Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 359: A dhampir who becomes stronger under the sun

Chapter 359: A dhampir who becomes stronger under the sun

"That's it?"


Everyone was dumbfounded by how easy it was for Riser to take out the Sacred Gear from Gasper's body.

"Did you feel anything, Gasper?" Rias asked curiously and with concern.

"Well... I don't feel anything has changed, Buchou. Except, I can't use my Sacred Gear." Frankly, Gasper didn't like his Sacred Gear that much, considering how it brought him a lot of trouble.

Nevertheless, after he took out a Sacred Gear from Gasper's body, Riser understood why Gasper could become the Super Devil, an existence similar to Sirzech and Ajuka.

The Sacred Gear on Gasper's body was only part of his power; the real power of Gasper was within his body.

'It seems there's a mutation in his body.'

Yet, Riser wasn't surprised since Gasper was part of the protagonist's group, so it was natural for him to have a surprise or not. Moreover, as a Dhampir, it was possible for many things to happen, such as a mutation.

Gasper happened to have a mutation, but whether this was a good mutation or not was a different matter, yet there was no doubt this mutation made him stronger.

Still, Riser didn't want to kill Gasper since there was no doubt that Gasper would become a powerful force for him, considering they might fight someone from the parallel universe or even another world.

Thinking about the future, Riser felt helpless since he really didn't have time to rest, which made him helpless.

"Anyway, I have taken out your Sacred Gear, so there is no need to worry about it." Riser looked at Gasper and asked, "So what kind of power do you wish to have, Gasper?"

"Eh?" Gasper was startled and asked curiously, "I can ask anything, Riser-sama?"

"It's not anything since I am not omnipotent enough to make you realize everything, but for one thing, if it's a physical ability, I should have everything."

"Physical ability? Then-Then... do you mean that I am going to fight by using my fists or something?" Gasper shuddered.

"You don't want to?"


Gasper fell in silence since if he evaded now, then how could he protect everyone? He didn't want to lose anyone again, so he wished to become stronger.

"R-Riser-sama, I-I want a power that can make me able to protect everyone and be brave."

"Protect everyone and be brave, huh? Aren't you a little greedy?"

"I-I am sorry!" Gasper bowed his head several times.

"It's okay. I am not angry, but use that power that I lend you to protect Rias and everyone else, okay?"

"Yes, Riser-sama!"

"Now accept."

While everyone was confused about what Riser was going to do, Gasper suddenly felt an incredible force entering his body. At noon, when his power was at its lowest due to his Dhampir heritage, this feeling of weakness disappeared. Instead, he felt that he had become so powerful and somehow felt confident.

The weak and small Gasper somehow disappeared, and the muscular and manly Gasper appeared before everyone.

"...." Everyone.

Whether it was Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, or even Kiba, they opened their mouths so wide that they were unable to say anything.

Still, watching this Gasper, Riser thought that the person who had stopped his attack when he was about to kill Cao Cao was really a Gasper from the future.

"This power is...?" Gasper marveled at the boost in his power, and somehow, he felt so confident that it was like he could do anything. The cowardice in his mind disappeared, and he felt so happy.

If there was a problem, it was the fact that Gasper was still wearing a female uniform when his body grew into a muscular state.

"That's my ability, Sunshine. I lend it to you."


"Oh? It's like Otou-sama?" Akeno was surprised.

"Yes, it is similar to the power that I lent to Baraqiel."

"What is this power about?"


What was this?

"It's a power that makes you stronger under the sun."



They didn't know what to say since, as a Dhampir and a Devil, the sun was Gasper's weakness. If possible, he wanted the day to be nonexistent, so when he gained a power that made him strong under the sun, it made him a little complicated. Yet, when he thought about the brimming energy in his body, he felt that it was okay.

"Though, if you can develop that power further, it is possible for you to become stronger all the time."

"Really, Riser-sama?"

Gasper's voice was quite heavy and strong when he was in this form, so Riser had to say it felt creepy when Gasper talked cutely.


With "Ruler," it was possible to change the effect of "Sunshine" into a "Midnight," but it was better for Gasper to learn those things by himself as he had given him power.

Riser wasn't Gasper's babysitter, and he wasn't going to take care of him all the time.

"Thank you, Riser-sama."

Still, that didn't mean it was over, as Riser took out the Demon Swords he took from Sigfried. "Kiba, you can have them."

"Eh?" Kiba was surprised and asked awkwardly. "Is-Is this okay, Riser-sama?"

"Whether my peerage members or I don't need them. You can use them."

Kiba didn't dare to accept Riser's rewards immediately, even if he wished to, so he looked at Rias.

"You can take them, Kiba." Rias nodded.

"Thank you, Riser-sama."

Watching Kiba accept the Demon Swords, Riser wondered what would happen if, in the future, Issei appeared once again, but it didn't matter as Kiba was weak. Rias and all the female members of Rias' peerage didn't care much about Kiba and Gasper, but if he could be used by him, then why not?

Still, he noticed that Rias and the others were staring at him.

"Cough! Cough! Rias, there are a few things that we need to discuss. Something important."


Rias was speechless, but she decided to follow him anyway.

Except for Gasper and Kiba, all of them followed as they had something important to discuss with Riser.

Nevertheless, everything was already within the place, and he had taken almost everything, so with the world that was almost dominated by him, how could Issei fight?


After fierce discussions with Rias and others, Riser shared some of his abilities with his women before he returned to the Underworld as he needed to do his job as the Lucifer, and also checked on the training of Sona and her peerage members, but somehow, he happened to meet Irina.

"Ri-Riser-sama... can I ask for your help for a moment?" Irina asked nervously with a cute blush on her cheeks.

"..." Riser.

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