Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 200: Tempted by a Devil

Chapter 200: Tempted by a Devil

Release me quickly, or I may reveal your secret to everyone. I promise to run away without harming any of you.

The devils words were scary, but intriguing at the same time. While everyone was still reeling from the revelation of the rabbits true identity, the sharpest cultivators turned to the Sage. He only smiled.

Reveal whatever you want, devil. I have nothing to hide.

The devil looked him in the eye for a moment. Its wrinkled gray face, with black eyes and sharp teeth, took on a calculating look. In the end, it didnt reveal any secreteither because it didnt know and was bluffing, or because it chose not to.

What bad luck is this For Earthen Unirabbits to still exist, and for me to run into someone who knows so much about them, it lamented. I have been trapped here for a long time, mortals. A very long time. Release me, and I will assist you in getting the Top Treasure or anything else you want. We can make a contract on your terms entirely, as long as I get my freedom. Im desperate.

Devil contracts are terrible ideas, the Sage informed everyone. Its best to let this one rot here for eternitybut, of course, this is your decision to make, my Lords. He turned to the three Lords and gave a slight bow.

For the first time, Jack sensed hostility in the Sages words. Did he have something against devils?

Suddenly, he realized that he, too, felt hostility. It was a feeling that came from deep inside him, stemming from the Life Drop that had fused with his soul. The devil feltwrong. Appalling. Like it went directly against everything the Life Drop represented.

He suppressed that feeling. He was the one in control, not the Life Drop. The sense of wrongness remained, but it was weaker now.

What is a devil? he wondered, keeping in mind to ask the Sage later. And what manner of creature is compelled to always keep their word? How does that even work?

The Lords looked at the devil, then each other. Its not worth it, Lady Minerva said.



Thankfully, all the Lords were smart, experienced people. None of them would complicate things without reason.

The devil hissed.

It really must be desperate, Dorman said, cupping his chin. Devils are supposed to be composed, but this one is steaming at the seams.

Jack laughed. I would be desperate, too, if I was trapped in a circle for eternity. Anyway, its as the Lords said. Best to let this one go. I have heard enough stories on Earth to not trust a devil.

As he said that, however, he realized something. If this devil had been trapped here since the creation of Trial Planet, it must have lived for over a million years. Just how strong was it before losing its powers!?

How about this?the devil tried again. I promise to serve whoever releases me for a thousand years. No hidden clauses, no questions asked. Short of harming or imprisoning myself, I will do anything.

No cultivator responded.

I could help you get the Top Treasure. Even become your familiar and help you defeat the Final Guardian, the devil tempted them again. Even with my powers sealed, Im far stronger than any mortal of this Grade.

That definitely tempted people. Even the Lords narrowed their eyes, trying to see through the devil.

Still a terrible idea, the Sage cautioned. False creatures like this are not to be trusted. A thousand years later, it will have found a way to restore its powers, and it will kill or enslave you and your entire factions. Taking this risk is absolutely not worth it.

But if you refuse me and someone else releases me, your lives could be forfeit much sooner, the devil insisted. Think about it. Even if you arent tempted by this Trial Planets greatest rewards, you cant possibly take the risk to leave me here. Any one of you could backtrack later and release me, then use me to slaughter the rest of you and emerge as a king.

Jack had to admit this made a bit of sense. Even he was tempted. His plan was to scrape up as many resources as he possibly could, then reach the C-Grade within a year. To achieve such an impossible goal, impossible measures would be needed.

Everyone had their hopes and dreams. Doubtlessly, the devils words tempted many.

How do we resolve this? Longsword asked, turning to the rest of the Lordsand the Sage. That thing is right. If we just leave it here, anyone can rescue it later. We cannot guarantee that nobody will be tempted.

Hmm Minerva and Priya seemed deep in thought, but none of them had an idea.

Its easy, too, the devil continued. Just wiping one of these runes or infusing the formation with your Dao will be enough to release me. Any one of you can do it with the snap of your fingers.

This is troublesome, indeed. The Sage nodded sagely. How about this? On the way out, I can lead us through a convoluted path, just as I did on the way in. Well end up where we started, on the right path, and nobody will be able to retrace our steps and reach this place.

Jack was floored by the Sages foresight. Even the Lords were. He had predicted all this and taken them here through a complex path that nobody could retrace. If he also led them out in another roundabout manner, reaching the spot from where theyd started, nobody would be able to rediscover the devils locationbesides the two guides. If someone felt tempted and ran back later, they couldnt find the devil. Even on the way back, they wouldnt pass by the devils location again, so nobody would have an opportunity to do anything. For all intents and purposes, the devil would be forever lost to everyone besides the Sage and the merfolk guide.

The Lords looked at each other and nodded. Sounds sensible.


Excellent! Nice suggestion, Sage, Longsword said with enthusiasm. I have to admit, you have surprised me pleasantly many times already. Is your Barren High open to a disciple exchange?

The Sage laughed. I will have to ask my master, Lord Longsword. In the meantime, I commend you for your wisdom. All three of you were able to resist the temptation. That is no small task.

Of course! What kind of idiot would let themselves be swooned by a devil?

Everyone knew that was an exaggeration. Many people would be tempted by power. Mortals, Lords, even immortals Desire could overpower wisdom, and temptation was the downfall of many. Jack didnt for a moment believe that the Lords were as steadfast as they showed. One or more of them were probably temptedand, if not them, some of the other cultivators present. The only thing stopping them was the presence of the other Lords. There was no need to risk everything for uncertain benefits.

Fine, the devils voice sparked with bitterness and deep hatred. Despair, even. Walk away, little mortals. Soon enough, one of you is going to release me. And then, they will have everything.

Nobody responded to the devil. They walked away. The Sage led the way, with the three Lords holding the rear, and soon enough, the magic circle was lost in the mist again. Everyone breathed a sigh of reliefbut the disaster that had almost occurred remained on their minds.

For Jack, the presence of the devil took a much longer time to disappear. The sense of wrongness and repulsion still lingered in his heart like a burning coal pointed towards the devil, a primal urge to slaughter and destroy it. No, it didnt come from his heartit originated from a specific part of his soul. The Life Drop.

What does this mean? Jack wondered. Does the devil have a special connection to the Dao of Life? Or to this Life Drop specifically?

Unfortunately, he currently knew too little about these subjects. He couldnt ask anyone either, just in case he revealed something about the Life Drop so he simply filed the issue away for future reference.

The Sage led them through a complex, winding path, back to where theyd started, where the merfolk had first sensed the devil and advised everyone to head over. They stopped following a roundabout route and kept walking deeper in the garden. Eventually, they were so far away that even Jacks odd feeling dissipated. The devil was now unfindable. They were safe.

As long as they kept an eye on the Sage and the merfolk, who could definitely return at any time he liked.

Hey, Sage, Jack asked when they were far away, what exactly are devils?

Creatures of extremity, thats what they are, the Sage replied with distaste. The natural state of the world is a balance between chaos and order. Each of us contains a mixture of both these elements, as does every Dao, animal, cultivator, plant, or even space monster in the universethat is the wider path of Life. Devils, however, are unnatural. When a Dao is pushed to the extreme and one of those components vanishes, there appear beings that should never exist. They are anathema to all life and should be exterminated on sight, if the circumstances permit.

You sound passionate.

As everyone should be. No good can come from the extremesavoid them at all costs. Just think about that devil. It lacks the fundamental ability to go against its word. Does that sound natural to you?

Hmm, Jack replied, nodding. There wasnt much else to say on the subject, but he felt this information was important, so he stored it safely inside his mind.

Over the next couple of days, Jack learned they were treading a narrow path between grave traps. The constant turns the Sage made werent random; they were dodging the areas of highest danger, resolving only the tamest of traps the Garden had to offer.

Still, they ran into plenty. Some traps were formations, like the first one had been. Others were trickier. One of them involved a walk through a maze of stacked cages. Each cage contained a sleeping animal, and the faintest sound was enough to stir them awake, sending them into a frenzy that quickly awoke every other animal in the mazeincluding a few King ones that were uncaged.

Thankfully, the maze was small, and the two guides quickly led them through it before anyone was harmed.

The Sage was at the front, leading them confidently. After failing to recognize the devil and almost dooming everyone, the merfolk guide had retreated behind the Sage and didnt dare make a peep.

The deeper into Trial Garden they journeyed, the harsher the traps became. Not every treasure hunter emerged unscathed. One lost his arm to a propeller of blades. Another died when Kareena failed to solve a formation. Thankfully, she succeeded on the second tryand the treasure hunter that tested that one was scared beyond his mind.

Overall, though, they remained safe. They had journeyed pretty deep by now; they would be arriving to the core of the Garden soon, where the Top Treasure awaited. On the way, they had run into ten trapsenough that Jacks turn had come again. Thankfully, he had emerged unscathed, and with a body-related treasure to boot.

It was a small vial containing the Muscle Throbbing Juice. The moment he rubbed it on his arms, he felt his muscles begin to throb as they gradually rose in power. He got thirty points in Strength from that. Not bad at all. Finally, one of his stats rose past four hundred.

Name: Jack Rust

Species: Human, Earth-387

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (E)

Grade: E

Class: Fiend of the Iron Fist (Elite)

Level: 97

Strength: 420

Dexterity: 390

Constitution: 390

Mental: 50

Will: 80

Skills: Ghost Step I

Dao Skills: Indomitable Body III, Meteor Punch II, Iron Fist Style II, Brutalizing Aura I

Daos: Perfect Dao Seed of the Fist (late), Dao Root of Indomitable Will (fused), Dao Root of Life (fused), Dao Root of Power

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (10), Planetary Torchbearer (1), Seventh Ring Conqueror

Suddenly, the mist thickened. It kept increasing in density until the sphere created by Lady Minervas spectral torch was just barely wide enough to fit all the cultivators.

Be careful, everyone, the Sage said. We must be appro

Suddenly, the mist disappeared. Jack had to blink a few times to realize what he was seeing. They had stepped out of the mist and into a large dome-shaped space. Mist surrounded it on all directions, but the other side was hundreds of feet away.

Everyone came to a slow stop. Lady Minerva deactivated her torch, which was no longer necessary. Welcome, everyone, she said, to the core of Trial Garden.

Woah, Jack said, and for good reason. The most impressive thing about the dome of clean air inside the mist wasanother dome, just inside it. Thirty feet ahead of them was a transparent dome of green energy, similar to the one around the devil. Inside that was yet another dome, this one blue and flickering. Five more domes spread between the cultivators and the center of the place, which housed a single, crooked tree that was only Jacks height.

That tree seemed small and ancient, as if completely devoid of energy and at the end of its life. Yet, from its branches hung a single fruita blood-red apple shining with such intense life energy that Jacks blood boiled even from this distance. He felt like a superhero. Like his chest and mind were both inflated, and everything about the world was clear.

The sensation passed after a moment, but the awe remained.

Is that he began, but didnt need to finish the thought. That fruit, hidden behind seven separate formations, was the Dao Sprouting Pill. The Top Treasure of Garden Ring.

The one that, according to Longsword, could help one reach the D-Grade.


The professor walked into the forest, whistling all the while. She was in a great mood. Edgar had broken through and was going to attack Ice Peak. Things were finally looking up.

They had to celebrate.

She burst into a clearing. Once upon a time, a goblin tribe used to stand here. Now, there was only the High Speed Bushand a robot.

Sparman lay on the grass, hands behind his head and enjoying the sun. The professor still didnt know how a robot could enjoy the sun, but it was certainly possible.

Sparman! she called out. The robot raised his head and sighed.

Get away, he said.

I need you for a moment. Can you help build a stage? Edgar broke through, and we need to celebrate.

Sparman scowled. I was ordered to protect the forest, not become a carpenter.

Its for protection. If we dont have a stage, our morale will drop, we will lose the war, and the forest will die!

She could see the robot try to go against its directives. She watched its inner struggle as, slowly but surely, it rose from the ground and paced in her direction. I hate you, he said.

Thank you.

But I hate my directives even more.

Thats good to know.

Sparman gave the clearing a final, longing look.

Dont be like that, she said, slapping its shoulder. It was harder than a diamond. You can be back here tomorrow.

Whatever. I guess this beats staying deactivated for years between Integrations.

The two of them headed towards the headquarters together. Sparman was complaining all the while, but the professor didnt mind.

She strongly suspected that Sparman was lying. His core directives didnt force him to help her with chores if she just called it protection and pulled her reasoning from the hair.

He just didnt want to admit he enjoyed it. But she had seen how his face looked every time he helped build stuff, spar against the brorillas, or teach the children about the galaxy.

At times, even a steel block of a face could express warmth.

You big softie, she thought with a smile. Of course you help with chores, because thats what family does.

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