a beast. The professor looked around, lost, but Edgar immediately directed his gaze upward.

There, three hundred feet above ground, a man was held aloft by a pair of menacing ice wingsand, even from this distance, Edgar could sense the coldness in his eyes.

Sparman appeared next to them instantly. Oh wow, that guy sure looks angry, he said. But, uh, hes neither in the Forest nor threatening it. I cant do anything.

As they scanned him, everyones eyes widened at the same time. Alexander Petrovic had broken through.

Human (Earth-387), Level 50

Faction: Ice Peak (E-Grade)

Title: Planetary Torchbearer (10)

Shit, Edgar said.

Alexander suddenly roared out. His voice covered the entire forest, commanding every ear in a radius of multiple miles. Edgar Allano! he shouted, making sure to express all his rage. You attacked my faction and killed my people! You crushed my only son to death! I am here to restore my honor. Come out and face me!

Silence fell over the forest, with only the last of Alexanders words still echoing. Before they knew it, everyone turned towards Edgar, whose face was impossible to read. He did not reply immediately. Alexanders gaze bore through the trees to land directly on the wizard.

A moment later, Alexanders voice boomed again. Are you a coward, Edgar Allano? Are you going to hide behind women and robots? Here I am, alone over your headquarters, to take revenge for my son. Come out and fight me if you dare. I challenge you to a duel to the death!

The entire forest was rife with tension. Of the hundreds of people there, nobody knew how to react. Those in Edgars vicinity turned to looked at him, lost.

Dont go, said the professor. Its meaningless. Hes stronger than you.

Edgar chuckled darkly. A thousand thoughts were twisting around in his mind. He thought back to the destruction hed wrought on the Ice Peaks headquarters. The deaths and pain he had caused.

This wasnt just Alexander Petrovic. It was the consequence of his actions, the just retaliation for what he had done.

Can you imagine how the brorillas will look at me if I chicken out, professor? he asked.

Her eyes widened. Edgar! This is stupid! You cannot go! Its not just you; this concerns the future of our entire war! We need you. You cannot risk everything over childish provocations!

I know, professorand I apologize. Because I still must go.

This is idiocy! You are better than that, Edgar!

Edgar only smiled bitterly. He knew exactly how bad of an idea it was to go fight. He wasnt touched by Alexanders provocations, either.

But he still had to go. Because, in the very core of his being, a breathtaking magic core shone brilliantly. His magic was about wonder, beauty, and awe. And where were those feelings in chickening out of a fair duel? Alexander had every right to request this. His only son had been killed. Edgar had to take responsibility.

What sort of awe-inspiring figure could he aspire to be if he refused this challenge?

He had already betrayed his Dao once by assaulting the Ice Peak headquarters. If he did it again, his Dao Seed would crack, and his path would end forever. He would be stranded.

There was only one path of true magic at this point, and it included accepting this duel. Even if that meant breaking his previous promise of never fighting again.

One more he thought, sad for having to promise the same thing again. Just one final time, until the cycle is closed

The professor saw through his intentions, and she was livid. Sparman, however, shook his head at her, indicating that there was no point in arguing. Harambe burst from the trees just then, a herculean brorilla, and looked Edgar deep in the eyes. Whatever he saw there, he nodded deeply.

Im going, everyone, Edgar said. If I die, bury me properlyand give my apologies to Jack, for I could not protect what he left behind.

With those final words, he took to the sky.

Edgar and Alexander Petrovic, the only human E-Grades on the planet, faced each other in a duel to the death.


One day after his breakthrough, Jack Rust floated over a patch of grass in the Final Ring, which was already fully repaired from his battle against the tribulation. Old Man Spirit had gifted him a set of purple robes, which hung loosely over him like floating silk and left his chest exposed. His hair had regrown when he broke through, and his eyes, though currently closed, sparked in the darkness like hidden stars.

As he meditated, a purple aura spread from him with every breath, and anyone glancing at him would think they saw a clenched fist rather than a man. If a normal human stood beside Jack now, they would instantly fall to their knees and start worshiping.

A young brorilla was also sitting behind Jack, back-to-back with him. He was trying to fuse his new Dao Root of Densitywhen he succeeded, it would be his second one, raising him to the level of a human Elite.

Suddenly, Jacks eyes opened slowly, gleaming like stars. An old knight appeared before him out of thin air.

I have gathered the necessary energy, he declared. You are ready to teleport.

Jack nodded and stood up slowly. Since he could now survive long-distance teleportation, Old Man Spirit had agreed to teleport him all the way to the Exploding Sun constellation, from where he could easily reach the factions headquarters.

Since he liked Jack, the old man had also gifted him a small starship. It was nothing impressive, according to him, but it would let Jack travel between nearby planets.

Thank you, Old Man Spirit, he said, bowing his head slightly. Your assistance has saved my life.

Dont mention it, the old man replied, laughing. What sort of trial spirit would I be if I didnt favor the competent youth?

Jack smiled. Heh. I guess.

What are you going to do now? Save your planet, as you said?

Yes. I will first visit the Exploding Sun faction and see if they are willing to help. With my current strength, I believe they will jump at the opportunity.

As they should. The old man laughed.

I will also visit my master there, and see if they have anything else to offer me. After that His gaze darkened. There is another faction, the Animal Kingdom, which has been acting as tyrants. They have already tried to bully or kill me on multiple occasions. They are also the ones threatening my planet. Now that I have some real strength, I will not let that stand. In the few months before the grace period is over, what better way to level up than to wage war against a B-Grade faction?

Old Man Spirit laughed. Thats exactly how young cultivators should think! Good job, Jack. If you dont die, I believe youll make it far.

Only thanks to you, Old Man Spirit. Jack bowed again. I will remember your kindness. In the future, if there is anything I can help you with, dont hesitate to let me know.

Dont mention it. Its only natural for the old to help the young. Your success would be enough for me. He smiled. But if I ever need your help with anything, I will be sure to send you a message.

Returning your kindness would be my honor.

Brock also stood, nodding to Old Man Spirit and stretching out a hand, which the old man shook. Thanks, he said. You good guy.

Old Man Spirit laughed. You are welcome, Brock. You know, you are quite exceptional in your own right. As long as you keep training, I am sure you will soon blossom into your true potential. One day, you two might even be able to fight side-by-side.

Jack smiled warmly. I wouldnt have it any other way.

Brock laughed. Thanks, he replied.

Now, if youre ready, we can go, Jack said. Cultivation doesnt wait.

Of course. Just give me the signal. Ill let your friends outside know to meet you at the Exploding Sun faction, as you said.

Great. Were ready, Jack said, placing a hand on Brocks shoulder. Since they were spiritual companions, he could bear the full brunt of the teleportation, so Brock could join him. Goodbye, Old Man Spiritand thank you for everything.

Goodbye, Jack and Brock. May your adventures never end.

The old man waved a hand. Suddenly, Jack felt space collapse unstoppably around him. He thought hed be crushed to death. Then, his Dao Domain sprang to life, shielding them from the turbulations of space as he and Brock shot through the fabric of reality at tremendous speed.

For a moment, he couldnt believe they were finally leaving Trial Planet. It felt like theyd been there forever.

He remembered the ruined surface. The Giant Ring, where he and Brock had dressed up as giant ants to infiltrate an ant hill.

The Barbarian Ring, where hed met Nauja and her tribe, hunted down a live t-rex, and escaped Bocor.

The Ancient ruins, where hed inherited the Life Drop and the will of the Ancients.

The Village Ring, where hed reconvened with Gan Salin and defeated Bocor.

The Space Ring, where Brock had found his Trial, and where theyd surfed on a gigantic horde of space monsters.

The Labyrinth Ring, or Labyring, where he had journeyed together with Longsword and faced an immortal for the first time.

The Garden Ring, where hed risen in power, faced off against the Lords, won the Top Treasure, and developed his final Dao Root after cultivating alone in a dark cave for a month. Hed even released a devilwho knows what happened to that guy.

The Final Ring, where he defeated an immortal head-on, met Old Man Spirit, faced a divine tribulation, and finally became an immortal.

He couldnt believe Trial Planet was finally over. He had been through so much, met so many people, grown so fast Despite all the pain and danger, Trial Planet actually left him warm feelings in the end.

Heh. Would you look at that, he thought with a wry smile. How life turns

But all things came to an end, and if one walked the right path, only better things would follow. Jack had conquered Trial Planet, the galaxys greatest testing ground, and he was now strong enough to matter, to make a real impact. He was ready to fight the Animal Kingdom and protect his planet.

There would be no rules from now on, no tests or contests. The training gloves were off.

From now on, it would be war.

Bro, look! Brock said, snapping Jack out of his thoughts. He was using the Staff of Stone to point in the distance, and Jack followed it smilingly.

The feeling of teleportation resembled the one from when they came here with Gan Salin, but so much more vibrant. There was no protective force between him and the space between spaces, just his own Dao. It was the difference between holding your breath underwater and being in a submarine.

Stars shot past. Comets, titanic gas clouds, constellations, planets. An explosion echoed in the distance. A dark void surrounded them, and they were like a purple fist hurtling through infinite space. It was magical.

Jack and Brock were lost in awe. Time had no meaning. Finally, they reached the end. Space shuddered around them, and they were spat back out into reality, in the dark nothingness between celestial bodies. A green planet was visible in the distancetheir first destination, from where they could use Jacks new strength to access a teleporter and rush towards the headquarters of the Exploding Sun.

Brock was no immortal, so he couldnt survive alone here, but it easy for Jack to engulf him in his Dao Domain and protect him.

Jack reached for his starship. It had the ability to shrink itself to the size of a needle, so he had stored it in his new robes. Unlike his previous pants, these robes had pockets!

However, he paused mid-movement. He turned around to find another starship hovering just behind him, and three figures inspecting him from a hundred feet away. Each of them was garbed in black, with a cape stretching behind them. Their faces were covered by green, opaque veils that fell from their foreheads.

He recognized them instantlyit was the Hounds who had been chasing him ever since he left Earth.

Finally! one of them cried out. The diviner was right! You appeared right here, Jack Rust!

Jack scanned them.

Canine, Level 175

Faction: Animal Kingdom (B-Grade)

Title: Third Ring Conqueror

Canine, Level 178

Canine, Level 171

Since the D-Grade stretched from Level 125 to 250, these people were considered middle D-Grades. Normally, any one of them could easily overpower a low D-Grade, like Jack.

Of course, Jack wasnt your average low D-Grade. He had been able to fight at that level even before breaking through. Now, he was much, much stronger.

But they didnt know that.

Yup, you got me, he said, raising his hands. I surrender.

The three Hounds hesitated. He became an immortal, said the first.

Thats impossible, added the second.

And yet, its true, the third replied. Capture him first, ask questions later. The bounty will be ours.

Even though they could see he was an immortal, they didnt really fear him. After all, he was only Level 125, fifty levels below themthat was five hundred stat points.

They approached. One of them revealed a set of golden handcuffs that somehow felt blurry in Jacks Dao perception. He waited calmly until they were close enough. The leading Hound reached out to cuff him, not thinking for a moment to be on guard.

Jack punched out. A meteor was born, and it smashed into the Hounds chest, breaking all his bones and shooting him out like a meteor himself. In the same movement, he used a strand of his Dao to push Brock far backward, lest he be touched by the battles shockwaves.

As the other two Hounds reacted, Jack Space Walked right between them. One used Five Star Grasp on his back. Jack let it landthe fingertips sank two centimeters past his skin, but nothing that his regeneration couldnt handle. His left hand shot out faster than sound itself, penetrating the other Hounds chest and emerging from her back. He retrieved his hand even as the Hound floated helplessly in space, breathing her last.

In the blink of an eye, only one Hound was left. His face contorted in mindless fury, and he tried to use Five Star Grasp again. His Dao Domain was finally released, but Jacks met it evenly.

How!? the Hound shouted, flying backward. Panic was coloring his voice. How can you stop my domain? You are only a low D-Grade!

Well, size is not all that matters.

Jack took a step, and space warped around him. When he reappeared, he was behind the Hound, grabbing him by the neck.

You the Hound tried to say, but Jack tightened his grip. Bone bent, and the Hounds words were cut short.

Answer my questions, Jack ordered calmly. Who told you Id be here? And what happened to the Trampling Ram, the starship I was previously riding?

The Hound gurgled blood. His voice still came out, saying, The Animal Kingdom has its own diviners! As for that starship? Hah! We sent its captain to Hell!

Captain Dordok? Jacks gaze darkened with pain and fury. A purple aura emerged from his body, surrounding the Hound and drowning him. He was a good man.

Kill me if you dare! the Hound screamed. The Kingdom will know it was you. They will chase you until you die! They will kill your friends and family!

Jack smiled. Sure they will. You say they will know it was me who killed you?

Of course! The Kingdom knows everything!

Perfect, Jack rumbled. He pushed his Dao into his voice, sending it in all directions, echoing in space like the promise of a God. The Animal Kingdom has bullied me enough. Now, it is my turn. I dont care if they know, because Im coming for them anyway. Lets see how they like being bullied.

The Hound struggled to speak under Jacks tightening grip. You What are you saying? he shouted in incomprehension.

Is it not clear? Jacks voice became so loud it shook space itself. I, Jack Rust, will destroy the Animal Kingdom. I declare war!

The Hounds eyes shot wide open, but he had no time to speak. Jack tightened his grip. The neck in his hand groaned and cracked, then shattered in an explosion of bone. The Hounds head floated above his body, and the veil floated away, revealing an expression permanently frozen in horror and disbelief.

Declaring war on a B-Grade faction What madman would do that!?

Jack didnt collect the bodies or their starship. He let them hover there, a grim reminder of his resolve. He withdrew his own starship from his pocket, willed it to enlarge to its normal size, then went in with Brock and closed the door. Soon, they were hurtling through space.

First destination, the Exploding Sun faction. And then, until Earths grace period was upJack would harm the Animal Kingdom as much as he possibly could.

They had attacked him first. They had threatened him, his friends, his family, and his planet. And now, finally, no matter how many C-Grades and B-Grades they had, they would pay.

Because Jack Rust was coming for them.

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