Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 375: Greed and Catastrophe

Chapter 375: Greed and Catastrophe

As everyone pinned their hope on Issei, wishing him to master his power as soon as possible, there was no doubt that the vampire nobles that had been conquered probably had the most complex attitude toward Issei and his group. If it was before, they might not have said anything and even supported them since they had helped them kill all those who tried to harm the interest of the vampire.

However, what they didn't expect was that Issei, Gasper, and the others would try to conquer all of them and invite them to fight the alliance!

At this moment, all the nobles, whether they were part of the Camilla Faction or Tepes Faction, gathered together and talked about this problem as they feared that they would fight the alliance.

They might not join the alliance, but it didn't mean that they wanted to fight it!

Still, it was impossible for them to talk about this matter openly, especially when they could see Issei, Gasper from the future, Valerie, and those who returned from death were all so powerful!

So, in the secret room, all of them gathered and discussed the problems that had been weighing their minds.

"Queen, what should we do?"


Queen Camilla and King Tepes fell silent since they couldn't answer this question. They were all too weak, after all, and facing a mighty power, there was nothing that they could do.

"Do the alliance know about them?"

"No, they shouldn't know."

"We have been in isolation after all."

This was probably the best news that they had heard, and they were also glad that their vampire had always been in a state of isolation.

"I think that's the best, isn't it?"

"I agree."

All of them at that moment agreed that they just pretended that they didn't know anything. Anyway, the alliance didn't ask them, and Issei and his group didn't do anything, just staying in their place, training to become stronger. Whether it was the alliance or Issei and his group, they didn't want them to become their enemies.

"But is it really okay, Queen?"

"What do you mean, Elmenhilde?"

Elmenhilde Karnstein, a noble of the House of Karnstein, hesitated for a while, then said, "If we just pretend that we don't know anything, what will happen if the alliance knows that we have been hiding Issei and his group?"

"Then, what do you want us to do, Elmenhilde?!"

"Yeah, they are too powerful!"

"Especially that Gasper..."

Everyone was still shocked and shaken by Gasper's ability to stop the time. Moreover, Issei's aura was just too unbelievable. Frankly, they felt like it was better for them to support Issei and his group instead of the alliance, as the alliance only had several nonmain gods.

Their leader was Riser Lucifer, a devil whom they were looking down on. Yet, this was normal as they had never seen Riser and only stayed on their territory, ignoring the outside.

"Even so, he had defeated Buddha and those gods from Hindu myth."

"That's just the news; who knows the truth?"

Elmenhilde rolled her eyes, then said, "I don't want to say this, but can we really fight the entire alliance, and will this group of strangers help us? They are not vampires, after all."

When this question was asked, no one could say anything. Could they really trust Issei and his group? They weren't so naive to believe that they could entrust their life to Issei and his group. Instead, if a danger came, they wouldn't hesitate to abandon Issei and his group.

Yet, the question was their attitude.

If they reported Issei and his group to the alliance, then they knew that even if they didn't become members of the alliance, the alliance wouldn't mistreat them. Moreover, they also had to admit being a member of the alliance was great as they would be protected by anything. They didn't need to fear terrorist organizations, and they started a trade of culture, magic, technologies, and many others with other myths.

The benefits were so great that they knew that it was stupid for them to reject this offer.

If there was something that made them stop this, it was because they would definitely, under Riser Lucifer, whether it was Queen Camilla or King Tepes, not be their queen or king anymore. Moreover, they also weren't sure whether Riser would be fair to them. Even worse, they also had heard about Riser's hobby of sleeping with other wives and women, which was something that they hesitated about.

Still, sleeping with the wives and the women of others was nothing compared to many bad hobbies that evil beings usually had.

So, at this moment, all the nobles fell in silence and turned into their king and queen, wondering what their decision would be.

"To be honest, I want to believe in this group."

"This group?"

"You mean?"

"Yes, Issei Hyoudou."

Not only the queen and the king but also all of them wanted to believe in Issei and his group. They didn't know why they felt like this, but they felt like Issei was on the righteous side. They felt like they could believe in Issei and wanted him to be the real leader of the world.


"But I also don't want us to become the enemy of the alliance."

Yes, the alliance might not be like that on the righteous side, but it was more realistic.

The stronger got everything, and the weaker lost everything.

If they had joined the alliance when it was weak, it would have been great, but the alliance had become a behemoth that if they joined, they were nothing but just a side character, so there was no doubt many were jealous of the East Youkai Group, who had joined Riser from the beginning when he had nothing. Moreover, it was clear if they became the enemy of the alliance, they would be killed by Riser, like the Chinese and Hindu myths that were ravaged by him.

So, what should they do?

Should they bet on Issei and his group?

Or should they just give Issei and his group to the alliance?

After all, it wasn't bad to maintain the status quo.

As they had a hard time determining what to do, Riser had already arrived at the territory of the vampire, and without hesitation, he took all the people inside this territory into the space created by the "Duelist," "Dimensional Lost" and "Innovate Clear."

"Reality Phantasm."

At this moment, no one thought that they were teleported into a different dimension, especially when Riser used the "Area of Invisibility" ability, but it didn't matter since Riser had decided to erase all of them.

"Cardinal Catastrophe."

The sea of fire swallowed everything, burnt, and killed everything.

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