Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 366: The result is obvious, right?

Chapter 366: The result is obvious, right?

Regulus Rey Leather Rex.

This is the Sub-Species Balance Breaker of the Longinus Sacred Gear: Regulus Nemea. It is achieved when the lion is sealed inside Regulus Nemea; Regulus combines with his master, Sairaorg Bael.

In this form, Sairaorg was covered in golden lion armor, increasing his offense, defense, and speed to a drastic extent.

Still, the main ability of this "Balance Breaker" was to increase his defense, which made him relatively immune to a projectile type of attack and allowed himto focus on the physical battle.


Even so, it was a bit too late for him to use this form, and his body was wounded severely by Saji's attack.

Yet, even if he was in pain, he was grinning happily, like a beast.


Yet Saji also appeared vicious and charged forward Sairaorg!

Facing this invitation, Sairaorg was also charged forward.

A fist met a sword.

Their collision echoed through space and caused the earth to be gouged, the buildings crumbled, and trees were uprooted.

Everyone inside the battlefield quickly moved away from their battle, but even so, no one stopped fighting.

Still, there was no doubt that the protagonists of this battle were Saji and Sairaorg.

The fight is between the host Evil Dragon King, Vritra, Saji Genshirou, against the heir of the Bael House and the owner of the Nemea Leon, Sairaorg Bael.

The audience focused on their battle and couldn't look away as they were afraid to miss their fight.

Meanwhile, Sona and her peerage members mowed down all of Sairaorg's peerage members.

Yes, most of Sairaorg's peerage members have been taken down.

It couldn't be denied that Sairaorg's peerage members were strong, especially his Queen, Kuisha Abaddon, a member of the Abaddon House, which had the power of the "Hole," an ability that allowed her to create a hole-like portal anywhere she wished to.

Yet, even so, Kuisha was helpless against Sona's peerage members.

At this moment, Sona didn't even do anything, and she just let her peerage members take down the rest as she made various orders, depending on the situation. Nevertheless, her first target was those weaklings and supporting roles of Sairaorg's peerage members.

As for Kuisha?

They could leave her sooner or later; if Kuisha didn't want all of her friends to be defeated, she could only come.

While Sairaorg fought Saji, all of his peerage members were defeated.


Kuisha closed her eyes in regret as she watched Sairaorg's figure fight bravely against Saji.

Yes, Sairaorg was strong, yet a brain or strategy wasn't his virtue. His way of fighting had always charged forward with him as a leader, and then the rest followed him from behind.

Frankly, this strategy wasn't bad, and there were many who did so; even Riser also did the same.

However, this strategy had a big weakness, and that weakness was that this leader needed to be strong enough to defeat all of his opponents instantly.

Unfortunately, Sairaorg wasn't strong enough to do that with Saji.

Still, there was no doubt that Saji had a disadvantage, and the reason why he could hold on was all due to his guts!


Nevertheless, watching Saji fight with his everything, the rest couldn't bear it, and moreover, they had defeated the rest, which meant that they only needed to defeat Sairaorg.

Still, Sona shook her head and said, "Let's just wait. Let him fight." Frankly, she didn't care much about this man-to-man fight, but as Saji had worked hard, she decided to appreciate him even though she didn't think that he would be able to win.

Nevertheless, due to Sona's words, everyone waited and watched how the fight between Sairaorg and Saji was about to conclude.

As expected, Saji lost, but he hoped that his cool fight could be remembered by everyone.

Unfortunately, no one cared much about Saji's loss since they knew that Saji didn't die and he would be okay as long as he was teleported back to the infirmary. Moreover, with the current medical technology, it was impossible for him to die in his current situation.

Still, even though Sairaorg had defeated Saji, it didn't mean that he wasn't injured. His body was corroded by a curse, and many parts of his armor were broken by Saji's fangs. Nevertheless, facing Sona's group, he was calm and said, "You are kind to wait for me."

"Don't misunderstand. I respect my servant's choice, and since he wants to fight you alone, then I let him do so, but this is a battle after all. No matter whether you are fair or not, it doesn't matter as only the winner will be remembered."

"You are right."

This was easy to see since whether it was the original Lucifer, Sirzech, or many others, those who died were forgotten and even pictured as villains by the winner.

The winner took everything.

Yet, this was the natural law of this world.

"Then, come! I won't lose so easily!"

Even if he was surrounded by many, so what?

He wouldn't lose!

Yet, Sona didn't even bother to listen to Sairaorg's words and directly ordered her servants.

All of a sudden, Rena used her mocking gear, fair play, and multiple floating small satellites to shoot out beams of light toward Sairaorg.

Still, Sairaorg only shrugged off all of that attack.

"A long-range projectile is meaningless to me."

His Longinus allowed him to be protected by the long-range attack, but Sona only shook her head. Although the Regulus Nemea protected Sairaorg from long-range attack, it didn't mean that he was completely immune. As long as they drained his energy, that protection would disappear.



Sairaorg was startled since, all of a sudden, his senses were all messed up. He suddenly became blind; his nose smelled an intense disgusting scent, his ears were constantly attacked by annoying noise, and he could feel that his body seemed to touch something slimy.

Momo Hanakai also started to act by using her "Black Caviar" to cast an illusion on Sairaorg.

Sairaorg might be protected by a long-range attack, but what about an illusion?

Moreover, this wasn't all since Tomoe, Xenovia, Yura, Ruruko, Tsubaki, and Rossweisse also started to attack Sairaorg at the same time.

This was the difference between a beast and an intelligent creature.

If a beast could only move around using its instinct to fight, then the intelligent creature used their brain to fight.

Still, there was no way for him to lose!

The power of feeling... this was probably how one could become stronger.

So, at the time when Sairaorg was about to lose, he started another chant, yet


Sairaorg felt intense pain in his lungs before he was teleported and disappeared.


No one could say anything.

Everyone fell in silence, dumbfounded, as they realized how strong Lucifer's wife was.

"Th-The winner is Sona Sitri!"


Everyone cheered loudly, but a single stupid person ruined everything.

"That might be amazing, but I believe Sairaog is better, considering how he could show such strength."




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